Document - Word Search References Mailings Review View Help Table Design Layout - Emphasis 1 Heading 1 Heading 2 1 Heading 3 1 Normal Strong 1 Subtitle Paragraph Styles A factory intends to produce different types of furniture, simple, classic and elegant. The wood and labor required for each type of automobile and the profits to be obtained from each furniture are given in the table below tree labor simple 2 30 1500 classical 3 25 3000 elegant 5 40 4000 12.000 120.000 profit In order for furniture treatment not to be economical, the amount of furniture to be treated should be at least 1000 pieces in other words, either a small piece of furniture of one kind cannot be traded or 1000 pieces and more can be traded. In the case of a Yise berkangi fumiture pie trec, it is necessary that he cannot get some additional equipment. Therefore the fixed cost of 50,000 TL per piece of furniture to be treated is 8z free At this stage, we do not create an integer programming model that will maximize your company's profits (50 Puas) Nor There is no need to solve the question in this question. Only model Document - Word Search References Mailings Review View Help Table Design Layout - Emphasis 1 Heading 1 Heading 2 1 Heading 3 1 Normal Strong 1 Subtitle Paragraph Styles A factory intends to produce different types of furniture, simple, classic and elegant. The wood and labor required for each type of automobile and the profits to be obtained from each furniture are given in the table below tree labor simple 2 30 1500 classical 3 25 3000 elegant 5 40 4000 12.000 120.000 profit In order for furniture treatment not to be economical, the amount of furniture to be treated should be at least 1000 pieces in other words, either a small piece of furniture of one kind cannot be traded or 1000 pieces and more can be traded. In the case of a Yise berkangi fumiture pie trec, it is necessary that he cannot get some additional equipment. Therefore the fixed cost of 50,000 TL per piece of furniture to be treated is 8z free At this stage, we do not create an integer programming model that will maximize your company's profits (50 Puas) Nor There is no need to solve the question in this question. Only model