Determine Styka Repair Shop's current liabilities as of Dec. 31, 2014.
Identification and Evaluatinn at Current Liabilities PI. Stan Styka upened a small dryer repair shup, Sty-ha Repair Shop, {11.1 lanuary 2, 2D 14. The she-P alsu sells a limited number uiiclryer parts. In January 2015, Styka realized he had never led an}.r tat repurts fur his business and thereFure prubably uwes a eunsid- erable amnunt til taxes. Since he has limited experience in running a business, he has bcrtrught yuu all his business recnrds, including a chechhu-uh, canceled Ithelelis1 depnsit slips1 suppliers1 insultes, a nuliee ufannual property taxes (ll-$2131!\" clue to the cit}; and a prvl.lun'1isst1r3.r nnte I1: his lather-in-Iaw I'iir $2,501]. He wants you tu determine what his business uwes the gtn'ernrnent and uther parties [but not ernpltn'ees}. You analer all his reetirds and determine the JllIIWiIIE as ninecember 31, 2014: Unpa'd invuices fordryerparts E'- 9M0 Parts sales [excluding sales tax] 44.23\"] Custnfpertssuld 31.125 Wudeers'salan'es 1m Repair rewnues 50.31}!!! CLII'E'II assets 16.3130 Drya' partsirr'cven'tnnrg.r 11350 You learn that the cserrnpnn}.r has deducted $4135 Irum the twu emplv|.rj,.'ees1 salaries iiir li:deral inL'tll'l'lc taxes L'FWEL'l. to the government. The current Sticial Security" tat is 5.2 per- cent un rna_'r.imum earnings L'l'fS-IIUJD'I] [hr each empleryee1 and the current Medicare tax is 1.45 Percent {nu maximum earnings]. The FUTA tax is 5.4- percent tn the state and .3 percent tn the Federal gm'ernment Din the first $T1DDU earned I11,- eaeh emp-Itiir'eeI and each empltn-'ee earned. mute than $T1WU. Styha has nut Iiled asales ta: repurt 11: the state [5 percent {ifsalesl Colorado Christian Univeristy ACC202A - Principles of Accounting II Chapter 11 12th Edition Work Papers Student Name: Dawnine Martinez SE5. Types of Liabilities 1a 4a 2d 5b 3a 6d iveristy ccounting II Work Papers Dawnine Martinez 7c P4. Identification and Evaluation of Current Liabilities 1. The current liabilities of Styka Repair Shop as of December 31, 2014, are as follows: Accounts payable Notes payable Property taxes payable Sales tax payable ( Social Security tax payableemployees ( Social Security tax payableemployer ( Medicare tax payableemployees ( Medicare tax payableemployer ( State unemployment tax payable ( Federal unemployment tax payable ( Federal income tax withholding Total current liabilities $44,270 as follows: 0.05 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 2,213.50