Dragged Out of Their Seat The Situation United Airlines had noticed customers posting videos across multiple media outlets showing airport police dragging a passenger. Dr. David Dao. off a United Airlines flight. Dao appeared to have a bloodied face. The airline defended its actions. stating that it was customary practice to remove paying passengers on full flights so that offduty crew members. needed at the flig ltt's destination, could have a seat. United reported that passengers were asked if they would voluntarily give up their seat for compensation, and three passengers agreed. But four seats were needs :1, so the airline moved to its next action in their protocolasking passengers to leave the plane. Dao reportedly was asked. and when he refused. the airline instructed airport security to remove him. United CEO lUscar Munoz immediately issued an apology. saying that it was unfortunate that sometimes 'we have to re-accommodate customers." One woman reacted to this statement by posting on Twitter. 'Nice to know that re-accomrn odate on United now means 'drag you violently out of your seat." A few hours after United EEG scar Mu noz's initial apology. the company seemed to go on the offensive when it circulated a letter in which Munoz appeared to blame Dao. saying he defied the officers. Finally. a few days later. the airline changed its position once againr when Munoz stated that 'United would take full responsibility for the situation.' He also pledged that the company would conduct a full review of its policies in re-aocommodating paid passengers to give off-duty crew members their seats and its interaction with law enforcement agencies within a few weeks. The company subsequently issued a report stating that the incident involving Dao \"was a failure of epic proportions that's grown to this breach of public trust. We get that. We let our policies and procedures get in the way of doing the right thing.\" INSTRUCTIONS 1. Create a public announcement from Uscar niunez. 2. Include both negative and positive elements as stated in the case. 3. Think of how your words will win back customers. Ir Minimum 25D Maximum 35!] words - Proper paragraph;Ir sentence structure I No Bullet points I Be prepared to appoint someone in your group to present the announcement