Erullem 1 a-Mn has a cobie suructione with a 0.8931 nim ind a denity of 7,47 gcen', p-Mn has a different cubic structure, with a=0.6326 ns and a density of 7.26gccm '. The atomic weight of manganese is 54918 ginal and the aloetic rafias is 6.112mm. Erselrm 2 Gallium has an erthontombig strictuec, with a=0.45258 an, b=0.45186 an, and e0.76570nm. The atomic radiu is 0.121sm. The donsity is 5904gcm ? and the atomie weight is 69.72 emel. Avopado's mumber is cqual to 6.02102 atomsind. Determine: (a) The number of woves in exb unit eell ind (b) The packing ficsor in the unit erellil. ereblems ii) A metal heving a cutic stretare has a density of 2.6gich ', an alomis weight of 87.62E mol, and a latice pueamcter of 6.0849A. Determine the erytal aructure of the netat one A is equal to 10cm, and Avogaber's number is cqual to 6.021027 alomsinol. (ii) Indiam hus a setraponal structure with =0.32517mm and e =6.49459nm. The domily is 7.286gcm ' and the atomik weight is 114.82 phot. Does indium huve the simple tetropenal of hody-rowered ictingeal struture? atominol. Erutlem 4 Serontiam (Se) has an FCC epystal structure, an stomie taliun of 6.215am, and an atumic weiple of 87.62g gol. Calculate the theoretical density for So. Ereblems the atomic radiss R. Compule and compure linear demity values fir the ser seme two disectisat for apper (Cu) whicte has at atomic ralene of 0.128 am. (b) Derve linear densily expesient fue BCC [110] and [111] diusetions in lenes of the atwic radias R. Compule and compore lineie density valoes for these seme tao divections for ines (fe) which has an alcenic ratrus of 0.124mm. Eroblema 6 (a) Dave planar bisaity espresises fie FCC (100) and (111) pless in merms of be atomis natius R. Compute and conpure planar denily values for thene same two plases for aluminn (A) which bas an anemic ndius of 6.143nm. (b) Derive planar density oeprecisons for BCC (100) and (110) plases in lerma of the alomic natian e. Compute and compure planar denaiby values for thew same too planes for molytdiona= (Mo\} which has an atomic nadius of 0.116nm. (c) Derive she planar density expession for the HCF (000)) plane in lems of the alotict ralius it. Compune the planar denity valoe for this ume plone for litanim (Ti) which has an atomic radius of 0.145nem