Discussion Topic This discussion is an exercise in self-reflection regarding your self-awareness. Being more aware of habit patterns - both positive and negative is a characteristic of a successful student. Identifying potential ways for change, as needed, is as well. It is a chance to revisit accepting responsibility, the Creator mentality, your motivating factors, usage of time-management tools and your efforts in increasing your support network. 1. Reflect: How accurate have your expectations been about your courses and studying to this point? What has been surprising, unexpected, or especially challenging? Have you met your own intentions of how you would be doing? How well have you been keeping up-to-date with your reading, homework assignments, personal study time, preparation for tests, etc. in each of your courses? Select 2-3 points from this reflection to share with your classmates. 2. Plan: What do you want to keep doing and what changes do you need to make to stay on course towards success? When and how will you begin? How will adapting in this way potentially benefit your personal wellness? What about your stress management? Be specific in your responses. 3. Evaluate: What personal rules do you have that dictate the choices you make daily? Which of these rules help you create high self-esteem? Have you found any ways to combat any selfdefeating habit patterns from chapter 6 you may have that holding you back from success? 4. Write: Writing your own rules shows rules followed over time become habits and helps to identify and modify self-defeating habits and rules. Finish the follow sentence stems: One habit I have that supports my success is ... One habit I have that hinders my success is... One habit I would benefit from having is ... One soft skill that supports my success is... One hard skill that supports my success is... 5. Bringing it all together: How might completing this type of reflection contribute to your success as a student? When you have your answers ready, hit Reply and post below for your classmates to see. Remember to then read and reply to at least two of your classmates' posts