Due Wednesday, Jan 10 by the start of class Goal: Your assignment is to write a C++ program to read in a list of phone call records from a file, and output them in a more user-friendly format to the standard outpat (cout). In so doing, you will practice using the ifstream class, 1'O manipulators, and the string class File format Here is an example of a file containing three phone call records phonelog1.txt - Notepad File Edit Format View Help 20180105110054 +12062812000 5912 20171210091233 +33140205990 364 20171129145316 +85223677065 180 Each line records one phone call. As you can see, each line contains 3 different fields: start, E.164, and duration Here is an explanation of these three fields: Start A 14-digit field gn ng the year, month, day, hour. minute, and second when the call was startedThe format is yyyymnaddhhanns. Military time is used for the hour. For instance. 20180101011020, means the date was Janaary 1, 2018 and the time was 20 seconds past 1:10am .E.164: A 12-character field starting witha+sign followed by 11 digits. This field specifies the phooe mumber in E.164 fomat. The first 1-3 digits after the + sign specify the coustry code of the phone namber, and the meaning of the remaining digits is specific to the country or regio represented by the country code To limit the seope of this assignment we will only consider E.164 phone numbers from the following regions: CC 1 33 852 Region North America (US, Canada, and sone Caribbean islands) France Hong Koag SAR We've picked these regious because they have simple 12-digit E 164 formats Duration: This field consists of a variable manber of digits. specifying the namber of seconds the call lasted in this assignament you can assune that a phone log file contains at least one line. In addition, you may assuame that each line has exactly three fields and is terminated by an end of line. It is possible that some fields are not formated correctly. You should aot crash because a field is incorrectly foemamed Main Program Here is an example what it should look like when your main program is nun on the file above