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fill in the code for getcount and getheight in c++ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Laboratory BSTree.h // // Class declarations for the linked implementation of the

fill in the code for getcount and getheight in c++



// Laboratory BSTree.h


// Class declarations for the linked implementation of the Binary

// Search Tree ADT -- including the recursive helpers of the

// public member functions



#ifndef BSTREE_H

#define BSTREE_H




using namespace std;

template < typename DataType, class KeyType > // DataType : tree data item

class BSTree // KeyType : key field



// Constructor

BSTree (); // Default constructor

BSTree ( const BSTree& other ); // Copy constructor

BSTree& operator= ( const BSTree& other );

// Overloaded assignment operator

// Destructor

~BSTree ();

// Binary search tree manipulation operations

void insert ( const DataType& newDataItem ); // Insert data item

bool retrieve ( const KeyType& searchKey, DataType& searchDataItem ) const;

// Retrieve data item

bool remove ( const KeyType& deleteKey ); // Remove data item

void writeKeys () const; // Output keys

void clear (); // Clear tree

// Binary search tree status operations

bool isEmpty () const; // Tree is empty

// !! isFull() has been retired. Not very useful in a linked structure.

// Output the tree structure -- used in testing/debugging

void showStructure () const;

// In-lab operations

int getHeight () const; // Height of tree

int getCount () const; // Number of nodes in tree


class BSTreeNode // Inner class: facilitator for the BSTree class



// Constructor

BSTreeNode ( const DataType &nodeDataItem, BSTreeNode *leftPtr, BSTreeNode *rightPtr );

// Data members

DataType dataItem; // Binary search tree data item

BSTreeNode *left, // Pointer to the left child

*right; // Pointer to the right child


// Recursive helpers for the public member functions -- insert

// prototypes of these functions here.

void insertHelper ( BSTreeNode *&p, const DataType &newDataItem );

bool retrieveHelper ( BSTreeNode *p, const KeyType& searchKey, DataType &searchDataItem ) const;

bool removeHelper ( BSTreeNode *&p, const KeyType& deleteKey );

// cutRightmost used in one implementation of remove.

void cutRightmost ( BSTreeNode *&r, BSTreeNode *&delPtr );

void writeKeysHelper ( BSTreeNode *p ) const;

void clearHelper ( BSTreeNode *p );

void showHelper ( BSTreeNode *p, int level ) const;

int getHeightHelper ( BSTreeNode *p ) const;

int getCountHelper ( BSTreeNode *p ) const;

void copyTree ( const BSTree &otherTree );

void copyTreeHelper ( BSTreeNode *&p, const BSTreeNode *otherPtr );

// Data member

BSTreeNode *root; // Pointer to the root node




// Laboratory BSTree.cpp


// ** Linked implementation of the Binary Search Tree ADT **




template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

BSTree:: BSTreeNode :: BSTreeNode ( const DataType &nodeDataItem,

BSTreeNode *leftPtr,

BSTreeNode *rightPtr )

// Creates a binary search tree node containing data item elem, left

// child pointer leftPtr, and right child pointer rightPtr.

: dataItem(nodeDataItem),





template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

BSTree:: BSTree ()

// Creates an empty tree.

: root(0)



template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

BSTree:: BSTree ( const BSTree &source )

// Creates an empty tree.

: root(0)





template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

BSTree& BSTree:: operator= ( const BSTree &sourceTree )

// Sets a tree to be equivalent to the tree "source".


// Avoid accidentally trying to set object to itself.

// Calling clear() on an object, then copying the deleted data doesn't work.

// Although this may seems like overkill and an unlikely scenario, it can happen,

if( this != &sourceTree )




return *this;




return *this;




template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

void BSTree:: copyTree ( const BSTree &sourceTree )

// Sets a tree to be equivalent to the tree "source".


copyTreeHelper( root, sourceTree.root );


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

void BSTree:: copyTreeHelper ( BSTreeNode *&p, const BSTreeNode *sourcePtr )

// Recursive helper function that helps set a tree to be equivalent to another tree.


if( p != 0 ) {

p = new BSTreeNode( sourcePtr->DataItem, 0, 0 );

copyTreeHelper( p->left, sourcePtr->left );

copyTreeHelper( p->right, sourcePtr->right );




template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

BSTree:: ~BSTree ()

// Frees the memory used by a tree.





template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

void BSTree:: insert ( const DataType &newDataItem )

// Inserts newDataItem into a tree. If an data item with the same key

// as newDataItem already exists in the tree, then updates that

// data item's data with newDataItem's data.


insertHelper(root, newDataItem);


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

void BSTree:: insertHelper ( BSTreeNode *&p,

const DataType &newDataItem )

// Recursive helper function for insert. Inserts newDataItem in

// the subtree pointed to by p.


if ( p == 0 ) // Insert

p = new BSTreeNode(newDataItem,0,0);

else if ( newDataItem.getKey() < p->dataItem.getKey() )

insertHelper(p->left, newDataItem); // Search left

else if ( newDataItem.getKey() > p->dataItem.getKey() )

insertHelper(p->right, newDataItem); // Search right


p->dataItem = newDataItem; // Update



template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

bool BSTree:: retrieve ( const KeyType& searchKey, DataType &searchDataItem ) const

// Searches a tree for the data item with key searchKey. If the data item

// is found, then copies the data item to searchDataItem and returns true.

// Otherwise, returns false with searchDataItem undefined.


return retrieveHelper(root,searchKey,searchDataItem);


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

bool BSTree:: retrieveHelper ( BSTreeNode *p,

const KeyType& searchKey,

DataType &searchDataItem ) const

// Recursive helper function for retrieve. Searches the subtree

// pointed to by p.


bool result; // Result returned

if ( p == 0 )


// Fell off the tree while searching. Item is not in tree.

result = false;


else if ( searchKey < p->dataItem.getKey() )


// Key is smaller than current node. Search to left.

result = retrieveHelper(p->left,searchKey,searchDataItem);


else if ( searchKey > p->dataItem.getKey() )


// Key is larger than current node. Search to right.

result = retrieveHelper(p->right,searchKey,searchDataItem);




// Found the desired item

searchDataItem = p->dataItem;

result = true;


return result;



template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

bool BSTree:: remove ( const KeyType& deleteKey )

// Removes the data item with key deleteKey from a tree. If the

// data item is found, then deletes it from the tree and returns true.

// Otherwise, returns false.


return removeHelper(root,deleteKey);


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

bool BSTree:: removeHelper ( BSTreeNode *&p, const KeyType& deleteKey )

// Recursive helper function for remove. Searches the subtree

// pointed to by p for the node with key deleteKey. If this node is

// found, then does one of the following:


// - If the node is missing one or more children, then links

// around it and deletes it.


// - Otherwise, uses cutRightmost to replace the data in the

// node with the data in the rightmost descendant of the node's

// left child and deletes that node.


BSTreeNode *delPtr; // Pointer to node to delete

bool result; // Result returned

if ( p == 0 )

result = false; // Search failed

else if ( deleteKey < p->dataItem.getKey() )

result = removeHelper(p->left,deleteKey); // Search left

else if ( deleteKey > p->dataItem.getKey() )

result = removeHelper(p->right,deleteKey); // Search right


{ // Found

delPtr = p;

if ( p->left == 0 )


p = p->right; // No left child

delete delPtr;


else if ( p->right == 0 )


p = p->left; // No right child

delete delPtr;



// Node has both children: removing is more complex.


// ** Start implemtation option #1

// Find node with largest key smaller than p's key.

BSTreeNode* temp = p->left;

while( temp->right ) {

temp = temp->right;


// Copy node data to p

p->dataItem = temp->dataItem;

// And remove the node whose data was copied to p.

removeHelper( p->left, temp->dataItem.getKey());


// ** Start implemtation option #2. Looks simpler here,

// but there is all of cutRightmost to deal with.


delete delPtr;



result = true;


return result;


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

void BSTree:: cutRightmost ( BSTreeNode *&r,

BSTreeNode *&delPtr )

// Recursive helper function for removeHelper in implementation

// option #2. Traces down a sequence of right children. Copies the

// data from the last node in the sequence into the node pointed

// to delPtr, sets delPtr to point to the last node in the sequence,

// and links around this node.


if ( r->right != 0 )

cutRightmost(r->right,delPtr); // Continue down to the right



delPtr->dataItem = r->dataItem;

delPtr = r;

r = r->left;




template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

void BSTree:: writeKeys () const

// Outputs the keys in a tree in ascending order.



cout << endl;


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

void BSTree:: writeKeysHelper ( BSTreeNode *p ) const

// Recursive helper for writeKeys.

// Outputs the keys in the subtree pointed to by p.


if ( p != 0 )



cout << p->dataItem.getKey() << " ";





template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

void BSTree:: clear ()

// Removes all the nodes from a tree.



root = 0;


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

void BSTree:: clearHelper ( BSTreeNode *p )

// Recursive helper for clear. Clears the subtree pointed to by p.


if ( p != 0 )


// Use post-order traversal. Otherwise get into trouble by

// referencing p->left and/or p->right after p had been deallocated.



delete p;




template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

bool BSTree:: isEmpty () const

// Returns true if a tree is empty. Otherwise returns false.


return root == 0;



template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

void BSTree:: showStructure () const

// Outputs the keys in a binary search tree. The tree is output

// rotated counterclockwise 90 degrees from its conventional

// orientation using a "reverse" inorder traversal. This operation is

// intended for testing and debugging purposes only.


if ( root == 0 )

cout << "Empty tree" << endl;



cout << endl;


cout << endl;



// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

void BSTree:: showHelper ( BSTreeNode *p,

int level ) const

// Recursive helper for showStructure.

// Outputs the subtree whose root node is pointed to by p.

// Parameter level is the level of this node within the tree.


int j; // Loop counter

if ( p != 0 )


showHelper(p->right,level+1); // Output right subtree

for ( j = 0 ; j < level ; j++ ) // Tab over to level

cout << "\t";

cout << " " << p->dataItem.getKey(); // Output key

if ( ( p->left != 0 ) && // Output "connector"

( p->right != 0 ) )

cout << "<";

else if ( p->right != 0 )

cout << "/";

else if ( p->left != 0 )

cout << "\\";

cout << endl;

showHelper(p->left,level+1); // Output left subtree




// In lab Programming Exercise


template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

int BSTree:: getHeight () const

// Returns the height of a tree.


return getHeightHelper(root);


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

int BSTree:: getHeightHelper ( BSTreeNode *p ) const

// Recursive helper for height. Returns the height of

// the subtree pointed to by p -- that is, the length of the longest

// path from the node pointed to by p to any leaf node.


int l, // Length of the longest path through the left child

r, // Length of the longest path through the right child

result; // Result returned

if ( p == 0 )


result = -1; // Empty tree


// add code here to get height of left subtree

// add code here to get height of right subtree

// the height is of this node is the larger of the two

// plus extra height for this node

//return the result


template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

int BSTree:: getCount () const

// Returns the number of nodes in the tree


return getCountHelper(root);


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

template < typename DataType, typename KeyType >

int BSTree:: getCountHelper ( BSTreeNode *p ) const

// Recursive partner of the getCount() function.

// Add code to Returns the count of

// the subtree pointed to by p -- that is, the number of nodes in the

// left child + number of nodes in the right child + 1



#endif // #ifdef BSTREE_H

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