Dont change main method and use only specified methods in the instructions given below.
project 2: "Dealing a hand of 5 cards". due Friday (Nov 9) Needs to be turned in via e-mail before class on Friday. Additionally, a printout of the program should be turned in in class. In this project you will write a Java program that deals cards for the game of poker. The program does not have to play poker yet-just deal a 5-card hand and identify all the cards by name This project incorporates a couple of new concepts for us: arrays and switching, as well as uses a shuffling algorithm we covered in class. For this project you do not really need to know how to play poker. You just need to remember what the standard deck of 52 cards looks like and what are the names of the cards, and the suits, as well as the standard order of cards (rank). Here's a Wikipedia article that describes For the next project you would need to know the standard poker hands and how to rank them (but not for this project). If you do not remember or are unfamiliar with poker hands, here's a link to a Wikipedia article: of poker hands, although you don't need to know that for this project. YOUR PROGRAM Your program should have several methods (described below) that allow you to initialize the "deck of cards, shuffle the deck dear a 5-card hand, and the main part- identify the cards in your hand. of aiio(9 38 13 46 43 ) of Spades of Diamonds In your main() you should have a o you want to play again? CY or N): Y game loop that after each deal asks the player if she wants to continue. Within the loop, the program should shuffle the deck, "deal one hand and correctly name each card in your hand, printing them out. You can see a possible output of this program to the left hand: (22 33 46 21 14) of Diamonds ubs amonds Diamonds o you want to play again? CY or N): Y hand: (9 23 32 8 27 of Hearts Most of the functionality of the project amonds ades earts should be moved to the methods. In your main ou should cal these methods as much as possible, so the main itself is easy to read and understand o you want to play again? (Y or N): N ress any key to cont inue