Financlal leverage Max Small has outstanding school loans that require a monthly payment of $1,000. He needs to buy a new car for work and estimates that this purchase wil add $351 per month to his exsting monthy obligations. Max wl have $3.060 available after meeting al of his monthly inving (operating) expenses. This amount could vary by plus or minis 9%. a. To assess the polential impact of the additional bomowing on his financial leverage, calculate the DFL in tabular form for both the current and proposed ban payments using Max's avaliable $3,090 as a base and a 9% change. b. Can Maxafford the additional loan payment? c. Should Nax take on the additional foan payment? a. To assess the potential impact of the additional borrowing on hin financial loverage, calculate the DFL in tabular form for both the current and proposed loan payments using Max's avalabie $3,080 as a base and a 9% change. Camplete the table below to compute the current DFL: (Round to the nearest doilar and the percentage change to one decimal place) Financial leverago. Max Small has outstanding school loans that require a monthly payment of $1,000. Ho needs to buy a new car for work and estimates thi purchase will add $351 per month to his existing monthly obligations. Max will have $3,080 available aftor moeting al of his monthly living (operating) expensot amount could vary by plus or minus 9%. a. To assess the potential impact of the additional borrowing on his financial loverage, calculate the DFL in tabular form for both the ourrent and proposed loan payments using Max's available $3,080 as a base and a 9% change. b. Can Max afford the additional loan payment? c. Should Max take on the additional loun payment? The current DFL is (Round to two decime places.) The proposed DFL is (Round to two decimal places.) b. Can Max allord the addisional loan payment? (Select from the drop-down menid). Max afford the additional loan payment. c. Should Max take on the additional loan payment? Is the statement below true of false? \{Select from the dropidona poriun) "Although it appears that Max can afford the additional loan payments, he mast decide if, given the variability of his inoome, he would fool comfortabie with the increased financial leverage and riskn