filal Eilaraz 1 of 20 What is the arnount that Jumping Jack should roport as the book to-tax adfustrict reated to tax-exempt ieferest income? A. 520.000 favorable B. \$50,000 tavorable C. 980.000 favorahle D. 5100.000 favorable 7 of 70 What amount should Jumping Jack report as the book-4o-tax adjustmein for fines and penaliles? A. 50 . 8. $3,500 untavorable C. $5.000 unfavorable D. 57.000 untayorable 3 of 20 Which beck-to-tax adjustemont resubts in a faverable adustment to Jumping Jack s taxable incomie for the curent year? A. Inventery resecve B. Gabnhis on sale ot fired assets C. Dereciatico D. Prepoid license lens 4 of 20 What is the amount of prepaid license fees that Junging jeck can desuct on ats 2021 rax rehun? A. 50 8. $30,000 c. 572,000 D. 5144,500 5 of 20 A.50 B- 3104,491 taverable C. 31, 000,000 unlavorable D. 51.104.491 tivorable 6. of 20 Es Accruid mener tanownuse Ci. Acorosiborion Q. Wimentienere 70522 h. Fren AScY tivination C. tan itM bot on 4is? D. kekinginndes ic. Tur redaw inm ie Copvigen E Gevinan ablgin b. Saranteds pen 19 onld C3t, itseciriavite 4 ind A Dwy warkon C. Acivod borul o. Wirrefinare . Fbensud 8 trimation Q. en 4EM b. ron 4?s? 20120 D. Eutiondanaties c. Turradis mm 3. c licophargat D. Cavilelge Q bectan ant gin D. Seranituas ger 10 cith A It ard hrovin c- 21.1840N tavite (7) 11, 134 6 69 viamith A bacts. e. is in Di 2033 b: 34 irs in ath 18+21 F. A Perroe Dutry 73-is as 22 itral 15 at 45 culpor 58 04x in at Ri Afiermin ioher: 13 4 ind filal Eilaraz 1 of 20 What is the arnount that Jumping Jack should roport as the book to-tax adfustrict reated to tax-exempt ieferest income? A. 520.000 favorable B. \$50,000 tavorable C. 980.000 favorahle D. 5100.000 favorable 7 of 70 What amount should Jumping Jack report as the book-4o-tax adjustmein for fines and penaliles? A. 50 . 8. $3,500 untavorable C. $5.000 unfavorable D. 57.000 untayorable 3 of 20 Which beck-to-tax adjustemont resubts in a faverable adustment to Jumping Jack s taxable incomie for the curent year? A. Inventery resecve B. Gabnhis on sale ot fired assets C. Dereciatico D. Prepoid license lens 4 of 20 What is the amount of prepaid license fees that Junging jeck can desuct on ats 2021 rax rehun? A. 50 8. $30,000 c. 572,000 D. 5144,500 5 of 20 A.50 B- 3104,491 taverable C. 31, 000,000 unlavorable D. 51.104.491 tivorable 6. of 20 Es Accruid mener tanownuse Ci. Acorosiborion Q. Wimentienere 70522 h. Fren AScY tivination C. tan itM bot on 4is? D. kekinginndes ic. Tur redaw inm ie Copvigen E Gevinan ablgin b. Saranteds pen 19 onld C3t, itseciriavite 4 ind A Dwy warkon C. Acivod borul o. Wirrefinare . Fbensud 8 trimation Q. en 4EM b. ron 4?s? 20120 D. Eutiondanaties c. Turradis mm 3. c licophargat D. Cavilelge Q bectan ant gin D. Seranituas ger 10 cith A It ard hrovin c- 21.1840N tavite (7) 11, 134 6 69 viamith A bacts. e. is in Di 2033 b: 34 irs in ath 18+21 F. A Perroe Dutry 73-is as 22 itral 15 at 45 culpor 58 04x in at Ri Afiermin ioher: 13 4 ind