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executive summary, include the following information about your CLC Business Plan: Purpose of the business plan and what problem it is addressing. Resources needed to

executive summary, include the following information about your CLC Business Plan:

  • Purpose of the business plan and what problem it is addressing.
  • Resources needed to put the business plan into effect (financial, staffing, physical, marketing, etc.).
  • Goals of the business plan.
  • Anticipated outcomes.

business plan


1. Company Overview

2. Business Description

3. Market Analysis

4. Operating Plan

5. Marketing and Sales Plan

6. Financial Plan

7. Communication Plan


Mission Statement: The Hypertension Community Outreach Program's mission is to lower the blood pressure of those who suffer from hypertension as well as to educate the community on preventative health measures. Many communities don't have access to proper health care; therefore, they lack the education to manage their health.

Location: The Hypertension Community Outreach Program will reach out to outlying rural areas, along with the Hispanic and African American communities. These areas have fewer resources to receive treatment or education for prevention. We will partner with medical offices, hospitals, and community centers in each community to reach our targeted population, and to obtain space to help hold an all-day educational screening where it will be the most accessible for the community.

Services: The Hypertension Community Outreach Program will offer free blood pressure screenings, educational pamphlets (including blood pressure monitoring logs), educational classes, medications, and set up an appointment with a dietician to learn healthier eating habits. The program will require two vehicles to visit the local and surrounding rural communities.

Operational Structure: The Hypertension Community Outreach Program will be open to the public during normal business hours (8:30am - 5pm). We will also offer the program on the 1st Saturday of every month for people who are unable to attend during normal business hours. There will be a registration process where one will fill out their information on a tablet. Information provided by the patient will determine the type of program and attention that they need. This could be in the form of a treatment plan with medication management and a dietitian evaluation, or educational classes to learn how to manage their hypertension and prevent it from worsening.

Financial Goals: The goals for the Hypertension Community Outreach Program would be to obtain funding from the government in the form of grants, donations, and sponsorships from those in the community who want to help the cause. The funds will go directly for the program's start-up, providing insurance and maintenance for all vehicles. Additionally, funds will cover vehicle maintenance, supplies, fuel, permits, staff training and payroll. By the end of the 1st year, our goal is to have enough funding to extend the program's hours for evenings and weekends to give everyone the opportunity to receive services.


Welcome to the Hypertension Community Outreach Program, the number one source for everything related to hypertension. We are dedicated to giving you the very best of educational programs and treatments with a focus on lowering blood pressure and making healthier eating choices.

Founded in 2020 by Harpreet Kaur, Lisa Campbell, Sabrina Burrows and Len Penrod, the Hypertension Community Outreach Program has come a long way from its beginnings in a small community. When the founders first started out, their passion for educating the community about hypertension drove them to perform significant research. The goal of the Hypertension Community Outreach Program is to provide communities with free blood pressure screening services, treatment, educational classes, and informational pamphlets (including blood pressure monitoring logs). We now serve customers all over the outlying rural areas, including the Hispanic and African American communities, who are the most affected by hypertension. We are thrilled to turn our passion of improving hypertension into a mobile health facility to help guide you to a healthier lifestyle. We hope you enjoy our services as much as we enjoy offering them to you.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Harpreet Kaur, Lisa Campbell, Sabrina Burrows and Len Penrod


The Hypertension Outreach program will target the underserved population in outlying rural areas and the local Hispanic population. A Hispanic community healthcare worker (CHW) will be appointed to build trustworthy relationships with the Hispanic population. It is crucial to employ individual HCWs who can relate to the targeted community and their culture (Ferdinand, Patterson & 2012). The program aims to partner with the local Hispanic church, recreation center, and barbershop to generate awareness and subsequently provide screenings for the local Hispanic community members. Additionally, the program also intends to reach ranchers and farmers in rural areas. Access to health care in rural locations is a challenge; therefore, the mobile outreach program will include a vehicle for travel to these areas. The outreach administrator will coordinate activities to generate interest and develop strategic partnerships in the rural communities and local Hispanic population. Currently, only three health clinics exist in the three surrounding rural communities, and their services are minimal. The primary health center sponsoring this outreach program has already formed partnerships with these clinics to provide Telemedicine and bi-monthly in-person clinics for more specialized services, such as Cardiology, Neurology, and Pulmonary.

Over the last ten years, these areas have experienced significant population growth. It is expected for this trend to continue as people purchase land and build vacation and retirement properties. Also, since COVID spread through the country earlier this year and people are working remotely, many are choosing to relocate to suburban and rural areas, which increases the need for medical services. One of the surrounding rural counties is planning to build a critical care access hospital (CAH). Still, our health care organization does not see this as a threat or competition because we offer different services and plan to support the clinics and CAH. The CAH will be located 112 miles from our medical center, and each rural clinic is located at least 60 miles from the medical center.

The primary health center anticipates their Sleep and Cardiology service lines to increase due to the outreach efforts and can handle the increased volume. Primary care providers from these various rural clinics will be contacted and notified of the program to promote participation and referrals. Even though the primary health care organization anticipates referrals and increased patient volume, they suggest doing what is best for the patient. If that means the patient goes to another health care facility that better suits their needs and geographical location, then so be it. The organization believes in doing the right thing for the patient's wellbeing, and the revenue will follow (Pugie, Chimberengwa & Mergan, 2020).


Technology will be utilized to bridge the health care gap. For example, once the initial startup is completed, and patients have been screened and enrolled in services, telehealth can be utilized as a continued care option. Information technology is especially crucial to overcome transportation challenges, such as long driving distances and inclement weather. HIPPA compliant Laptops and iPads with WIFI will be necessary to chart, track data, document information, and share with the primary health center. Per state policy, volunteers and interns can be trained and evaluated for blood pressure measurement and documentation competencies necessary to work as a CHW (Ferdinand, Patterson & 2012).

The program will require one nurse practitioner and 3-4 CHWs (2 for the rural locations and 1-2 for the local Hispanic community) to appropriately assess and triage patients. The CHW will provide education, communication, and information for health care services and insurance enrollment. The organizational chart on page 8 depicts the simple reporting structure for the outreach program; however, all stakeholders, including the C-suite of the health care organization will receive quarterly progress reports. The nurse practitioner will rotate between the various locations to provide oversight and clinical guidance to patients.

A 5-question pre and post-test is one tool that will be utilized to measure program effectiveness. For instance, the program will provide health education and blood pressure screening; a quiz will reveal patient perception and comprehension of the presented education materials. Community members who receive screening and education will be offered a free sphygmomanometer to enable continuous monitoring of their blood pressure. Vendors were already contacted and agreed to donate blood pressure monitors every month. Bi-monthly follow up phone calls will be completed by the CHW to encourage patients and offer continuation of care. Magnets and brochures with literacy-appropriate information will be distributed with contact information for the CHW, who initially performed the screening and education. (Ferdinand, Patterson & 2012).

The program will track enrollment, participation, and blood pressure screenings to measure short-term outcomes. Medium-term outcomes include tracking referrals that convert to physician visits, while longer-term goals include reducing health care disparities, improving health outcomes, and reducing costly hospital admissions. Research shows it is more challenging to measure longer-term metrics, such as overall population health improvement. Still, the program will report on those short-term and medium-term metrics mentioned above and will utilize the Logic Model tool for planning, implementation, and dissemination of activities. This framework enhances understanding of the program's purposes and intended outcomes of actions. Funding for health care is becoming more restrictive due to the economy and high cost of health care; hence tracking and presenting the program's inputs, outputs and outcomes is essential for future funding and grant eligibility (Ferdinand, Patterson & 2012). According to Pugie, Chimberengwa & Mergan (2020), "There is a need for more studies using community-based approaches that show the impact of these programs on hypertension outcomes, which may motivate policymakers to invest in such approaches" p.12..

Outreach Organizatonal Chart


Social media is just about everywhere, giving people who oversee marketing a unique opportunity to advertise for just about everything. The marketing portion of a business plan relies heavily on what the overall business plan is. The goals of marketing should perfectly align with the mission of an organization (Stephen, 2017). Marketing through social media platforms has shown to increase population health. (Evens, 2006). Because the program is based on a mobile system that is meant to educate people in lower income areas, it is important to advertise in ways that will be well received. Mail fliers, and social media advertisements should be utilized to spread the word. It is essential to ensure that if cultural differences or language varieties exist, the advertisements and educational materials accommodate these differences. For example, the organization will utilize the American Heart Association's (AHA) website, to help address these disparities. The AHA has a plethora of hypertension material and literature and can be used as a reference for other organizations that aim to educate people about hypertension. It also has the most up-to-date information to reference for future updates to educational material. It is important to include all stakeholders in the marketing for this project. Donations will be necessary to continue bringing education and awareness to the underprivileged communities that we will service.


Hypertension is a silent killer and can affect many people without showing any signs. The complications associated with hypertension include heart attack, stroke, heart failure, aneurysm, kidney problems, and mental problems (Mayo Clinic, 2018). Since the Affordable Care Act, more people have gained access to health care but still lack the resources to find out more on managing their health care. Some might see the doctor but still be unsure how to manage their hypertension at home. The Affordable Care Act provides funding for various preventive health care programs and has allocated funds for programs that deal specifically with heart disease and stroke. In fact, in 2016, seventy-three million dollars were set aside for programs that specifically dealt with heart disease and stroke prevention (Immediate Office of the Secretary (IOS), 2020). These funds work well for the community health programs because we don't rely solely on private investors for funding. This business has been designed for eligibility of additional funding through government grants (National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc, 2020). Additionally, funds will also be generated through donations and sponsorships from generous community members who understand that providing preventative health care and education to medically underprivileged communities is essential. Funding for a start-up community health program is vital, especially in areas of poverty with decreased access to healthcare. It requires ongoing attention; community health problems have a history of being poorly controlled, not at the appropriate levels, and very unstable (Committee on Public Health Strategies to Improve Health, 2012). The funding will include vehicle costs, including purchase and maintenance, insurance, fuel for transportation, staff training, marketing, permitting, professional drivers, and necessary supplies. The Hypertension Outreach Program hopes to obtain enough funding by the end of the first year, to expand office hours to include evenings (until 8pm) and additional weekend hours. This will allow for more population to gain education and access to proper screening resources, to help manage their health care better. This will prove to be a milestone to help eliminate the gap in healthcare disparities across all communities. Together, we can help to decrease the risk of hypertension.




Licenses/Registration 10/31/2020 $500

Permits 10/31/2020 $500

Insurance 10/31/2020 $300

Legal 10/31/2020 $200

Training 11/30/2020 $500

Software (General) 11/30/2020 $150



2 Mobile Truck for Screening Services 10/21/2020 $30,000

Utility Costs

11/15/2020 $150

Telephone 11/15/2020 $200

Medical Equipment

11/15/2020 $250

Educational Pamphlets 11/15/2020 $250


11/15/2020 $2000

Software (CRM, imaging etc.)

11/15/2020 $200

Installation Fees

11/15/2020 $500

Nurse Supplies (gloves, etc.)

11/30/2020 $500



Logo, branding, website

11/23/2020 $500

Advertising/listing fees

11/23/2020 $1000

Printed Marketing materials (Business Cards)

11/23/2020 $200

Internet/Web marketing

11/23/2020 $200

Networking events

11/27/2020 $1000



Payroll (4 members)

11/30/2020 $20,000



Miscellaneous (Contingency reserve/launch party/etc.)

12/1/2020 $2000


















Estimated Sales

Less (Discounts, Billing Errors, Declined insurance, etc.)

Service Revenue

Other Revenue

Net Sales

Cost of Goods Sold

Gross Profit















Administrative General





Total Expenses

Income Before Taxes

Income Tax Expense



The Hypertension Outreach Program is an extensive program that requires internal and external communication from within the group and potential customers. The first part of the communication plan will include the business partners and staff. Since this is a start-up business, the team consists of only four people. As the business expands, it will generate more volume and create more jobs for employees. Communication will primarily occur via email to provide a written trail of communication; in case anyone needs to reference these parts later. In addition to the emails, there will be weekly meetings that occur for in-person communication. "Human beings communicate with a percentage of understanding and experience (Chi, 2016). Not unusual styles of human verbal exchange consist of signal language, speech, writing, movement, and broadcasting" (Kasiyarno et al., 2020, p. 2045). Weekly meetings will provide an opportunity for members to participate in an open-forum discussion to report on the progress and deliberate obstacles encountered during the process. It will provide other business members an opportunity to give input on methods to increase sales, target key demographic audiences, and provide feedback from marketing strategies. As the business moves towards conducting its first mobile site, the meetings will increase to bi-weekly meetings to resolve gaps in the business plan and any adjustments that need to be made before going live. The communication will need to occur more frequently to ensure that the first mobile site program operates smoothly. This will help set the precedent for future mobile sites based on location and patient satisfaction.

Since the hypertension outreach program is very new, not many people are aware of it. A marketing strategy will need to be implemented to promote the program. It is the process of communicating our message and services across the community to all members. Marketing will include the distribution of flyers at local hospitals, medical offices, churches, and community centers. However, before any of this happens, the business needs to network with the local hospitals and community centers to book a mobile hypertension outreach space. Once a place to hold the program is established, flyers can be printed to inform the community about the program and upcoming events. The most foot traffic would be at the local hospitals and medical offices, which would allow for maximum exposure of the business. Social media will be another form of communication to help inform the community about the outreach program. Once the first outreach program is conducted, there will be a follow-up meeting for business members to discuss the event's highlights and what could have been done better to help make the outreach program a success. "An effective flow of information and communication between providers and recipients of services can be ensured with a well-organized information system on the provider side" (Kraljevic et al., 2020, p. 196). The goal is to keep patients coming back for services by making them aware of their health conditions. Feedback from the patients and the location space organizer will reveal trends and help discover what patients would like to see at future events.


Committee on Public Health Strategies to Improve Health. (2012, April 10). Funding sources and structures to build public health. Retrieved from

Evans W. D. (2006). How social marketing works in health care. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 332(7551), 1207-1210.

Ferdinand, K., Patterson, K. & Taylor, C. & Ferdinand, D. (2012). Community-Based Approaches to Prevention and Management of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of clinical hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 14. 336-43. 10.1111/j.1751-7176.2012.00622.x.

Immediate Office of the Secretary (IOS) (2020). Prevention and public health fund. Retrieved from

Kasiyarno, Santoso, D., & Apriyanto, S. (2020). Intercultural communication and business chain formation of America and Japan. Talent Development & Excellence, 12(2), 2042-2052.

Kraljevi, D., Lackovi, K., & ojo, R. (2020). The information - Communication process in a business with outsourcing for the maintenance of a complex technical system. Technical Journal / Tehnicki Glasnik, 14(2), 194-200.

Mayo Clinic (2018). High blood pressure (hypertension). Retrieved from

National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc. (2020). 330 Statute. Retrieved from

Pugie T. Chimberengwa, & Mergan Naidoo. (2020). Using community-based participatory research in improving the management of hypertension in communities: A scoping review. South African Family Practice, 62(1), e1-e14.

Stephen, A. (2017). Don't forget the fundamental purpose of marketing revolves around creating value for customers. Retrieved from

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