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FIN10002: Financial Statistics Semester 1, 2017 Assessment 2: Report Word limit: 1200 (+/- 10%; not including Appendix or Executive Summary) Weighting: 25% Due date: 1pm

FIN10002: Financial Statistics Semester 1, 2017 Assessment 2: Report Word limit: 1200 (+/- 10%; not including Appendix or Executive Summary) Weighting: 25% Due date: 1pm AEDT Wednesday 24th May 2017 (Week 12) Assessment overview For this assessment, you need to produce a report by generating responses to six tasks presented below. For some of these sections, you will need to use Excel to generate statistical output (statistical analyses and graphs). The report should be presented in the form of a business report to a senior manager who cannot be assumed to have any particular knowledge of statistical methods. Microsoft Word and Excel should be used to complete this assessment. Your statistical calculations should be carried out using Excel only. Assessment details You will need to download the Excel dataset 'Salesdata.xls' from Blackboard. The data set is about banking, and is supplied by the 'Office Supplies Pty Ltd'. There are 2000 orders for the year in this data set, and six variables as follows: 1. ORDER ID: Order number in no particular order 2. ORDER PRIORITY: Importance of order (4: Critical, 3: High, 2, Medium, 1 Low and 0 is not specified) 3. ORDER QUANTITY: The number of items within the order 4. SALES: The total dollar of the order 5. SHIP MODE: The type of mode of delivery (1:Regular Air, 2: Delivery Truck, 3: Express Air) 6. CONSUMER SEGMENT: Type of customer ( Corporate, Home Office, Consumer or Small Business) 7. DAYS TO SHIP: number of days to ship the order from the day the order was placed You will use this data set to generate responses to the following six tasks. 1. Select a random sample Select a random sample of size 60 from the given 2000 orders in the Sales data set. You will use this sample data to complete tasks 2 to 6. 2. Descriptive statistics Use data summary methods to describe the orders in your sample using the seven variables. Use an appropriate graphical and summary statistical technique, chosen 1 according to the type of variable (note that less appropriate/inappropriate techniques will receive fewer/no marks). Choose your techniques from: Tabular Techniques: frequency tables and grouped frequency tables Summary Statistics: mode, median, mean, standard deviation, range, coefficient of variation and interquartile range Graphical Techniques: pie chart, bar graph, histogram, frequency polygon . Do not draw an ogive curve, stem plot, or a box plot in this assignment and do not draw 3-D graphs. 1. For a nominal or an ordinal variable draw a graph and present a frequency table in percentages. 2. For a ratio or an interval variable draw a graph and a summary statistics table, including summary statistics appropriate to the type of distribution only. 3. Try to use variation in drawing graphs e.g. pie chart/bar chart or histogram/polygon. 4. Do not draw two different graphs for the same variable. You can draw the same type of graph for two variables. 5. Do not include any information that you will not include in your discussion such as kurtosis. 6. Display and describe one variable at a time. 3. Confidence intervals Estimate the following quantities, using 95% confidence intervals. Explain the meaning of your confidence intervals. 1. The average sales amount of orders for the corporate customers only. 2. The average total sales dollars for all orders. Compare both intervals with their respective true means by calculating the actual population mean for the full 2000 orders, and comparing the population mean to the sample mean and confidence interval (note: it is not usual to do this, so you are asked to do this for the purpose of this assignment). Your confidence interval should start with 'We are 95% confident that...\". This section should take half a page or less. NB: Please make sure you provide sufficient information in the appendix for your confidence interval calculations to be replicated, so they can be checked. 4. Hypothesis testing 1. It is often felt that the order priority of critical would be shipped earlier than an order of low priority. Investigate this contention by carrying out an appropriate hypothesis test. 2. It is often felt that the average sales order in dollars, differ for Air ( Express and Regular) and Delivery Truck. Use ship mode for this test. Only report a non-technical explanation of your methodology and your findings in the main section of the report. The computations and output should be placed in an 2 appendix, including the test statistic, p-value and degrees of freedom. This should take half a page or less. 5. Correlation and regression In this section you will investigate the relationship between the sales in dollars and order quantity. Using these two variables (sales and order quantity) develop a regression model to predict average sales in dollars from order quantity. Make sure that you undertake a full regression analysis, with appropriate discussion and include: 1. 2. 3. 4. a scattergram and a brief discussion an estimate of the linear regression model the coefficients of correlation and determination a test of the hypothesis that there is no linear relationship between sales and order quantity for an order. Ensure your scattergram includes a line of best fit. Also, make sure you describe the relationship between the variables using R and R-square, and interpret the slope, coefficients and the results of the hypothesis test. 6. Conclusion Provide a brief, concise summary of all of your findings and briefly mention any limitations in your findings. Make sure you do not give tables or graphs here. Presentation The report should be presented in the form of a business report to a senior manager who cannot be assumed to have any particular knowledge of statistical methods. Make your report informative but concise and use a non-technical style. Do not just quote statistics or analysis results but explain what they mean. In general, do not include in the report formulae, calculations, definitions of statistical terms or discussions on how graphs are constructed. Where appropriate these may be included in the appendices. It is important that the values which have been calculated are correctly analysed, discussed and interpreted, and that a written description of the main features of the tables and graphs that have been constructed is included. The emphasis in this assignment is on interpretation and analysis, not just the computation of statistics and construction of graphs. It will be assumed that all computations have been correctly performed and that graphs have been properly constructed. Nevertheless, marks will be deducted if these are inaccurate or incorrect. Presentation is an important feature of a business report. The guide to presentation that follows gives a general outline to report writing. 3 Executive Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. Report only the highlights of the findings. Entice an Executive to read on. Essentially a lively summary of the main conclusions. No longer than one page; this is not counted in the word count and must be on a separate page from the rest of the report. Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. State the purpose of the report i.e. what you will discuss in the report Outline the contents of the Report Provide a brief description of the methodology Describe the source of the data and state its location in the report. This should contain information about what we expect to read in the project. This should take about half a page. Analysis 1. Contains a thorough yet non-technical description of all the findings (graphs and tables will be included only where they help this discussion). 2. Details the results that were highlighted in the Executive Summary 3. Do not include any calculations here but include appropriate graphs and tables which are needed to support your discussions. Conclusion 1. Report the findings and results of your work. 2. Essentially an expansion of the executive summary written from the point of view that the Executive Summary has not been read. 3. End with a discussion of the limitations of your analysis (e.g. reference to sample size if small, or comment on the data if it is old). Appendices 1. Must be referred to in the main body of the report. 2. Must contain your selection of random numbers and related random data. 3. Include the raw data, charts and tables that are not essential, but support the ANALYSIS section. 4. Include your EXCEL output for descriptive statistics, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and regression. 5. Include any other relevant calculations. Please make sure the information in the appendix is sufficient for all calculations to be replicated, so they can be checked e.g. if you include output for your confidence intervals, please show how this output was used to calculate the confidence intervals. Graphs must be in the Main body along with relevant tables and discussion. Graphs kept only in the appendices will not score any marks for graphs. 4 Keep the appendices to a moderate size. Marks are only given for the report itself. Your Excel work confirmation will be checked in the Appendices. The emphasis in this assignment is on interpretation and analysis, not just the computation of statistics and construction of graphs. Make your report informative but concise and use a non-technical style. Do not just quote statistics or results of analyses but explain what they mean. In general, do not include formulae, calculations, definitions of statistical terms, or discussions on how graphs are constructed. Where appropriate these may be included in the appendices. Submission details This assessment will be submitted in both hardcopy and softcopy. The hardcopy (just the report) will be submitted in the Assignment Box for this unit on Level 11of building BA. The softcopy will be submitted via Blackboard in the Major Assignment submission. You are to submit both the report in pdf format and the excel file. Failing to provide both versions of the assignment will result in a withholding of the result. Assessment criteria Marks for this assessment are broken down as follows: 1. Presentation 8% - include cover page, avoid technical language, within 1500 word limit (excluding executive summary and appendix), minimal spelling, grammatical or syntactical errors, clear expression, clear tables/graphs, information is provided in the correct section, includes introduction and conclusion. 2. Executive summary 8% - includes main findings/highlights only, well written, entices the reader to read on. 3. Introduction 4% - summarises the source of the data, the aim of the report, the variables to be examined, and the processes used. 4. Descriptive statistics 24% - appropriate graphical and summary statistics according to the type of variable, and the type of distribution. 5. Confidence intervals 12% - correct calculation and expression, and includes comparison to population mean. 6. Hypothesis tests 12% - correct calculation, analysis and correct interpretation. 7. Correlation and regression 16% - correct scattergram; presents and interprets correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, regression equation and hypothesis test. 8. Conclusion and limitations 8% - all findings summarised, limitation(s) discussed, well expressed and well structured 9. Appendix with Excel outputs 8% - includes all cases in random sample, output showing creation of classes for graphs (where relevant), output and calculations for confidence intervals and hypothesis tests, output for regression analysis; output is sufficient for calculations to be replicated thereby allowing the results to be checked. 5 Order ID Order PriorityOrder QuantitSales Ship Mode 18279 2 20 $10,281.79 21635 1 2 $65.31 25031 3 24 $4,636.62 57382 2 45 $452.93 7136 3 9 $47.28 57542 3 23 $1,256.29 13536 2 23 $123.15 16133 4 1 $27.96 28161 0 41 $1,085.61 36934 2 45 $6,668.86 42631 3 41 $257.66 9088 4 31 $1,637.46 24644 4 46 $5,897.47 27460 0 31 $196.58 38529 1 38 $44.85 36934 2 7 $1,120.86 28001 4 21 $4,201.08 41636 4 25 $423.15 33220 0 40 $736.96 29350 3 47 $2,519.55 39908 1 23 $753.75 13765 0 45 $1,553.38 31781 2 46 $249.02 12007 0 42 $152.26 35461 4 30 $112.60 48198 4 7 $2,813.34 32199 3 8 $46.97 18533 0 5 $53.74 55554 4 49 $150.06 34918 2 25 $200.77 12642 4 10 $564.85 57734 3 26 $110.14 32706 4 5 $2,017.50 53312 2 23 $8,413.23 50626 2 42 $26,126.92 42631 3 22 $1,148.04 18753 2 31 $3,945.95 21766 3 41 $5,178.17 50786 1 4 $487.72 20322 4 15 $89.89 8132 1 45 $294.86 3585 3 34 $54.69 23778 1 13 $105.94 52391 3 39 $857.84 Customer Segment Days to ship 1 Consumer 1 1 Consumer 0 1 Consumer 2 3 Consumer 2 1 Home Office 2 1 Corporate 2 1 Home Office 2 1 Small Business 2 1 Consumer 2 2 Small Business 1 1 Corporate 0 1 Home Office 2 2 Corporate 1 1 Corporate 2 1 Corporate 0 3 Small Business 2 1 Home Office 2 1 Home Office 2 1 Consumer 3 1 Consumer 2 1 Home Office 2 1 Corporate 2 1 Corporate 1 1 Corporate 2 1 Corporate 1 2 Home Office 1 1 Corporate 2 3 Home Office 2 1 Small Business 3 1 Corporate 2 3 Home Office 2 1 Small Business 2 2 Home Office 2 1 Home Office 2 1 Consumer 2 3 Corporate 2 1 Corporate 2 2 Consumer 2 2 Consumer 7 1 Home Office 0 1 Home Office 7 1 Corporate 1 1 Corporate 4 1 Corporate 2 28130 46533 53412 56260 38341 36838 47520 55360 7461 26881 59238 14823 34631 10692 46244 53511 55300 47520 11714 37862 9088 17668 22755 20069 69 10629 38341 12676 13280 17024 58784 4389 55937 8325 2050 36932 42310 34497 39649 57415 43330 3175 24614 27330 6434 1 3 4 0 2 1 0 2 1 1 3 1 0 1 2 2 3 0 4 0 4 2 2 4 0 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 0 1 4 2 3 2 0 1 1 1 3 32 $1,381.88 12 $654.87 45 $2,544.73 34 $223.76 38 $623.13 3 $32.76 36 $277.88 49 $134.83 12 $4,080.30 26 $10,692.97 11 $455.88 15 $103.62 19 $12,616.20 26 $100.41 10 $601.57 49 $491.93 31 $350.48 47 $925.30 1 $3,501.79 27 $1,603.27 50 $15,383.70 49 $848.92 45 $240.60 6 $247.15 42 $1,186.06 14 $98.37 5 $64.25 25 $201.06 49 $318.76 31 $1,401.75 20 $331.21 35 $179.45 10 $392.77 27 $112.57 25 $542.11 20 $668.80 20 $3,361.76 25 $590.60 9 $63.00 6 $101.52 40 $2,205.76 23 $3,553.62 33 $1,644.59 8 $507.74 13 $59.58 3 Corporate 3 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 2 Home Office 2 Small Business 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 0 2 1 1 0 9 2 2 2 4 1 9 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 5 1 2 2 1 1 2 7 0 0 12099 23333 48135 10978 48772 19073 46119 46533 53476 21445 24003 49216 22407 35364 12581 50275 2211 28161 41440 28486 20389 44962 57061 16032 24391 58151 25120 3395 38947 57153 32800 38882 53152 44708 58784 49891 31810 53152 26016 54694 53476 50850 15904 33317 22851 4 2 3 4 2 0 4 3 0 1 4 3 0 4 3 2 3 0 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 2 0 4 4 0 4 2 0 2 0 4 2 3 4 0 4 0 3 4 48 44 20 9 11 16 20 3 42 14 4 9 15 16 31 5 23 10 20 2 30 27 3 35 14 33 10 1 20 9 40 40 9 15 25 19 46 36 2 43 24 37 39 18 13 $308.81 $634.12 $3,960.99 $566.53 $81.25 $178.40 $154.13 $215.24 $8,127.32 $75.15 $129.79 $2,503.86 $526.82 $72.08 $1,768.97 $9,704.37 $80.38 $784.08 $92.94 $811.13 $201.35 $575.74 $55.17 $436.98 $3,236.80 $211.48 $71.86 $13.16 $307.46 $106.05 $751.94 $2,169.49 $196.41 $30.68 $8,875.17 $88.40 $355.55 $2,051.82 $154.94 $112.63 $93.85 $1,599.54 $124.01 $44.52 $32.37 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Home Office 2 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 3 Small Business 3 Small Business 3 Corporate 2 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Small Business 3 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 2 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 4 2 0 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 7 4 0 3 2 2 2 2 0 3 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 3 2 1 1 2 41636 9219 4931 23205 53152 37731 50816 5511 51968 44294 49154 17315 17670 20263 20838 41764 51943 2466 8551 59937 8320 39426 53190 49216 18147 46721 52070 7845 55040 13479 52006 13218 19655 44069 35457 55554 9057 8709 32355 19234 44487 24294 28897 13378 7719 4 1 4 3 2 4 3 4 2 1 2 1 2 2 0 0 3 4 4 3 0 4 2 3 0 2 0 4 3 3 2 3 3 4 1 4 4 3 0 3 4 0 2 1 1 47 41 22 26 5 24 25 32 43 15 26 29 14 8 21 16 11 25 25 7 35 21 10 29 50 17 29 22 24 13 42 18 31 16 45 9 20 50 50 24 37 24 14 16 37 $5,294.48 $273.32 $168.31 $7,208.80 $185.79 $752.63 $286.07 $1,829.39 $3,231.56 $107.86 $1,523.50 $159.11 $36.52 $473.70 $235.98 $5,105.06 $113.19 $2,553.84 $185.64 $235.98 $1,142.36 $56.21 $268.18 $374.67 $290.91 $1,912.76 $67.97 $118.56 $191.79 $2,206.99 $375.76 $513.08 $1,143.45 $137.63 $3,286.27 $95.09 $160.29 $2,451.41 $355.03 $359.65 $558.77 $4,865.72 $877.47 $96.04 $522.62 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 2 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 3 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 2 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 7 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 1 2 7 1 0 2 2 0 2 1 2 5 2 25824 42851 42403 31553 8161 49125 52002 21222 45959 44387 14182 53508 48710 29410 31941 23333 15971 47207 5894 36609 33250 49505 55909 22562 3332 11843 54819 10659 58151 38756 18402 20389 50656 6562 52291 22755 42338 18689 50374 35813 13120 41216 20007 46469 37793 2 3 0 4 3 0 3 0 2 1 1 3 2 4 2 2 3 1 3 0 0 4 1 2 4 2 1 4 3 4 1 3 4 4 4 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 4 0 39 $15,341.46 7 $344.30 38 $117.84 32 $4,906.85 45 $112.72 29 $177.41 11 $2,489.85 26 $846.08 15 $201.74 50 $1,441.57 23 $2,433.55 13 $1,072.22 4 $29.24 35 $4,186.53 32 $2,564.45 32 $196.84 15 $2,172.52 15 $437.87 3 $239.03 8 $45.73 40 $7,381.19 34 $335.59 2 $32.60 31 $1,685.05 6 $22.19 9 $1,059.30 26 $64.03 40 $227.37 38 $5,601.10 43 $2,251.50 3 $56.07 24 $270.39 31 $16,451.33 12 $17,274.87 5 $88.32 5 $236.88 14 $63.91 38 $281.17 30 $3,482.41 21 $7,841.57 46 $590.43 45 $6,865.07 49 $82.61 17 $1,210.72 16 $224.47 2 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 3 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 3 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 2 Home Office 1 Small Business 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 5 5 2 1 0 1 2 1 4 3 2 2 1 7 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 0 7 2 1 2 1 39141 56582 11527 48388 33959 17668 57381 57382 4647 9248 39078 47494 96 46627 54019 50625 32869 6241 28999 6144 9092 26629 13825 14114 43362 42309 31619 9669 37254 26470 41094 6884 59072 9888 20711 7431 39015 25926 40006 24647 27330 30564 37537 56197 35558 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 2 2 0 1 3 3 4 1 2 2 1 3 4 0 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 0 1 4 2 2 3 0 0 1 4 1 3 4 47 $2,259.66 47 $1,146.99 45 $4,629.67 3 $21.64 23 $367.53 24 $6,930.97 22 $41.65 25 $106.04 7 $1,203.73 41 $2,811.70 8 $2,155.84 9 $52.59 37 $4,158.12 3 $21.46 35 $4,233.15 10 $29.12 39 $5,250.66 24 $133.94 34 $1,177.50 24 $67.35 33 $3,644.24 32 $89.89 30 $186.79 29 $65.16 45 $15,963.09 38 $6,427.26 11 $114.87 18 $292.11 28 $739.94 41 $18,081.76 6 $159.05 41 $217.00 38 $4,191.56 48 $8,374.13 18 $2,215.96 33 $78.81 13 $5,236.14 20 $3,300.22 48 $141.59 34 $241.04 30 $12,600.99 20 $606.40 4 $1,239.06 45 $8,014.62 2 $34.88 1 Consumer 2 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 2 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Consumer 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 2 1 1 7 0 2 1 7 1 1 5 1 3 1 2 1 0 3 5 7 1 1 1 4 5 2 7 1 1 0 1 1 1 9 1 0 0 2 5446 43269 16679 39521 10658 2818 25638 8997 37825 2853 44196 24737 57253 33699 960 39076 20262 46884 57061 41474 52006 30567 11302 52487 13824 11332 6310 8165 2790 19111 31715 28256 7527 36647 48772 53350 11714 43301 49830 20480 58628 39845 8229 49799 15654 1 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 0 3 4 1 2 4 0 2 1 0 2 0 1 4 1 1 0 1 3 1 0 3 2 3 2 0 4 4 4 2 2 4 2 3 0 42 $433.68 16 $843.15 29 $6,481.95 28 $112.35 31 $262.54 39 $593.21 31 $163.89 20 $120.30 44 $505.01 25 $4,253.65 10 $56.91 3 $549.92 49 $240.30 18 $290.07 46 $605.97 41 $222.65 27 $652.24 18 $130.11 21 $470.79 50 $225.94 39 $392.81 14 $2,690.84 10 $866.66 17 $124.06 19 $55.27 23 $1,223.38 27 $216.95 35 $183.45 41 $22,319.58 24 $195.83 24 $64.11 19 $467.40 37 $560.39 16 $55.44 18 $57.17 24 $7,046.61 9 $141.83 43 $2,221.20 31 $16,949.44 38 $16,147.61 23 $2,527.79 44 $447.42 7 $3,565.27 4 $1,614.97 4 $9,396.41 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 3 Consumer 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 2 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Home Office 2 Home Office 2 Home Office 2 Corporate 7 2 5 4 4 1 1 9 2 3 2 3 1 7 1 1 0 2 7 2 1 0 2 1 7 7 1 9 2 5 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 44225 39649 9668 11426 29346 37924 40485 12258 41636 19367 25927 12934 11206 48096 53152 42339 40707 57412 41221 22919 49059 41091 41543 50147 34177 26432 25347 1444 55746 32199 57061 38887 38978 39367 5765 20709 28675 26567 16451 51047 49313 59879 34883 47877 56163 3 3 1 2 1 3 0 1 4 3 2 0 1 3 2 4 3 1 4 4 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 0 3 1 4 1 4 1 3 4 4 0 2 2 0 4 2 0 29 10 10 19 2 49 7 22 27 20 43 45 6 22 9 31 26 34 4 21 48 32 24 13 26 11 28 25 29 40 6 25 24 45 23 4 15 8 9 28 36 33 31 19 3 $1,958.32 $1,351.65 $42.67 $333.68 $29.06 $8,094.55 $388.71 $2,431.13 $2,762.86 $112.42 $945.90 $440.39 $177.67 $383.33 $186.67 $206.54 $1,495.18 $223.50 $345.57 $98.77 $128.00 $6,310.69 $1,318.87 $163.62 $172.76 $45.18 $967.27 $772.24 $324.75 $196.50 $36.56 $378.90 $4,547.26 $177.88 $849.46 $16.60 $822.84 $50.70 $252.79 $65.70 $1,129.93 $987.32 $906.02 $3,240.73 $119.90 1 Small Business 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 3 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 2 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 1 2 1 4 0 1 4 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 0 2 0 1 1 2 1 4 0 1 5 7 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 7 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 53441 47910 14112 52391 33217 43846 51554 3458 49666 1799 40485 59776 36835 38400 25927 23136 9635 50336 30852 29766 31873 3136 35136 8353 10629 34882 18119 31174 902 55648 38503 46113 36705 50432 11843 54436 31364 50051 34691 32420 41189 39846 23303 9383 58784 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 1 0 0 1 4 0 2 0 4 0 4 2 1 0 4 2 4 4 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 2 3 0 2 4 2 1 1 0 0 2 7 $345.37 30 $5,290.57 1 $68.45 36 $1,072.36 34 $1,806.65 9 $31.36 7 $545.04 28 $46.89 46 $259.25 10 $1,187.12 36 $222.25 33 $12,215.43 39 $12,073.06 8 $114.73 14 $422.83 41 $9,312.52 1 $3.42 9 $58.98 35 $2,827.14 13 $89,061.05 14 $2,465.50 8 $238.74 23 $68.73 16 $46.40 39 $341.55 43 $84.61 37 $347.84 29 $225.25 10 $1,925.83 5 $14.74 32 $796.03 18 $2,567.13 17 $1,032.07 45 $2,494.92 42 $4,993.42 37 $321.30 2 $789.01 4 $185.15 23 $7,202.94 35 $175.08 30 $189.04 10 $1,372.14 39 $238.49 11 $82.42 12 $141.90 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 2 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 3 Small Business 2 Small Business 1 Small Business 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 1 0 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 0 4 2 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 7 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 0 2 5 7 2 2 1 58182 44995 41542 36452 55846 14823 57827 11840 8646 33797 44836 10851 1762 8257 28420 34691 41255 26913 3746 32737 32999 51943 57381 14211 18945 28419 2915 5698 51943 34311 32868 33635 34918 30567 25509 53798 25031 37760 48455 50338 4674 4870 42242 23877 27555 3 3 3 3 0 1 2 4 3 0 2 3 0 1 1 4 1 3 0 3 1 3 3 0 2 1 1 2 3 3 0 3 2 0 4 1 3 3 4 0 4 2 0 0 4 24 $479.13 46 $1,219.25 47 $6,181.48 26 $564.98 30 $221.05 20 $124.84 24 $2,453.30 43 $181.50 41 $14,377.78 18 $216.87 21 $125.79 14 $570.53 29 $857.11 5 $22.77 2 $45.64 13 $245.82 22 $1,333.19 11 $642.91 14 $1,463.10 14 $367.11 14 $1,386.65 28 $140.02 13 $515.23 14 $2,367.99 33 $528.54 9 $133.85 41 $231.26 15 $297.05 13 $196.04 39 $132.79 39 $1,101.28 5 $477.76 12 $2,230.97 8 $733.55 43 $212.28 41 $4,987.73 20 $100.11 18 $157.85 2 $25.96 36 $551.44 23 $3,041.33 44 $17,248.09 15 $1,444.88 31 $1,624.60 32 $209.42 3 Corporate 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 2 Home Office 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 3 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 3 Corporate 3 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 2 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 2 Small Business 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 2 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 2 0 1 1 2 7 0 2 7 2 0 2 5 3 1 2 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 2 54755 48135 359 47494 48772 37537 56706 12516 6823 3073 10624 5828 7461 49891 48772 1891 57827 6656 34631 19073 18595 37729 31174 41988 50081 48167 59363 24162 5856 15170 19175 36647 40258 22407 32195 17446 837 32611 17155 5760 52870 59170 31619 8259 6112 4 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 0 2 4 1 1 0 2 1 2 4 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 4 3 0 3 4 1 3 0 0 2 4 0 2 2 0 0 3 1 2 2 44 $3,421.88 40 $750.14 30 $3,659.66 42 $1,967.83 12 $41.97 43 $4,083.19 7 $754.92 22 $154.60 31 $524.19 7 $45,923.76 23 $1,082.43 21 $6,005.21 28 $260.79 40 $259.83 10 $35.64 3 $302.36 29 $147.02 50 $1,832.22 5 $22.06 40 $115.01 6 $451.44 48 $447.89 20 $4,520.60 18 $610.07 7 $538.51 27 $8,817.71 24 $158.91 12 $1,755.30 42 $10,307.01 19 $356.46 19 $1,133.45 18 $174.62 31 $449.47 20 $676.44 7 $86.29 15 $138.84 11 $65.70 18 $986.24 36 $267.53 34 $5,261.73 21 $118.51 10 $607.77 9 $383.23 25 $2,130.22 31 $1,753.96 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 2 Home Office 2 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 2 Small Business 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 3 Home Office 2 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 0 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 1 2 7 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 4 1 1 0 1 2 0 7 3 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 1 28614 38598 38726 900 19232 36835 48230 51072 19522 41728 59779 47974 1444 53573 4516 37319 15075 53894 21222 1985 20261 29127 14983 28259 52576 48416 47168 49990 14115 14114 41825 1824 15751 36999 34087 40354 20903 21314 36896 13920 20549 25507 55392 355 41607 4 1 2 0 1 4 0 4 2 3 1 2 2 0 2 4 2 4 0 0 2 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 2 1 3 3 1 4 4 0 0 4 1 2 50 $7,827.51 17 $14,665.15 44 $92.86 29 $1,193.65 28 $7,157.16 18 $1,175.53 39 $1,140.26 43 $7,036.11 44 $161.80 10 $2,549.58 30 $3,575.23 6 $18.02 24 $416.40 6 $93.73 42 $294.78 37 $388.90 10 $54.84 47 $691.52 36 $181.39 1 $11.35 21 $1,259.45 18 $31.13 18 $3,015.49 22 $249.24 10 $958.18 23 $167.66 24 $2,920.83 11 $5,155.35 24 $158.78 41 $241.90 50 $7,817.45 2 $17.06 21 $397.73 3 $306.62 31 $3,077.73 4 $698.00 4 $442.99 6 $56.22 41 $1,008.95 24 $207.21 40 $1,030.09 8 $555.20 20 $129.30 16 $1,239.63 36 $4,115.74 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Small Business 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 2 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 3 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Home Office 1 Small Business 2 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 2 Consumer 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 4 2 1 7 1 2 2 1 1 7 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 5 2 28130 9222 224 31043 47872 20513 55847 40708 13313 32451 834 36867 51619 54560 25824 25060 36739 26466 27013 51047 31873 15815 55874 15139 26240 42403 3395 24802 30214 40261 53894 36643 51815 28069 58784 56582 11008 18919 36358 53508 58693 24644 11335 19105 34432 1 3 0 3 4 3 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 4 2 0 0 4 1 2 1 4 2 3 4 0 0 2 1 4 4 4 1 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 1 4 3 3 0 23 $404.24 41 $473.67 44 $267.85 49 $772.42 38 $1,756.27 13 $42.27 45 $136.71 15 $103.55 47 $1,020.61 42 $580.56 15 $1,813.04 21 $5,482.18 31 $11,262.04 22 $604.38 37 $14,410.78 1 $1,893.93 27 $331.17 29 $909.72 26 $7,007.19 38 $1,685.07 2 $141.59 24 $107.41 41 $228.30 33 $744.12 38 $1,483.44 47 $121.20 29 $623.02 18 $1,383.20 38 $375.61 36 $331.37 37 $2,756.17 17 $240.87 37 $227.50 1 $10.17 17 $278.76 25 $2,612.89 17 $2,545.89 39 $739.28 28 $865.35 25 $342.85 50 $876.64 40 $2,550.12 8 $922.47 31 $1,370.56 20 $244.39 3 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Home Office 3 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Small Business 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 3 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 3 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 0 1 0 1 5 0 2 0 3 1 1 2 7 2 1 2 7 5 1 4 2 5 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 58144 41543 28069 9606 56803 32037 47713 15075 51554 50147 8320 14115 47203 36068 48900 8295 10371 23136 33189 20422 6179 42631 55392 57958 40997 37731 2791 31941 13028 1762 22119 5984 22818 48230 24647 32741 22242 41988 11680 35200 9762 3138 54560 44069 20709 1 1 1 0 0 1 3 2 2 2 0 0 4 4 0 3 3 0 1 3 0 3 4 4 1 4 3 2 4 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 3 0 4 4 3 29 45 4 39 42 37 34 24 29 42 22 46 44 23 27 30 10 43 5 30 50 18 39 46 12 25 47 7 39 43 20 42 19 31 3 13 50 14 50 15 12 4 45 43 5 $778.38 $7,548.65 $23.58 $493.26 $258.19 $311.66 $3,419.15 $1,548.43 $606.91 $1,504.01 $150.34 $3,296.06 $1,016.26 $6,133.18 $337.61 $835.15 $156.15 $220.47 $50.19 $447.33 $477.53 $211.40 $104.97 $1,419.83 $382.29 $88.37 $191.67 $53.55 $1,357.53 $1,279.51 $939.39 $464.64 $360.24 $2,645.80 $3,029.97 $136.24 $329.91 $181.49 $7,312.03 $150.24 $262.76 $718.03 $2,404.60 $614.80 $25.10 1 Small Business 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 3 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 3 Consumer 3 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 3 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Consumer 3 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 7 4 4 0 0 7 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 0 2 1 1 5 5 4 2 2 7 2 4 2 2 1 0 2 0 2 51619 42242 5894 53797 18405 38599 35847 12228 31715 13380 34177 46469 40128 59365 29667 54243 59207 17251 41604 51266 56516 37924 50051 48295 39072 26949 8162 46756 18247 8422 41216 22402 47201 25824 9637 17668 53476 48455 56002 49505 42242 14627 48961 30759 38564 0 0 3 4 2 3 4 0 0 4 3 4 1 2 0 1 4 0 2 0 2 3 2 2 3 4 2 2 0 2 0 4 4 2 1 2 0 4 1 4 0 2 0 0 4 46 $100.60 23 $265.31 7 $384.33 10 $623.71 2 $158.04 27 $2,651.23 23 $361.65 30 $5,015.05 44 $145.19 24 $66.12 13 $34.42 18 $93.26 43 $10,318.72 1 $534.30 14 $215.31 6 $907.24 42 $9,502.74 26 $2,951.44 22 $138.24 30 $617.51 6 $27.89 21 $352.44 17 $103.72 48 $10,051.52 50 $1,633.37 48 $460.69 25 $670.39 3 $33.64 20 $155.80 18 $4,212.75 8 $253.26 33 $1,194.34 18 $99.55 6 $507.56 49 $28,359.40 13 $2,219.73 14 $481.40 17 $182.47 14 $748.84 12 $97.74 23 $2,287.10 47 $671.03 24 $520.68 2 $64.79 37 $9,517.60 1 Consumer 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 7 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 1 0 1 4 2 1 1 2 2 3 54595 19584 43590 18753 2817 24544 2722 8868 10048 18754 42308 33350 26758 6592 9637 19716 15270 24003 5921 24544 46499 13959 27456 38915 59845 48385 1444 50337 11972 13313 45731 33699 53953 13920 14528 29860 42343 45410 6823 12934 44772 57734 56581 24162 1444 2 4 4 2 2 3 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 4 1 3 4 2 0 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 4 4 4 4 1 0 0 0 3 3 0 2 41 $5,258.94 6 $14,535.80 24 $3,118.60 33 $5,394.40 40 $1,559.86 31 $4,587.30 46 $1,895.55 34 $179.99 21 $78.57 8 $1,217.62 16 $79.98 1 $1,786.04 46 $3,519.12 33 $1,621.10 12 $123.76 5 $616.11 36 $257.91 9 $11.89 27 $384.74 15 $403.71 22 $89.96 47 $228.46 29 $9,492.92 34 $253.60 28 $120.54 16 $88.24 32 $21,717.36 37 $122.99 4 $896.49 22 $755.60 35 $2,506.27 13 $1,619.51 36 $307.65 25 $901.32 14 $78.44 48 $8,295.29 46 $3,412.08 19 $991.36 50 $1,262.72 27 $96.99 1 $54.08 27 $453.89 20 $2,026.01 1 $10.94 13 $15,823.27 2 Small Business 2 Corporate 3 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 3 Home Office 3 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 3 Home Office 3 Consumer 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 3 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 3 Consumer 1 Small Business 2 Home Office 3 1 2 2 2 1 4 4 2 2 3 0 2 2 4 7 2 0 7 1 2 2 1 2 5 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 3 2 5 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 34788 19232 38598 24228 17764 47938 25475 4321 16229 46241 14785 5155 11585 21442 37825 55490 55525 25831 22208 41988 10884 28225 7297 6241 17669 42852 13542 37794 30467 33797 48929 39460 48931 46528 34275 55908 6179 2530 8994 12869 6211 29889 29766 52258 31493 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 0 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 4 3 1 3 0 1 1 4 0 3 0 1 2 1 3 0 2 1 0 4 0 2 1 3 4 43 27 31 27 17 49 47 19 34 25 14 2 48 41 3 1 6 37 33 24 9 4 29 32 13 11 32 5 44 45 25 42 23 27 44 15 9 36 15 28 44 40 5 8 $30.47 $265.38 $451.52 $60.64 $644.40 $283.65 $305.96 $1,505.57 $568.74 $1,932.58 $744.12 $569.21 $200.75 $782.93 $286.75 $246.20 $291.40 $250.38 $1,138.43 $4,610.35 $2,525.99 $206.04 $1,620.94 $5,433.09 $1,116.03 $129.90 $3,571.84 $6,195.87 $2,019.65 $574.50 $2,096.70 $172.42 $2,149.37 $476.04 $123.46 $1,844.97 $2,690.75 $23.46 $1,423.35 $1,532.48 $67.72 $243.50 $6,636.66 $63.85 $112.47 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 3 Home Office 2 5 7 4 0 7 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 7 7 1 0 2 2 0 7 0 1 4 1 2 7 4 1 1 3 2 5 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 0 7 1 58818 47877 23844 47621 21703 35364 6368 45380 40965 14913 53891 44294 55874 36707 57409 231 52416 59681 9665 40997 48192 4389 23877 34880 41606 57253 4931 21479 55300 27463 10310 54369 48199 11174 19457 49668 23844 58310 8545 38145 32611 36643 14596 9923 19431 4 2 0 4 0 4 0 4 2 3 3 1 2 2 0 3 0 4 1 1 4 2 0 3 3 4 4 2 3 2 1 0 0 2 3 1 0 4 1 0 2 4 4 3 0 20 $4,353.02 49 $8,058.96 40 $1,861.36 16 $230.74 3 $12.01 37 $15,897.01 40 $19,100.45 34 $1,912.98 39 $1,836.19 47 $1,003.43 25 $2,570.94 8 $447.04 24 $129.53 47 $181.78 1 $90.88 2 $689.74 6 $49.81 23 $224.34 49 $9,579.62 37 $881.74 15 $2,277.67 42 $2,455.28 35 $381.36 44 $284.38 23 $4,514.86 29 $653.54 45 $4,282.73 41 $291.16 37 $159.89 10 $54.52 48 $139.86 47 $421.08 47 $672.46 30 $3,197.00 33 $5,638.80 25 $93.22 11 $33.02 22 $834.81 25 $113.75 33 $60.92 16 $33.76 30 $1,025.02 24 $199.12 27 $63.71 4 $16.82 2 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 3 Home Office 1 Small Business 2 Corporate 2 Corporate 3 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 3 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 3 Small Business 2 Home Office 1 Small Business 2 Consumer 3 Corporate 3 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Small Business 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 3 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 7 1 0 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 4 2 3 1 2 7 1 1 4 2 2 1 2 0 2 548 34374 32800 44867 43553 48455 47203 22118 41474 38915 57476 22243 40647 50016 26758 14176 12389 69 29988 29826 13635 28161 41765 41888 31111 20518 21602 39367 12258 12224 12258 38021 43140 59459 3042 48483 18179 49216 11777 47872 49412 30785 36355 40998 53798 4 1 0 3 0 4 4 3 0 2 3 4 3 3 0 1 2 0 3 4 4 0 2 1 0 4 4 4 1 3 1 2 4 2 2 4 0 3 1 4 4 3 2 2 1 26 $2,753.19 42 $344.57 19 $354.13 40 $21,425.91 29 $143.29 34 $817.53 8 $129.18 50 $2,842.54 35 $3,640.83 12 $96.73 17 $357.91 9 $24.76 47 $1,982.16 15 $1,093.64 37 $108.33 39 $1,233.48 16 $189.04 28 $51.53 12 $5,177.40 9 $157.63 49 $334.29 15 $5,028.31 41 $204.99 18 $1,979.47 27 $217.93 49 $8,252.36 6 $2,170.61 30 $139.59 27 $113.40 29 $842.61 3 $561.65 16 $4,407.03 23 $130.16 40 $69.66 26 $103.87 18 $47.55 24 $73.37 28 $96.71 39 $651.45 50 $345.58 20 $9,418.14 38 $373.07 9 $61.43 43 $1,233.22 29 $2,317.65 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 2 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 2 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Small Business 3 Home Office 1 Consumer 2 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 3 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 2 Small Business 1 Home Office 3 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 7 1 2 1 1 1 0 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 7 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 9 2 1 3 2 7 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 7 1 0 3 0 1 7 30016 26372 33797 41185 26146 51619 32355 2086 53920 43360 22978 32869 20519 7744 11335 10310 29637 54819 26567 10183 48772 23333 45988 59232 56002 2211 48198 44487 52416 46119 58914 54342 2817 47876 19457 56002 7297 42342 16771 36455 42949 57253 27491 55300 25638 4 1 0 4 1 0 0 4 4 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 4 2 2 4 3 1 3 4 4 0 4 1 1 2 3 3 1 3 0 3 3 0 4 0 3 3 15 1 20 2 13 2 34 9 18 48 28 41 7 26 3 6 34 10 22 48 44 16 43 23 9 14 45 4 40 23 46 35 14 8 34 14 26 43 42 48 40 25 2 48 12 $85.56 $31.96 $4,531.34 $18.81 $1,351.76 $14.75 $211.86 $1,246.68 $433.31 $112.16 $1,801.95 $322.03 $124.19 $4,286.55 $14.84 $926.59 $598.19 $53.32 $338.52 $1,210.02 $3,202.25 $886.89 $3,832.24 $725.43 $1,497.93 $95.89 $2,682.80 $28.15 $9,141.64 $93.05 $99.94 $3,439.39 $3,830.14 $365.22 $203.49 $3,857.56 $936.95 $9,501.62 $1,737.06 $1,838.19 $202.11 $2,750.11 $75.23 $180.48 $115.45 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 3 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 3 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 2 4 0 1 7 2 3 3 2 7 1 1 1 0 1 7 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 2 7 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 0 2 1 1 13632 43269 46721 47108 10661 18080 39906 47941 38721 26342 8132 35361 36992 51619 57856 3653 20389 48896 19204 55330 34567 26342 48096 27460 52615 37281 25472 24869 11585 998 48931 24132 18178 46341 45414 46528 26432 44231 20322 18336 12642 44834 11686 8257 47877 2 4 2 0 0 3 2 3 4 1 1 2 2 0 2 4 3 4 2 2 1 1 3 0 1 2 3 0 2 0 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 0 4 0 4 2 0 1 2 6 $608.93 24 $3,978.02 17 $142.94 26 $258.11 42 $1,312.65 7 $1,211.98 25 $82.21 15 $1,187.15 17 $107.56 24 $265.35 46 $229.35 40 $746.93 34 $459.08 6 $958.06 17 $127.45 41 $271.11 31 $7,477.78 43 $856.90 28 $1,642.05 49 $633.91 18 $3,344.11 3 $24.73 3 $34.23 7 $855.03 4 $67.22 25 $453.25 40 $194.02 14 $132.72 17 $281.84 16 $248.26 33 $750.66 3 $63.84 43 $235.09 23 $39.13 17 $1,002.73 43 $2,980.15 48 $27,820.34 43 $784.72 46 $160.27 1 $7.96 14 $572.33 43 $10,984.05 38 $6,121.20 5 $7,486.09 16 $273.36 3 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 3 Home Office 3 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Home Office 3 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 3 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 3 Consumer 1 Home Office 2 Small Business 1 Home Office 2 Consumer 1 Home Office 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 0 2 9 0 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 4 7 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 0 1 1 2 9 2 2 0 2 1 1 0 3 55360 19042 9092 5984 44834 6406 57507 50626 21541 28772 2790 15751 43911 4645 37794 23429 40097 2816 34565 56677 20518 39846 16612 49607 15074 56807 4647 58339 23652 3649 18471 18371 14983 9733 49123 20322 8710 35364 32675 23844 24870 16133 14114 16419 37542 2 4 0 1 2 4 4 2 0 3 3 4 2 4 1 4 1 3 2 3 4 1 3 2 0 3 2 3 0 1 0 2 3 0 3 4 4 4 3 0 1 4 4 0 2 39 $8,865.10 8 $327.61 8 $599.21 11 $96.68 13 $248.76 43 $92.63 10 $155.45 18 $3,267.41 43 $3,044.70 16 $950.46 15 $520.65 37 $189.60 23 $7,484.31 7 $104.20 6 $60.67 19 $1,063.35 47 $117.88 35 $787.56 47 $4,815.86 35 $430.55 7 $2,205.84 14 $71.47 6 $48.93 6 $1,056.64 27 $941.40 1 $47.04 34 $482.93 11 $37.64 27 $305.48 26 $75.60 29 $185.61 30 $1,394.36 48 $8,475.96 39 $223.64 3 $25.48 46 $4,601.02 42 $151.35 29 $10,338.93 20 $6,865.19 42 $937.62 45 $6,448.69 16 $3,083.04 38 $6,532.48 43 $241.19 26 $2,546.52 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 3 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 3 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 3 Corporate 2 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 2 Small Business 2 Small Business 1 Consumer 3 Corporate 1 1 1 2 0 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 9 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 1 2 9 0 2 1 2 13729 22851 4583 36355 8545 12544 40544 50432 3492 8709 54947 38886 12099 49088 37025 2373 49059 47493 18689 14400 4550 13602 28258 3458 4451 36706 21636 4835 3841 4454 59072 44517 43554 2754 2790 4839 5920 33635 6211 41415 2050 58688 46021 3397 24193 0 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 3 4 4 3 0 2 4 0 2 3 1 4 3 4 0 1 4 0 1 0 2 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 1 0 0 3 2 0 9 38 44 10 24 34 39 7 33 11 27 26 1 31 37 36 5 36 10 35 32 3 2 41 47 7 16 3 19 17 22 5 9 16 7 24 4 4 3 10 16 18 1 43 19 $872.48 $1,409.09 $3,021.64 $125.95 $3,081.95 $74.30 $2,413.53 $2,161.36 $94.60 $851.24 $132.36 $172.01 $17.59 $1,295.54 $641.89 $317.59 $252.66 $9,757.48 $194.65 $228.80 $3,730.54 $445.34 $201.18 $627.91 $992.95 $355.97 $376.65 $9.40 $1,184.45 $55.45 $576.89 $32.50 $34.18 $1,427.67 $45.91 $159.43 $582.59 $112.18 $68.64 $80.92 $44.46 $215.93 $199.48 $815.89 $1,426.51 3 Home Office 3 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 Consumer 3 Small Business 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 2 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 3 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 2 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 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Corporate 1 Consumer 3 Consumer 2 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 3 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 3 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 3 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 2 2 1 4 2 2 2 1 0 0 2 5 2 2 0 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 5 2 2 2 2 4 5 3 0 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 4 51392 40835 54468 36867 36807 37441 31426 32101 55906 15654 1444 23429 20390 54947 42309 37760 43301 27463 21985 5639 44583 29956 10562 1892 55875 29187 55040 52386 36131 53222 12224 16999 22407 32038 36835 26016 323 44002 22562 52615 58147 27111 18049 4193 3492 2 3 3 3 2 4 1 1 4 0 2 4 0 0 1 3 4 2 4 2 1 4 0 1 4 1 3 3 3 1 3 4 0 1 4 3 4 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 10 $254.89 14 $551.18 15 $40.75 16 $45.57 14 $211.88 46 $14,740.51 40 $4,054.06 48 $14,567.15 49 $276.30 27 $7,937.59 2 $21.44 28 $154.61 35 $1,271.12 42 $1,498.46 26 $47.91 38 $2,773.03 33 $3,537.84 31 $835.11 1 $255.83 31 $501.38 6 $17.59 48 $80.33 10 $994.04 9 $64.29 31 $178.45 8 $21.93 2 $4,692.26 6 $700.73 26 $130.97 2 $21.71 2 $302.91 18 $3,568.45 10 $128.02 26 $342.40 25 $6,685.05 44 $1,642.64 2 $55.34 14 $261.85 3 $57.48 18 $76.85 41 $470.74 18 $3,497.05 10 $65.52 3 $75.77 35 $2,393.63 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 2 Small Business 1 Consumer 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 2 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 2 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 Consumer 1 Home Office 3 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 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$446.46 39 $729.21 15 $1,917.61 46 $320.93 2 $942.42 3 Corporate 3 Home Office 3 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 2 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 3 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Consumer 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 2 Corporate 3 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 2 Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 2 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 7 2 4 0 4 2 0 1 3 0 4 1 1 2 0 1 2 1 1 0 7 1 4 2 1 1 2 5 2 1 2 1 20614 53123 1189 10052 53281 2756 30341 4389 37696 45987 39812 18754 48167 47457 34691 40006 37348 44391 23392 54595 3395 1952 36067 31043 57511 21922 30407 6020 6880 36069 33317 13218 42981 14311 26567 962 37830 18308 40997 53410 44197 49799 10658 54151 3397 0 0 4 0 4 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 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Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 2 2 1 2 2 1 7 1 0 2 2 1 3 5 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 5 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 4 2 3 1 7 1 1 21831 11013 23205 25120 10692 36999 25445 30341 14274 44352 36896 46981 53254 1762 11748 28480 49511 52035 57509 30083 9923 49830 27111 22208 24455 53382 28583 2370 58339 5317 49056 21703 59845 39750 54151 10886 8646 12480 16770 12771 6112 3073 38084 7203 17155 0 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 2 3 3 1 0 3 4 3 3 0 0 4 4 3 1 3 0 1 3 4 4 3 2 4 4 2 2 0 3 2 6 $28.39 2 $226.88 8 $319.62 46 $237.15 48 $8,101.99 28 $14,475.74 48 $1,444.00 42 $6,244.18 46 $1,413.89 25 $81.76 21 $3,508.33 46 $1,398.87 34 $5,442.14 11 $69.60 23 $3,503.12 17 $30.62 35 $150.29 29 $20,872.16 39 $199.39 23 $324.28 14 $5,388.80 16 $519.65 11 $1,064.23 50 $5,271.05 8 $169.11 15 $4,760.02 25 $5,811.72 6 $679.60 9 $1,608.87 38 $212.57 5 $248.40 20 $1,846.76 42 $200.10 7 $140.59 35 $205.87 36 $65.42 26 $994.27 8 $1,187.01 17 $37.06 40 $1,143.49 10 $1,597.37 3 $2,119.67 33 $404.91 25 $21,752.01 31 $1,065.26 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 2 Home Office 3 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 3 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 3 Consumer 2 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 2 Corporate 3 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 0 1 1 2 4 1 2 0 2 2 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 0 7 0 2 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 0 28354 50501 36069 3395 13313 34497 14785 24933 32295 24132 7527 19204 39844 38145 41825 36934 8710 40965 35744 5511 7461 32611 38852 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Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 3 Home Office 2 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 5 2 7 2 2 1 0 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 0 0 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 0 1 2 2 0 0 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 23488 58337 41440 35041 39335 59104 8229 22371 7909 49441 18179 8646 12258 26918 22628 7398 11909 4647 1287 9926 6592 43974 46848 19493 49056 36355 20422 1314 13252 31873 3110 46853 48929 59072 29187 20162 15105 1799 59104 36358 57155 19975 9476 42338 43620 3 1 3 0 0 3 2 3 3 2 0 3 1 1 2 0 0 2 3 3 1 0 2 4 3 2 3 2 0 1 3 1 3 0 1 2 1 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 2 29 $101.77 18 $106.45 19 $6,070.96 28 $443.73 34 $889.84 13 $197.61 50 $241.01 8 $70.55 29 $122.23 49 $1,981.26 50 $527.60 29 $9,558.65 2 $55.60 16 $77.96 30 $2,951.70 34 $2,181.44 11 $194.17 33 $1,590.16 39 $3,908.65 25 $158.83 29 $194.29 8 $64.23 39 $3,842.99 31 $4,713.25 46 $300.07 43 $90.93 5 $15.38 4 $42.58 39 $605.16 50 $8,558.47 13 $1,601.32 22 $5,648.69 1 $55.43 2 $35.67 35 $26,095.13 38 $607.42 39 $460.43 16 $108.31 22 $68.92 22 $823.07 16 $535.54 33 $362.17 10 $165.04 32 $1,909.01 11 $49.76 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 3 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 3 Consumer 1 Consumer 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 2 2 3 0 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 9 3 2 2 1 2 2 7 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 7 2 0 1 2 7 1 7 2 3 1 1 3 2 2 2 30053 18788 30215 47813 41282 20710 6727 13542 2790 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Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 3 Small Business 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 2 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 2 5 2 1 2 0 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 3 1 1 29633 263 39040 4193 54949 56901 21766 18179 10851 2150 40835 57153 1411 50981 39780 47520 32710 49283 49123 22562 32199 2754 53508 32676 323 55367 38240 42342 34498 21703 21442 9954 47108 43399 8422 40835 23076 22402 20711 21985 6656 40902 40704 17186 29252 4 3 4 3 1 4 3 0 3 2 3 4 3 4 1 0 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 1 11 25 7 16 7 36 32 50 50 21 26 45 47 42 48 13 43 25 31 46 1 11 4 37 20 31 42 25 4 15 48 30 7 8 33 1 50 1 5 45 45 25 6 11 9 $96.01 $136.77 $19.36 $64.29 $192.02 $100.68 $535.24 $3,075.83 $608.21 $3,905.75 $393.59 $698.10 $6,717.93 $5,678.55 $2,208.31 $3,939.89 $540.33 $334.71 $305.76 $9,304.20 $3,672.89 $499.26 $62.48 $1,697.44 $108.09 $2,137.10 $1,651.07 $318.14 $47.12 $2,211.73 $2,962.96 $115.81 $131.55 $124.70 $1,003.71 $18.73 $742.21 $51.83 $98.66 $947.66 $1,802.00 $192.18 $11.57 $67.14 $65.81 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 2 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 Small Business 3 Small Business 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 3 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 1 1 0 7 2 2 0 0 2 2 1 2 0 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 0 3 2 1 2 1 5 0 7 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Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 3 Small Business 2 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 2 Home Office 1 Home Office 3 Corporate 1 Consumer 3 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 2 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Consumer 2 0 7 2 0 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 7 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 4 2 1 2 2 5 0 0 8162 50917 20965 32800 16196 38721 31171 8999 15718 45539 33025 3808 7776 7269 6854 59556 37441 44231 9894 39015 55840 24132 37888 2818 31078 3553 8325 37987 11584 57511 42949 39301 13314 59745 45539 45824 57253 15718 18471 28451 16961 6884 25063 8835 57378 2 1 4 0 3 4 0 3 4 0 1 4 2 2 2 0 4 0 3 2 2 1 4 2 4 2 4 3 2 4 0 2 3 0 0 0 4 4 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 42 $5,450.60 33 $1,422.31 8 $1,264.23 33 $11,336.37 44 $14,521.39 15 $1,386.69 37 $161.02 28 $1,676.48 36 $100.87 15 $269.20 5 $318.31 2 $6.13 36 $7,223.59 29 $1,707.99 1 $22.13 5 $927.99 1 $3.77 11 $1,865.94 16 $5,403.75 11 $74.02 11 $59.03 31 $1,252.89 31 $639.19 37 $565.91 7 $104.46 7 $20.50 21 $2,364.29 5 $708.87 48 $1,497.32 11 $569.64 49 $630.99 16 $2,232.66 34 $89.40 36 $18,092.66 27 $87.33 44 $6,123.48 43 $78.08 50 $55.89 4 $10.96 41 $8,958.46 34 $1,089.59 47 $296.13 24 $711.88 12 $153.44 10 $38.44 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 3 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 2 Corporate 1 Consumer 3 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 2 Home Office 2 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Home Office 2 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 3 Corporate 3 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Corporate 3 Small Business 2 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 5 0 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 0 0 7 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 5 0 1 0 21286 7136 18855 41253 13056 23808 20261 6116 7398 5317 13606 38913 39589 4645 1031 46919 6464 41793 19047 22279 21445 33220 26854 18147 37734 9954 48836 33696 16102 20037 50310 43909 49313 13602 9187 59207 5509 5441 55040 29350 10658 14530 57666 35776 31910 4 3 3 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 4 4 2 1 2 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 4 3 0 1 2 3 2 1 3 4 1 0 3 3 1 3 0 2 2 17 $280.39 17 $642.90 31 $229.43 5 $1,455.49 33 $3,387.32 28 $2,813.85 25 $751.52 7 $150.77 6 $55.77 10 $1,469.48 34 $109.86 7 $230.29 20 $95.08 30 $920.00 34 $226.10 31 $4,483.92 42 $3,991.99 48 $1,286.87 1 $67.49 43 $2,463.60 43 $400.45 49 $3,291.13 1 $34.11 42 $82.03 15 $1,393.39 36 $10,122.72 8 $2,651.21 2 $57.73 25 $13,255.93 35 $1,009.42 42 $1,811.30 46 $737.25 34 $307.76 13 $660.99 40 $174.64 3 $10.12 11 $68.46 16 $278.92 8 $292.38 46 $1,634.17 12 $190.73 44 $4,851.50 45 $1,206.15 36 $213.74 6 $187.64 3 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 3 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Corporate 2 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Home Office 1 Home Office 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Small Business 1 Corporate 1 Small Business 1 Small Business 1 Consumer 1 Home Office 1 Home Office

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