eonearaption is 5500 billioe, and the denited swing of MS is 3000 billion- Moreower, Fis 7 Bovernment purchapes are 8500 billine, Is the initial equablistim of these two laren ogen a. Find FB's natkonal eavine (5 points). b. Find Fa's desited investment (5 polnts). c. Fied FB' net foreigra leading (5 points), d. Find the current nocount for MS (5 points), e. Find the net foreugr lendetig for MS (5 points). f. Find the derired investanent for MS (5 points). 8. Bassed on the initial equilibrium of the two large open economies, analyze the impact: of the following economic policyz the government of MS implements a Inrge infrastructure bill (s,3,000 billion) to upgrade bandwidth to galin a better position in the coimpetition of virtial reality against. FB. The infrastructure bill will be financed by printing tnore money. Please tuse the S-I dingran of LOE to do the nnalysiat and summarize the impacts od FB's saving, investment, current sccount, net foreign lending, output, and world real izterest rate (10 points ). h. Now assume that FB was downgraded as n smnll open economy. Then, basod on the itritial equitibrium FB has above, analyze the effects of a corporate tax cut policy on FB's saving, investment, current nccount, net foreign lending; output, and world real interest rate. Please use the S-I diagram of SOE to conduct the analysis and summarize the impacts (I0 points). eonearaption is 5500 billioe, and the denited swing of MS is 3000 billion- Moreower, Fis 7 Bovernment purchapes are 8500 billine, Is the initial equablistim of these two laren ogen a. Find FB's natkonal eavine (5 points). b. Find Fa's desited investment (5 polnts). c. Fied FB' net foreigra leading (5 points), d. Find the current nocount for MS (5 points), e. Find the net foreugr lendetig for MS (5 points). f. Find the derired investanent for MS (5 points). 8. Bassed on the initial equilibrium of the two large open economies, analyze the impact: of the following economic policyz the government of MS implements a Inrge infrastructure bill (s,3,000 billion) to upgrade bandwidth to galin a better position in the coimpetition of virtial reality against. FB. The infrastructure bill will be financed by printing tnore money. Please tuse the S-I dingran of LOE to do the nnalysiat and summarize the impacts od FB's saving, investment, current sccount, net foreign lending, output, and world real izterest rate (10 points ). h. Now assume that FB was downgraded as n smnll open economy. Then, basod on the itritial equitibrium FB has above, analyze the effects of a corporate tax cut policy on FB's saving, investment, current nccount, net foreign lending; output, and world real interest rate. Please use the S-I diagram of SOE to conduct the analysis and summarize the impacts (I0 points)