Dorsey L.|u'|dsoiapeI Inc. Case Study This case study must he completed in Excel or odler spreadsheet proyarn using the formats provided in this workbook. Dhjectitres: 1. Practice the steps implied in the Accounting Cycle 2. Practice electronic spreadsheet skils a. Formulas b. Linking worksheets 3. Pract'ioe using yisulalization to share results Instructions 1. Using the Chan olAccounts provided. record tlte transactions in the General Journal. Do not add accounts. 2. Postthe General Journal entries to the General Ledger. 3. Prepare the Unaciusted Trial Balance in the Trial Balance tab 4. Journalists arty adjusting entries in the General Journal and post in the lIB-eneral Ledger. Show your calcuatjons for the adjusunents in the Adjustments tab. 5. Prepare the Adjusted Tr'lil Blanoe in the Trial Balances tah. .Also hands the Income Statement and Balance Sheet on the Trial Balance Worksheet. 0. Prepare the Income Statement. Statement of Shareholders' Equity. and Balance Sheetlor the period ending April 30. 2010 in the appropriate tabs. Ignore the effects o1 income tax. it". Prepare an appropriate data visualization at nancial results [either income statement or balance sheet]- B. Prepare and postthe closing entries for the month endedApril 30. 2015. B. Note the following additional information: 1. The business began onApri 1. 201B 2. The period under consideration is April 1. 2010 -Apri 30. 201B. 3. For the purposes ol thII assignmertt. ignore the eeots of income tat-2. oropertytax. sales tax, and payroll tart. 4. Straight-line depreciation method is used. 5. DnApri 30. 2015. the company had 5150 oi Office Supplies and $050 of Lat-m E Garden Supplies on hand. 0. The telepl'mne bt'll forApriI 2015 for $260 was received May 2010. i". The utility bill forAptil 2010 for $105 was touched May 3115. B. For the purposes o1 thII assignment. considerthe note payable for the ock purchase to be a current liability