Description Every group of students needs to work on the case assigned to it. Students need to read their case attentively, understand it, and analyze it according to the guidelines below. - Every group will have to present his case analysis in class in the specified dates. Format 1. Introduction: A bricf OVERVIEW of the company (vision, mission, year of establishment, products, markets, industry and competition, main achievements, strengths and weaknesses, cte,). 2. Identify and briefly explain the core IDEA focused in this case (Note; the IDEA can be an issue. cvent, situation. process, product, stratcgy, ctc.). 3. Explain how does the IDEA focused in this case AFFECT the company OR how it IS IMPORTANT to the company. 4. Explain the PROCESS or STEPS followed by the company while addressing this IDEA. 5. Identify the key CHAL.I. ENGES facing the company while addressing this IDEA. 6. Discuss SWOT analysis and PORTER's five forces model that were covered in class. - Case 1: Lookout: Visionary Entrepreneurship in a digital world. - Case 2: The Indus Hospital: Building surgical capacity in Pakistan. - Case 3: Apple Health kit: Upgrading to stay competitive - Case 4: Walmart: on Expansion spree through primary healthcare 7. CONCLUSION: SUMMARIZE the case and draw necessary LESSONS. Report Format Title page Table of Contents Introduction (overview of the company) Main body: (core idea, affectimportance, processisteps, challenges, SWOT and Porter's model) - Conclusion (summary, lessons, recemmendations) References (if any) Report guidelines 1. Assignment should be done in a group of 34 only. 2. Delivery: You should upload the assignment through MOODLE 3. The assignment report shall have minimum 2000 whods eheluding: couer pose. content table and references if there is arw. 4. The assignment will follow a presentation also Presentation guidelines - Use power point (PPT) - Equal division/sharing of presentation roles among students. - Duration of the presentation: 20 minutes for each group. - Presentation will be followed by a Q\&A session (Question/Answer). - Students must show good understanding and teamwork. Due date: May 8, 2023