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explain all these lines one by one shortly. describe all these lines must.. please give the proper and complete answer. give the caption of answers.

explain all these lines one by one shortly. describe all these lines must.. please give the proper and complete answer.
give the caption of answers.
image text in transcribed
image text in transcribed
image text in transcribed
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read carefully and explain every lines.
Introduction 1. Research is an essential and powerful tool in leading man towards progress. Without systematic research there would have been very little progress. 2. Research is an intellectual activity. It is responsible for bringing new knowledge to light 3. Research is also considered as the application of a scientific method in solving problems. CHARACTERISTICS OF RESEARCH Research is directed toward the solution of a problem. (1) Research involves the quest for answers to unsolved problems. (1) Research requires expertise. (iv) Research emphasizes the development of generalizations, principles, or theories that will be helpful in predicting future occurrences. () Research is based upon observable experience or empirical evidence. (vi) Research involves gathering new data from primary or firsthand sources or using existing data for a new purpose. (vii) Research demands accurate observation and description (vii) Research is characterized by carefully designed procedures that apply rigorous analysis. (ix) Research strives to be objective and logical applying every possible test to validate the procedures employed in collecting the data and reaching the conclusions. (x) Research is characterized by patient and unhurried activity. (xi) Research is carefully recorded and collected (xii) Research sometimes requires courage. (xi) Research sometimes requires courage. TYPES OF RESEARCH Based on different ways, research may be classified into various categories () On the basis of the nature of information, research can be classified into two types: a) Qualitative Research: When information is in the form of qualitative data b) Quantitative Research: When information is in the form of quantitative data. On the basis of the utility of the content or the nature of the subject matter, research can be classified into two categories: a) Basic Fundamentall Purel Theoretical Research its utility is universal. b) Applied Research Experimental. Its utility is limited. (m) On the basis of the approach, research may be classified into two different categories: a) Longitudinal Research: Examples of this category are historical research, case study and genetic research b) Cross-sectional Research: Examples of this category are experimental and survey research (iv) On the basis of method, research may be classified into five different categories. a) Philosophical Research: It is purely qualitative in nature and we are focusing on the vision of others on the content of research. b) Historical Research. It may be qualitative as well as quantitative in nature and deals with past events. c) Case Study: It deals with unusual events. It may be qualitative as well as quantitative in nature depending upon the content. d) Survey Research: It deals with present events and is quantitative in nature. It may further be subdivided into: discretional, correlational and exploratory type of research. e) Experimental Research: This is purely quantitative in nature and deals with future events. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY RESEARCH- There are two kinds of research, i.e. primary research and secondary research. Primary research is one that involves the gathering of fresh data that is, when data about a particular subject is collected for the first time, then the research is known as primary one. On the contrary, secondary research involves the use of data already collected through primary research. The main difference between primary and secondary research lies in whether the research is conducted previously or not. Definition of Primary Research- Primary research aims at acquiring new and original data from primary sources. As the term primary implies first and foremost and when it is linked with research, it means an in-depth exploration of facts by the researcher himself and that too with one-to-one communication with people who know about the subject. Definition of Secondary Research The research which involves analysis, interpretation and summarization of primary research, is called secondary research. In finer terms, the research in which data is obtained from readily available sources is secondary. As the data available is already analysed and interpreted the researcher only needs to figure out the data of his choice, i.e. the relevant information for the project. In this type of research, the researcher uses information gathered by government agencies, associations, labour unions, media sources and so on. The data assembled is primarily published in newsletters, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, journals, reports, encyclopaedias, etc. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH- Research is the most widely used tool to increase and brush-up the stock of knowledge about something and someone. In various fields and disciplines, there are two standard ways of conducting research, i.e.qualitative research or quantitative research. While the qualitative research relies on verbal narrative like spoken or written data, the quantitative research uses logical or statistical observations to draw conclusions. Definition of Qualitative Research Qualitative research is used to gain an in-depth understanding of human behaviour. experience, attitudes, intentions, and motivations, on the basis of observation and interpretation, to find out the way people think and feel. It is a form of research in which the researcher gives more weight to the views of the participants. Case study, grounded theory. ethnography, historical and phenomenology are the types of qualitative research. Definition of Quantitative Research Quantitative research is a form of research that relies on the methods of natural sciences, which produces numerical data and hard facts. It aims at establishing cause and effect relationship between two variables by using mathematical computational and statistical methods. The research is also known as empirical research as it can be accurately and precisely measured Key Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research The differences between qualitative and quantitative research can be drawn clearly on the following grounds: Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that develops understanding of human and social sciences, to find the way people think and feel. In contrast , a scientific and empirical research method that is used to generate numerical data by employing statistical, logical and mathematical techniques is called quantitative research. () Qualitative research is holistic in nature while quantitative research is particularistic. (ii) Qualitative research follows a subjective approach as the researcher is intimately involved, whereas the approach of quantitative research is objective, as the researcher is uninvolved and attempts to precise the observations and analysis on the topic to answer the inquiry (iv) Qualitative research is exploratory, as opposed to quantitative research which is conclusive (6) The reasoning used to synthesise data in qualitative research is inductive whereas in the case of quantitative research the reasoning is deductive 3. (vi) Qualitative research is based on purposive sampling, where a small sample size is selected with a view to getting a thorough understanding of the target concept. On the other hand, quantitative research relies on random sampling, wherein a large representative sample is chosen in order to extrapolate the results to the whole population (vii) Verbal data are collected in qualitative research. Conversely, in quantitative research measurable data is gathered. (vill) Inquiry in qualitative research is process-oriented, which is not the case in quantitative (ix) Elements used in the analysis of qualitative research are words, pictures, and objects while that of quantitative research is numerical data. (x) Qualitative Research is conducted with the aim of exploring and discovering ideas used in the ongoing processes. On the contrary, the purpose of the quantitative research is to examine cause and effect relationship between variables. (xi) The methods used in qualitative research are in-depth interviews, focus groups, etc. In contrast, the methods of conducting quantitative research are structured interviews and observations. (xil) Qualitative Research develops the initial understanding whereas quantitative research recommends a final course of action. Conclusion An ideal research is one which is conducted by considering both the methods together although there are some particular areas which require only one type of research which mainly depends on the information required by the researcher. While qualitative research tends to be interpretative, quantitative research is concrete. research. RESEARCH DESIGN PURPOSE OF A RESEARCH DESIGN ii) To minimize the expenditure: A research design provides a solid base for the whole research. This makes the research as effective as possible by providing maximum information with minimum spending of time, effort and money CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD RESEARCH DESIGN- Generally, a good research design minimizes bias and maximizes the reliability of the data collected and analyzed. A design which yields maximum information and provides an opportunity for considering different aspects of a problem is considered to be the most appropriate and efficient. (iii) Validity: Any measuring device or instrument is said to be valid when it measures what it is expected to measure. For example, a vocabulary test should measure only vocabulary and nothing else and the questionnaire shall be framed accordingly. (iv) Generalizability: It means how best the data collected from the samples can be utilized for drawing certain generalizations applicable to a large group from which sample is drawn. Thus a research design helps an investigator to generalize his findings. The researcher should make sure that s/he has taken due care in defining the population, selecting the sample, deriving appropriate statistical analysis, etc. while preparing the research design. Introduction 1. Research is an essential and powerful tool in leading man towards progress. Without systematic research there would have been very little progress. 2. Research is an intellectual activity. It is responsible for bringing new knowledge to light 3. Research is also considered as the application of a scientific method in solving problems. CHARACTERISTICS OF RESEARCH Research is directed toward the solution of a problem. (1) Research involves the quest for answers to unsolved problems. (1) Research requires expertise. (iv) Research emphasizes the development of generalizations, principles, or theories that will be helpful in predicting future occurrences. () Research is based upon observable experience or empirical evidence. (vi) Research involves gathering new data from primary or firsthand sources or using existing data for a new purpose. (vii) Research demands accurate observation and description (vii) Research is characterized by carefully designed procedures that apply rigorous analysis. (ix) Research strives to be objective and logical applying every possible test to validate the procedures employed in collecting the data and reaching the conclusions. (x) Research is characterized by patient and unhurried activity. (xi) Research is carefully recorded and collected (xii) Research sometimes requires courage. (xi) Research sometimes requires courage. TYPES OF RESEARCH Based on different ways, research may be classified into various categories () On the basis of the nature of information, research can be classified into two types: a) Qualitative Research: When information is in the form of qualitative data b) Quantitative Research: When information is in the form of quantitative data. On the basis of the utility of the content or the nature of the subject matter, research can be classified into two categories: a) Basic Fundamentall Purel Theoretical Research its utility is universal. b) Applied Research Experimental. Its utility is limited. (m) On the basis of the approach, research may be classified into two different categories: a) Longitudinal Research: Examples of this category are historical research, case study and genetic research b) Cross-sectional Research: Examples of this category are experimental and survey research (iv) On the basis of method, research may be classified into five different categories. a) Philosophical Research: It is purely qualitative in nature and we are focusing on the vision of others on the content of research. b) Historical Research. It may be qualitative as well as quantitative in nature and deals with past events. c) Case Study: It deals with unusual events. It may be qualitative as well as quantitative in nature depending upon the content. d) Survey Research: It deals with present events and is quantitative in nature. It may further be subdivided into: discretional, correlational and exploratory type of research. e) Experimental Research: This is purely quantitative in nature and deals with future events. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY RESEARCH- There are two kinds of research, i.e. primary research and secondary research. Primary research is one that involves the gathering of fresh data that is, when data about a particular subject is collected for the first time, then the research is known as primary one. On the contrary, secondary research involves the use of data already collected through primary research. The main difference between primary and secondary research lies in whether the research is conducted previously or not. Definition of Primary Research- Primary research aims at acquiring new and original data from primary sources. As the term primary implies first and foremost and when it is linked with research, it means an in-depth exploration of facts by the researcher himself and that too with one-to-one communication with people who know about the subject. Definition of Secondary Research The research which involves analysis, interpretation and summarization of primary research, is called secondary research. In finer terms, the research in which data is obtained from readily available sources is secondary. As the data available is already analysed and interpreted the researcher only needs to figure out the data of his choice, i.e. the relevant information for the project. In this type of research, the researcher uses information gathered by government agencies, associations, labour unions, media sources and so on. The data assembled is primarily published in newsletters, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, journals, reports, encyclopaedias, etc. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH- Research is the most widely used tool to increase and brush-up the stock of knowledge about something and someone. In various fields and disciplines, there are two standard ways of conducting research, i.e.qualitative research or quantitative research. While the qualitative research relies on verbal narrative like spoken or written data, the quantitative research uses logical or statistical observations to draw conclusions. Definition of Qualitative Research Qualitative research is used to gain an in-depth understanding of human behaviour. experience, attitudes, intentions, and motivations, on the basis of observation and interpretation, to find out the way people think and feel. It is a form of research in which the researcher gives more weight to the views of the participants. Case study, grounded theory. ethnography, historical and phenomenology are the types of qualitative research. Definition of Quantitative Research Quantitative research is a form of research that relies on the methods of natural sciences, which produces numerical data and hard facts. It aims at establishing cause and effect relationship between two variables by using mathematical computational and statistical methods. The research is also known as empirical research as it can be accurately and precisely measured Key Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research The differences between qualitative and quantitative research can be drawn clearly on the following grounds: Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that develops understanding of human and social sciences, to find the way people think and feel. In contrast , a scientific and empirical research method that is used to generate numerical data by employing statistical, logical and mathematical techniques is called quantitative research. () Qualitative research is holistic in nature while quantitative research is particularistic. (ii) Qualitative research follows a subjective approach as the researcher is intimately involved, whereas the approach of quantitative research is objective, as the researcher is uninvolved and attempts to precise the observations and analysis on the topic to answer the inquiry (iv) Qualitative research is exploratory, as opposed to quantitative research which is conclusive (6) The reasoning used to synthesise data in qualitative research is inductive whereas in the case of quantitative research the reasoning is deductive 3. (vi) Qualitative research is based on purposive sampling, where a small sample size is selected with a view to getting a thorough understanding of the target concept. On the other hand, quantitative research relies on random sampling, wherein a large representative sample is chosen in order to extrapolate the results to the whole population (vii) Verbal data are collected in qualitative research. Conversely, in quantitative research measurable data is gathered. (vill) Inquiry in qualitative research is process-oriented, which is not the case in quantitative (ix) Elements used in the analysis of qualitative research are words, pictures, and objects while that of quantitative research is numerical data. (x) Qualitative Research is conducted with the aim of exploring and discovering ideas used in the ongoing processes. On the contrary, the purpose of the quantitative research is to examine cause and effect relationship between variables. (xi) The methods used in qualitative research are in-depth interviews, focus groups, etc. In contrast, the methods of conducting quantitative research are structured interviews and observations. (xil) Qualitative Research develops the initial understanding whereas quantitative research recommends a final course of action. Conclusion An ideal research is one which is conducted by considering both the methods together although there are some particular areas which require only one type of research which mainly depends on the information required by the researcher. While qualitative research tends to be interpretative, quantitative research is concrete. research. RESEARCH DESIGN PURPOSE OF A RESEARCH DESIGN ii) To minimize the expenditure: A research design provides a solid base for the whole research. This makes the research as effective as possible by providing maximum information with minimum spending of time, effort and money CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD RESEARCH DESIGN- Generally, a good research design minimizes bias and maximizes the reliability of the data collected and analyzed. A design which yields maximum information and provides an opportunity for considering different aspects of a problem is considered to be the most appropriate and efficient. (iii) Validity: Any measuring device or instrument is said to be valid when it measures what it is expected to measure. For example, a vocabulary test should measure only vocabulary and nothing else and the questionnaire shall be framed accordingly. (iv) Generalizability: It means how best the data collected from the samples can be utilized for drawing certain generalizations applicable to a large group from which sample is drawn. Thus a research design helps an investigator to generalize his findings. The researcher should make sure that s/he has taken due care in defining the population, selecting the sample, deriving appropriate statistical analysis, etc. while preparing the research design

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Th ey told me Id have to write a lett er. Whos got time for that?

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