Discussion questions
77 Chapter 3 . Communication Ethics ment decision to close the facility? What other want to close the Nyloncraft Learning choice did the company have? What other Center. But, increasingly, I saw fewer alter- choice did the parents have? Quality daycare natives open to us." was in short supply in the local area, and time Lohman began to think carefully about was running out on Jim Lohman. The board of the decision alternatives available to him and directors wanted an answer from him soon. the audiences that would be most affected by The two most troubling questions were his choice. Looking after the children of those deceptively simple: What should I do about few employees who still used the Learning the Learning Center, and how should we Center would be neither difficult nor expen- sive. But how would others react to a manage- communicate our decision? DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What ethical obligations, if any, did Excel 6. Since it became apparent to Mr. Lohman that the Industries have to the women who were Nyloncraft Learning Center could no longer be employed there? economically justified, what ethical obligations 2. Is an employer obligated to provide daycare did he have to the women whose children were for its employees' children? enrolled there? Do Mr. Lohman's responsibilities 3. What obligations does the firm in this case to employees of the firm exceed those to women have to the community? Having once opened who are not employed by Excel Industries? its doors to the children of nonemployees, was 7. What role should corporate public relations and the firm obligated in any way to continue the public news media play in communicating caring for them? this decision to Excel Industries employees? 4. Could a firm, such as Excel Industries, side- What role should they play in communicating step ethical issues associated with daycare altogether by recruiting either male employ- the decision to the community at large? ees or women past child-bearing age? 8. What vested interest do you suppose the com- 5. What responsibilities does Mr. Lohman have as munity has in the continued operation of the chief executive officer to the shareholders and Nyloncraft Learning Center? Do any recipro- debtholders of Excel Industries, Inc.? Does his cal obligations exist between the community obligation to maximize shareholder wealth and and the employers for the proper care, feeding, minimize debtholder risk conflict with an obli- and education of preschool children whose gation to provide a safe, comfortable working parents are employed in the community? Has environment for female employees who may Excel Industries violated any "unspoken pact" be concerned about child care? between management and its workers, or between the company and the community? WRITING ASSIGNMENT Please respond in writing to the issues presented in this case by preparing two documents: a communi- Either way, you must prepare a strategy memo cation strategy memo and a professional business addressed to Jim Lohman that summarizes the details of the case, rank orders critical issues, letter. In preparing these documents, you may discusses their implications (what they mean and assume one of two roles: you may identify yourself why they matter), offers specific recommendations as an Excel Industries manager who has been asked for action (assigning ownership and suspense dates to provide advice to Mr. Lohman regarding the for each), and shows how to communicate the solu- issues he and the company are facing. Or, you tion to all who are affected by the recommendations. may identify yourself as an external management provide advice to Mr. Lohman. You must also prepare a professional business consultant who has been asked by the company to letter for Mr. Lohman's signature. That document may be addressed to parents of children attending