E7-14 (Algo) Andyzing Sell-or-Process-Further Decision [Lo 7-2, 7.6) Wholetome Daity procewses mille the cost of the ruilk procemting is 51,420,000 Wholesiome in looking to increote its net income and is explocing the possibility of expanding its products to include croam andior ice cream it tabes 2 galions of mills to moke a half galon of lce cresim 1. How mony balf galions of ice cream can Wholesome make? 2. What are thy additional processing costs to convert the milk to ice cream? 3. Should Wholesame sell the milk or process it further and sell ice cream? Complete this question by entering your answers is the tabs below. hever mary haif palions of ice cream ean Wholesome make? E7-14 (Algo) Analyzing Sell-or-Process-Further Decision [LO 7-2,7-6] Wholesome Dairy processes milk. The coet of the mak procesiting is $1,420,000. Wholesarne is looking to incresse its net income and is exploring the postlbity of exponding its products fo incide cream and/of ice cream. it takes 2 gallons of milk to make o had gsilon of ice crearn. 1. How many half gallons of ice cieam can Wholesome make? 2. What are the odditional processing costs to convert the milk to ice cream? 3. Should Wholesame sell the milik of process it further and sell ice cream? Complete this question by ent nring yeur answers in the tabs limlow. What are the additional processing costs to cenvert the milk to ice crean? E7-14 (Algo) Analyzing Sell-or-Procest-Further Decision [t.0 7-2, 7-6] Wholesome Dairy procestes milk. The cost of the malk processing is 51.420,000 Wholesome is iooling to increase iti ned incorne and is exploting the gossbilify of expanding ita products to include cresm andior ice crearn it tahas 2 . golions of milk to mave a hall golion of ice crearn. 1. How many holf galions of ice cream can Wholesome moke? 2. What are the adiruonal processing costs ro convert the milk ro ice credm? 3. Should Wholesame self the milk or process it further and seilice cream? Campiete this auestion lry entering your answers in the tabs belowy. Should Wholesorne sell the milk er process it furthar and sell ice cream