EncodingSpecificity This assignment aims to provide you with the opportunity toexperience first-hand howexperiments can shed light on our cognitive processes. The CogLab Encoding Specificityexperiment will
This assignment aims to provide you with the opportunity toexperience first-hand howexperiments can shed light on our cognitive processes. The CogLab Encoding Specificityexperiment will demonstrate how memory is better when the context at learning matches thecontext at recall. You will examine the encoding specificity principle to gain a better idea ofthis phenomenon.
Read the background information on Encoding Specificity presented in CogLab and completethe experiment bycarefullyfollowingtheinstructions.
The bar chart below presents the global data for the CogLab Encoding Specificity experimentbased on over 88,800 participants. Examine relevant theoretical and empirical evidence toexplain the experimental rationale of this Encoding Specificity experiment.