EQ1 The therapist approaches you and asks you to assist in answering a few questions. Therapist wishes to assess if the Control and Therapy groups are homogeneous at the beginning of research. a) What is the alternate hypothesis that the therapist is assessing? b) What is the null hypothesis that the therapist is assessing? ) What is the critical value of the statistic? d) What is the obtained value of the statistic that you have conducted to test this hypothesis? :) What conclusion can you draw? f) Can you advise the therapist if the groups are homogeneous at the beginning of the research? g) Write the results in APA format EQ2 Noting that most of the participants showed a lower depression score after therapy, the therapist wants to know if this change is a genuine change, or is it just chance. a) What statistic would you conduct to answer this question? b) What is the hypothesis that is being tested? c) What is the critical value of the statistic that you conducted to answer this question d) What is the obtained value of the statistic you conducted? e) What is your conclusion? How would you write the conclusion in APA format? The therapist asks you to prepare a statement that he can use to report this to the community. (Hint: the community may not understand statistics, therefore you need to address them in simple non-technical English) h) Therapist wishes you to help market his therapy, by pointing out the strengths of the research method applied, which you obligingly do. As consumers are discerning people, you need to justify the strengths before any potential new clients will support the therapist. i) A competitor who attended the community briefing starts to attack the research by pointing out the flaws in the research method, which you proceed then to plan improvements on these flaws after listing them down