Armstrong Helmet Company The Dusine st tibuition as fnll nes. Bareque dar retit 4br. Itstrikctien ederh stipulfinkien aldy uning al that ilie. Explalk. ial 4 alma. (ib) Freducthon. (r) Dubct aubirtak. (1) terest labu: ic) Gether wal indministrake eapwase? (i) tiah (s) Dulgrind incuent afifriatat. Ill T-Mobile 12:09AM Case \#7 Instructions-1 Done CASE 7: Armstrong Helmet Company T-Mobile 12:09AM : CASE 7- WorkingPapers-1 Done Name 3. 4. 4. 6. 7. Cast - Poun 2 et 3 Name 8. T-Mobile 12:09AM : CASE 7- WorkingPapers-1 Done 9. 10, (a) 10. (b) 10. (c) Case th- Faym 1 of 1 Name 10. (d) T-Mobile 12:09AM : CASE 7- WorkingPapers-1 Done Name 10. (d) 10, (c) 10. (i) ARMST RONG HEI.MET COMPANY Cash ltudect For the Month Ended Derember 31, 2ets Becimning cash balance Add: Reccipts Collewtions frem customent Tolal mecio Tceal axailable cash Less: Didbursemcnts Direst materials Diect labor Manufacturing overhea! Selling and admintictative expenses Tocal dibbursements Exess (deficiency) of available cash wer disbursemients Finascing Borrowing Ending sach bolance Warne T-Mobile 12:09AM : CASE 7- WorkingPapers-1 Done Name 10. (g) 11. AKMSTRONG HEIMME CONPANY Mentlly Flesilhle Maanfacturing Casts Hudect For the Menth Finded Decomber 31, 2013 Activify level Production in anits Variable costs Raw imanerals Wages Misceliancores Total varsble coste Fixcd costs Total fixed costs Tetal costs 12. 13. Armstrong Helmet Company The Dusine st tibuition as fnll nes. Bareque dar retit 4br. Itstrikctien ederh stipulfinkien aldy uning al that ilie. Explalk. ial 4 alma. (ib) Freducthon. (r) Dubct aubirtak. (1) terest labu: ic) Gether wal indministrake eapwase? (i) tiah (s) Dulgrind incuent afifriatat. Ill T-Mobile 12:09AM Case \#7 Instructions-1 Done CASE 7: Armstrong Helmet Company T-Mobile 12:09AM : CASE 7- WorkingPapers-1 Done Name 3. 4. 4. 6. 7. Cast - Poun 2 et 3 Name 8. T-Mobile 12:09AM : CASE 7- WorkingPapers-1 Done 9. 10, (a) 10. (b) 10. (c) Case th- Faym 1 of 1 Name 10. (d) T-Mobile 12:09AM : CASE 7- WorkingPapers-1 Done Name 10. (d) 10, (c) 10. (i) ARMST RONG HEI.MET COMPANY Cash ltudect For the Month Ended Derember 31, 2ets Becimning cash balance Add: Reccipts Collewtions frem customent Tolal mecio Tceal axailable cash Less: Didbursemcnts Direst materials Diect labor Manufacturing overhea! Selling and admintictative expenses Tocal dibbursements Exess (deficiency) of available cash wer disbursemients Finascing Borrowing Ending sach bolance Warne T-Mobile 12:09AM : CASE 7- WorkingPapers-1 Done Name 10. (g) 11. AKMSTRONG HEIMME CONPANY Mentlly Flesilhle Maanfacturing Casts Hudect For the Menth Finded Decomber 31, 2013 Activify level Production in anits Variable costs Raw imanerals Wages Misceliancores Total varsble coste Fixcd costs Total fixed costs Tetal costs 12. 13