Examine the excerpt of a foctnote from Big Lake Corporation's September 30, 2021, annual report to folkw scick the icon to view the evcerpt) Read the recuirements 1. What are Big Lake's largest hwo categories of property and equipenent as of Soptember 30,2021 ? Describe in gereral terms the types of expenditures included in there calegores Big Lake's largest category of assets is buldings and leasehold improvements 1. Tis second largest category of assets is fatures and equipment Select all costs associated with the expendifures included in the largoti two categories of property and equipment. (Select ail that apply) A. Costs incurred io bring the asset to its intended use B. Original cost of each asset c. Repars and mantenance nocessary to mantain the asset of iestore it to workng order 0. Taxes, oommistione and otwer amounts paid to bring the asset resdy for use Big Lake's largest category of assets is buldings and leasehold improvements Its second largest calegory of assets is fixtures and equipment Select all cots asscciated with the expenditures included in the largest two categories of property and equipment. (Select al that apply.) C. Costs incured to bring the asset to its intended use a. Orginal cost of each asset C. Repairs and maintenavce necessary to Thaintain the asset of testore if to working order D. Taxes, commistions and other amounts paid 20 bring the asset ready for ute book value loss than cost? Big Lake's groes cost of property and equiprrent al Seplember 30,2021 is Requirements 1. What are Big Lake's largest two categories of property and equipment as of September 30,2021 ? Describe in general terms the types of expenditures included in these categories. 2. What was Big Lake's gross cost of property and equipment at September 30 , 2021? What was the book value of property and equipment on this date? Why is book value less than cost? argest category of assets is 1. (Select all that apply.) of property and equipment on this Excerpt