Fas, (LOz, 3) (Ternainology, Relatiouships, Calculations, Entries) Instructions Complete the following statements by filling in the blasks or eboosing the correct answor in parenthesec. a. In a period in which a taxable temporary diffevence reverses, the reversal will cause taxable income to be (less than/greater than) accounting income. b. In a period in whish a dedactible teimporary differesce renerses, the rerersal will cause taxable incone to be (less than/greater than) acconnting income. c. If a \$76,000 balance in the Dvferred Tas Aaset aceount were calculated using a 25% rate, the underlying temporary difference would amouat to $ d. Deferred toves (are/are not) recorded to account for permaneat differences. e. If a taxable temporary difference originates in 2023 . it easus taxable income of 2023 to be (less than/greater than) aceoanting inconse for 2023 . t If total income tax expense is $50,000 and deferred tax expense is $65,000, then the curreat portion of the total incone tax expense is referred to as a current tax (expense/benefit) of $ eompany has made estimated tax pay tnets of $16.500 for Year a will be $ L. An ineome statenent that reports currvin tax expense of $82,000 and a deforred tax beneft of $23.000 will report total income tax expense of $ 1. Under ASPE, a valuation account nasy be used whenever it is judged to be nore likely thas not that a portion of a deferred tas asset (will be/will not be) tealized. tas (expense/benefit). 1. If a company's income tax rate increases, the effect will be to (increase/decrese) the amoust of a deferred tax liablity and (increase/derrease) the amoent of a deferred tax asset. m. The difference between the tax base of an asset or liability and its earning amount is called a difference, Differences between aceoenting iscome and tacable income that will reverse in the future are ealled differences