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Excel Assignment: Making Business Decisions: (dont screetshot the answer do a spreadsheet on here so i can edit if needed, thx) Production Errors Established in

Excel Assignment: Making Business Decisions:

(dont screetshot the answer do a spreadsheet on here so i can edit if needed, thx)

  1. Production Errors

Established in 2002, has rapidly become the place to find, order, and save on T-shirts. One huge selling factor is that the company manufactures its own T-shirts. However, the quality manager for the production plant, Kasey Harnish, has noticed an unacceptable number of defective T-shirts being produced. You have been hired to assist Kasey in understanding where the problems are concentrated. He suggests using a PivotTable to perform an analysis and has provided you with a data file, the following is a brief definition of the information within the data file:

A. Batch: A unique number that identifies each batch or group of products produced.

B. Product: A unique number that identifies each product.

C. Machine: A unique number that identifies each machine on which products are produced.

D. Employee: A unique number that identifies each employee producing products.

E. Batch Size: The number of products produced in a given batch.

F. Num Defect: The number of defective products produced in a given batch.

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Gary Make a Wish Foundation 130 12/21/2021 12/12/2021 1XBA Doster Glenn Amnisty International 200 12/21/2021 12/16/2021 L3H Dunn Elaine Make a Wish Foundation 225 12/29/2021 12/4/2021 56NA Foster Scott Rotary Club 125 12/10/2021 12/2/2021 56NA Foster Scott Meals on WHeels 125 12/26/2021 12/17/2021 1F9A Hughes Gary Red Cross 50 12/22/2021 12/27/2021 J5M Johnson Les Foster Children's Fund 25 12/30/2021 12/10/2021 44JA Kelleher George Romania Relief 180 12/14/2021 12/20/2021 57XA Lomstein Thomas Meals on WHeels 115 12/22/2021 12/12/2021 FA5A Peters Roger Toastmasters 35 12/15/2021 12/14/2021 FA5A Peters Roger Foster Children's Fund 80 12/19/2021 12/6/2021 R9M Simpson Joseph Red Cross 50 12/19/2021 12/13/2021 R9M Simpson Jospeh Habitat for Humanity 150 12/23/2021 12/6/2021 08A Thimsen Timothy Rotary Club 50 12/14/2021 12/3/2021 C3P Warren James Lion's Club 60 12/13/2021 12/27/2021 R45A Womak Anthony Habitat for Humanity 100 12/29/2021

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