Faculty Members Record System Project Abstract: Flie handling has been effectively used for each feature of this project (use files) Here. The system must allow the user create new faculty member record, save and update that record, All records will be stored on file. A faculty member record consists of the following pieces of information FMID: (number this is a unique to the system shouldn't allow duplicates) First Name Last name: Ager Birth Date: Hre_date: Salary: Courses Taught: The following functions should be in the main menu of the project Add Record: For this feature void read_data() function has been used to add faculty member record into the files for information such as D, first Name, as meto be entered -Show/List Data with the information provided in and record, the void show_datat function in this system project in C++ show the record corresponding to a particular FMID, first name or last name.info need to be displayed. The function should ask the user the following Based on what?, (1.1D, 2. Frame and 3. Last name), then the function displays al entries matching the user input No Results otherwise Search Record: When the function for this feature is first executed, it shows the total records in the and the user can then search by FMID. the record searched for is not found, the system project in C++ displays the message -Error in opening File Not Found Edit Record: This work is a manner to the Search Feature. When the function for Edit Records first executed, it shows the total records in the nie, and the user can edit the information by providing FMID. Then, the C++ project shows all the data in that record, and the user can enter any data to modify the record to be edited for is not found, it displays the message -"Error in opening File Not Foundit Delete Record: Fust of all, when the function of this features executed, it shows all the records in the le and the ser can enter the PHD to delete the record was not found, this system project in C++ displays the message "Error in opening! File Not Found" Output Screens Hull Main Menu Faculty Members Record System Project Abstract: Flie handling has been effectively used for each feature of this project (use files) Here. The system must allow the user create new faculty member record, save and update that record, All records will be stored on file. A faculty member record consists of the following pieces of information FMID: (number this is a unique to the system shouldn't allow duplicates) First Name Last name: Ager Birth Date: Hre_date: Salary: Courses Taught: The following functions should be in the main menu of the project Add Record: For this feature void read_data() function has been used to add faculty member record into the files for information such as D, first Name, as meto be entered -Show/List Data with the information provided in and record, the void show_datat function in this system project in C++ show the record corresponding to a particular FMID, first name or last name.info need to be displayed. The function should ask the user the following Based on what?, (1.1D, 2. Frame and 3. Last name), then the function displays al entries matching the user input No Results otherwise Search Record: When the function for this feature is first executed, it shows the total records in the and the user can then search by FMID. the record searched for is not found, the system project in C++ displays the message -Error in opening File Not Found Edit Record: This work is a manner to the Search Feature. When the function for Edit Records first executed, it shows the total records in the nie, and the user can edit the information by providing FMID. Then, the C++ project shows all the data in that record, and the user can enter any data to modify the record to be edited for is not found, it displays the message -"Error in opening File Not Foundit Delete Record: Fust of all, when the function of this features executed, it shows all the records in the le and the ser can enter the PHD to delete the record was not found, this system project in C++ displays the message "Error in opening! File Not Found" Output Screens Hull Main Menu