explain all the three points
Question 2 (50 Marks): See the image below. Consider you have an SLA to resolve a customer's issue within 72 hours. Comment on where you associate the problem to be for each one of the following conditions: You cannot move to the next step without completing the previous step. What steps could you do in parallel. How can business intelligence help you? The material you have is on demand (meaning you do not have excess inventory onsite). How can business intelligence help you? This process would fail during COVID. What problems you do see in this process related the bottleneck of COVID. What suggestions do you have to changing the process so the business would keep running during COVID? Needs new Calls helpline Visit nearest Send an Submit Receives $5 makes Receives Receives service desk area office MS on a to request the demand payment of acknowledgment meter material connection ree number online note for the payment checklist Call Center Customer Receives Call the Capture the Do the dedup $5 generate *service Gets alert on DN Call to inform Put suitable from a toll free applican mandatory basis details request no." and cases receives details customer remarks (select 1 number captured "consumer no." in CCB in system about ON from the drop down) Capture the Do the dedup $$ generate "service CSD mandatory basis details request no." and details captured consumer no." in CCB Request no. appears Verifies all the $5 updates the remain Gets alert on $5 generate ON is Payment is "Consumer no." NSC in the documentation documents ng information related F positive to helplin couriered to updated in become active grid of CCB online to applicant in CCB cases TF +ve cases) desk applicant system in the system Receive new cases Allot cases Print individual Field executive FE fix up an appointment FE camies a list FE visits the FE gets the A1 FE verifies the through extended to field ase wise form contacts for the documentation of verification site address form filled details mentioned version of CCB xecuties (template) applicant process cases from applicant on the A1 form Documentation Agency Transfer docket Gets alert from the sy Agency uploads Agency E handover the Completes FE collects - hardcopies to for all request no. he document in assigns load to docket to the enifies the other warehouse agency converted in consumer no. CCB docket each applicant gency (backend) verification documents TF Team New cases IF coordinator allot Print individual TF coordinator TF engineer Mark a place Take a Fill in details Take the TF coordinator received by cases to each TF case wise form visit site completes the for meter picture of in the TF ignature of update TF TF coordinator engineer in system (template) (surprise visit) TF activity installation premises form customer details in CCB Receive Make an entry Audit by Documentation Agency Warehouse ckets of a of dockets SC once +ve cases received a month Abbreviations: CSD: Customer service department Activities in the process flow which can be automated NSC: New service connection CCB: Customer care and billing Activities in the process flow which have to be standardized DN: Demand note Process steps CF: Commercial feasibility TF: Technical feasibility Start of the process FE: Field executive End of the process