Final Portfolio This assignment asks you to compose a multimodal portfolio that presents an argument about how you have mastered the WR 393 course skills, supported by an analysis of your writing throughout the quarter. As a multimoclal text, the portfolio should employ a mixture of linguistic, visual, aural, spatial, and!r or gestural affordances, as enabled by the Canvas ePorttolio platform. The final portfolio gives you a drance to highlight the sl-cills you have improved and contextualize skills you have struggled with. Your main goals for this assignment are to demonstrate your self-awareness and ownership of what you have teamed in 'WR 393, so that you may direct your instructor's attention to what you see as 'tE' most significant aspects of your learning process. Requirements II A Reective Introduction in which you explain the significance or utility of the concepts and skills you practiced in \"ER 393, and analyze how your writing demonstrates your growing understanding of these concepts and your growing ability to apply these skills. This analysis should address how specific low-stakes process assignments prepared you for the major writing projects, and how your responses to the course readings motivated you to make specific choices in your writing. There is no length requirement. In Final drafts of the Genre Analysis and Imitation Project, which represent the culmination of your learning in lotR 393. Revisions for a higher grade are not permitted. o A selection of process work you deem most significant to your learning in \"FR 393. All process assignments excerpted and discussed in the Reflective Introduction should be included in their entirety elsewhere in the portfolio. There is no requirement for how many assignments to include, though your instructor may suggest a specic range. o An annotated 1Working Bibliography including all the sources you have read and integrated in your writing this quarter. Citations should be presented in proper IVILA format, and annotations originally written for the GA and NIP may be updated and expanded as appropriate. Your instructor may invite or require you to include other materials in your Portfolio in addition to the above components