Dev C++ class diagram
tass diagram Separate the class definition from the class declaration within the same file. Accomplish the following tasks in your program. Write your code in the provided codebase program. Note that, some of the code has been given in the codebase program. a. Complete the declaration of all classes. b. Define all the methods of the class Mentor. c. Define all the methods of the class Coach. (12 marks) ( 2 marks) (5 marks) (5 marks) (14 marks) d. Define all the methods of the class Support. e. Define all the methods of the class Mentee. f. In the main function, create several objects as follows: a coach-based mentor, a support-based mentor, an array of mentees. Set the objects with the sample data given in Table 1. (6 marks) 5. Implement the class diagram in C++. Separate the class definition from the class declaration within the same file. Accomplish the following tasks in your program. Write your code in the provided codebase program. Note that, some of the code has been given in the codebase program. a. Complete the declaration of all classes. b. Define all the methods of the class Mentor. c. Define all the methods of the class Coach. d. Define all the methods of the class Support. (12 marks) (2 marks) (5 marks) (5 marks) (14 marks) e. Define all the methods of the class Mentee. f. In the main function, create several objects as follows: a coach-based mentor, a support-based mentor, an array of mentees. Set the objects with the sample data given in Table 1. (6 marks) Table 1: Sample data Mentee's name Abdul Samad Siti Nurdiana Jazlan Kamal Mentee's Mentor Mentoring Type Level 2 Ahmad Kamal Coach-based CPA: 3.87 Expertise: Web Programming 1 -Not assigned yet- 1 Siti Aminah Support-based CPA: 3.98 Phone : 013-89001000 2 Ahmad Kamal Coach-based CPA: 3.87 Expertise: Web Programming Omar Abdullah g. Using a loop, print the list of mentees you created in 3(t). The output should look like as in Figure 2. (2 marks) (1 mark) h. Remove or unassign the mentor from the last mentee. 1. Using a loop, print the updated list of mentees and their mentors. Print only the names. See Figure 2 for the expected output. (3 marks) Student name Abbreviations: D: name I: level m: mentor e: et expertise phone Studenten) getName setName printo Mentee Mentor level cpa Mentorn, c) Menteen. 1) assignMentor(m) removeMentor printo getMentorName) printo Coach Support phone expertise Supportin Coachine print pont Figure 1: Cles diagram agny Table 2: Description of the manber of each class Description Student'anam Claus Members aus Student name Student getName (and BetName() A constructor Accessor and mvutator to the attribute. print() prints the student's information dass Mente level The class attribute indicating the level of progress for each mentee. There are five levels, from 1 to 5, where levels indicates mastery level. Mentee (1) A constructor assignMentor remove Mentor getMentorName() assigns a mentor to mente unassigns or removes the mentor from a mente. retums the mentor's name of the mentce. However, if the mentee has not been assigned with any mentor, this method will retuman empty string print prints the mentee's information including: name and level mentor's details depending the type of the mentor, 1.c. either a coach mentor or a support mentor. However, if the mente has not been assigned with any mentor message "No mentor yet" will be printed instead class Mentor cpa Manter print Mentor's cpa A constructor print the mentor's information class Coach export The mentor area of expertise that he or she can be aching.. Programming Ciame Programming Cone A constructor PE print the head mentor inform cluding med expense dass support phone Support print() The mentor's phone number A constructor prints the support bused mentor's information including name, pa and phone Initial list of students along with their mentor 01 Menter's Name 1 Abdul Samad Menter's Level 2 Mentoring type 1 Coach-based Mentor's Name Ahmad Kanal Mentor's CPA 13.07 Mentor's Expertise Web Programming * Mente tan Siti Nurdians Mentes Level 11 or yet Output of question 3 Mences and Jalan Kamal te's Level 1 Mentoring Type 1 support and Pos1 SES Asia Mont CPA 9. Men's Thonet 001000 Monte Nation en Level 3DS Barth to the Posti wie Preise Cup of 30 AT pata F Figure 2i Hutamatot