Dr. Theodore E. Lariat is a single taxpayer born on September 22, 1973. He lives at 45 Mountain View Dr., Apt. 321, Spokane, WA 99210. Dr. Lariat's Social Security number is 775-88-9530. Dr. Lariat works for the Pine Medical Group, and his earnings and income tax withholding for 2021 are: Dr. Lariat owns a rental house located at 672 Lake Street, Spokane, WA 99212 . The house rents for $1,000 per month and was rented for the entire year. The following are the related expenses for the rental house: The house was purchased on July 5, 1986. Dr. Lariat handles all rental activities (e.g., rent collection, finding tenants, etc.) himself. He spends about 10 hours per month on the rental. In 2021, Dr. Lariat sold his primary residence as he wished to move to an apartment to avoid the maintenance and upkeep of a single-family home. Dr. Lariat's home sold on February 12, 2021 for $345,000 net after commissions. He acquired the home on June 3,2003 for $260,000 and had made improvements of $10,000. Dr. Lariat did not receive an EIP in 2021. Required: Complete Dr. Lariat's federal tax return for 2021. Determine if Form 8949 and Schedule D are required. If so, use those forms and Form 1040, Schedule E (page 1 only), and Form 8582 (page 1 only) to complete this tax return. Do not complete Form 4562 for reporting depreciation. Dr. Theodore E. Lariat is a single taxpayer born on September 22, 1973. He lives at 45 Mountain View Dr., Apt. 321, Spokane, WA 99210. Dr. Lariat's Social Security number is 775-88-9530. Dr. Lariat works for the Pine Medical Group, and his earnings and income tax withholding for 2021 are: Dr. Lariat owns a rental house located at 672 Lake Street, Spokane, WA 99212 . The house rents for $1,000 per month and was rented for the entire year. The following are the related expenses for the rental house: The house was purchased on July 5, 1986. Dr. Lariat handles all rental activities (e.g., rent collection, finding tenants, etc.) himself. He spends about 10 hours per month on the rental. In 2021, Dr. Lariat sold his primary residence as he wished to move to an apartment to avoid the maintenance and upkeep of a single-family home. Dr. Lariat's home sold on February 12, 2021 for $345,000 net after commissions. He acquired the home on June 3,2003 for $260,000 and had made improvements of $10,000. Dr. Lariat did not receive an EIP in 2021. Required: Complete Dr. Lariat's federal tax return for 2021. Determine if Form 8949 and Schedule D are required. If so, use those forms and Form 1040, Schedule E (page 1 only), and Form 8582 (page 1 only) to complete this tax return. Do not complete Form 4562 for reporting depreciation