Find the annual premium for a. 20 year level term insurance policy with a face value of $15,000 for a 25- year old male who smokes. round to the nearest cent
Tables of Premium Rates Estimated Annual Life Insurance Premium Rates per $1,000 of Face Value 10-Year Level Term 20-Year Level Term Female NT Male Female PREF NT Age PREF NT Male PREF NT PREF 0.87 2.28 0.75 228 0.75 20 1.27 1.88 20 1.88 25 2.06 30 2.23 35 2.93 40 4.08 45 5.78 50 8.33 55 3.46 6.95 12.57 60 2.86 091 2.86 0.91 1.10 1.09 150 131 2.56 2.56 25 0.87 1.27 1.10 1.16 1.26 131 1.42 1.09 1.12 1.17 1.50 1.61 30 2.49 2.73 3.78 5.33 S.OS 5.61 12.48 9.07 20.07 3.24 096 1.73 0.87 0.87 1.36 1.44 0.75 0.75 267 1.53 2.78 2.00 3.62 1.02 2.36 35 3.77 2.92 5.57 4.40 1.13 151 2.03 1.96 2.69 3.76 1.00 1.57 1.49 2.23 5.38 1.26 3.73 8.42 1.75 5.99 12.90 9.52 19,15 40 Premium Rates for Periods Less than One Year 138 2.12 1.72 2.98 2.27 4.44 45 3.45 5.38 S.46 15.15 29.14 6.17 10.36 16.74 259 802 50 2.95 3.96 6.66 11.45 Percent of Annual 55 60 4.61 Period Premium 51.00 Universal Life Whole Life Semiannually Quarterly Monthly Female PREF NT 4.65 Male Female PREF NT 7.55 S.12 8.65 930 11.59 25 9.82 10.56 13.48 30 Age PREF NT Male 26.00 IT PREF NT 20 5.78 7.17 8.61 8.75 5.97 7.17 6.81 8.73 S.25 10.77 9.69 10.17 13.41 5.25 6.21 6.69 7.41 8.13 10.29 9.09 4.53 5.37 9.95 20 S.39 9.02 10.55 9.51 10.22 12.70 5.61 25 30 10.86 11.68 14.77 35 1237 13.30 16.59 10.97 11.80 14.85 35 40 14.42 15 50 19.31 12.54 13.48 16.69 40 45 17.65 18.98 24.03 15.14 16.28 20.43 45 14.01 15.45 19.65 12.09 12.69 16.77 50 22.45 24.14 55 28.67 30 S2 39.00 2411 25.92 30.97 55 22.41 24.57 31.41 18.93 20.25 26.97 60 36.06 3877 49 39 29.75 31.99 37.25 60 6.45 7.89 9.93 12.69 11.25 12.33 15.69 19.09 20.53 25.39 50 17.61 19.17 24.45 15.09 16.05 21.33 0.6: 28.77 34.53 43.65 23.97 28.29 37.53 PREF preferred: NT- aop-tobacco: T tobacco asage Tables of Premium Rates Estimated Annual Life Insurance Premium Rates per $1,000 of Face Value 10-Year Level Term Female PREF NT 20-Year Level Term Male Female PREF NT Male Age PREF NT 1.09 Age PREF NT 1.27 0.87 1.27 1.36 1.44 2.28 0.75 1.10 1.10 SLO STT 1.31 256 2.56 20 0.87 1.88 20 1.50 2.86 0.91 150 1.88 25 2.06 30 2.23 35 2.93 40 4.08 45 5.78 50 8.33 55 461 9.07 20.07 3.46 6.95 12.57 60 2.86 0.91 1.61 131 1.42 2.67 1.53 1.09 2.49 2.73 116 1.26 1.00 1.57 2.12 3.24 0.96 1.73 3.62 1.02 2.36 0.75 0.75 0.87 1.12 1.17 1.49 2.78 3.77 0.87 1.96 2.69 1.13 3.78 5.38 1.26 2.00 Premium Rates for Periods Less than One Year 138 2.23 3.45 3.73 5.99 12.90 259 9.52 19.15 3.96 S.42 1.75 292 4.40 151 5.57 5.33 8.OS 12.48 227 2.03 3.76 1.72 2.98 4.44 S.02 5.61 5.38 6.66 11.45 2.95 60 Percent of S.46 15.15 29.14 6.17 10.36 16.74 Annual Period Premium 51.00 Whole Life Universal Life Semiannually Quarterly Monthly Female Male Female Male PREF NT Age PREF NT 5.25 5.78 26.00 8.75 PREF NT PREF NT 4.65 5.97 5.61 7.17 6.81 8.73 S.25 10.77 9.69 10.17 13.41 S.12 9.95 20 8.65 9.30 11.59 25 9.82 10.56 13.48 30 35 12.37 13.30 16.59 10.97 11.80 14.85 35 7.17 8.61 S.13 10.29 4.53 5.37 6.45 20 8.39 9.02 10.55 7.55 6.69 9.51 10.22 12.70 30 10.86 11.68 14.77 25 6.21 7.41 9.09 9.93 12.69 11.25 1233 15.69 7.89 40 14.42 15.50 1931 12.54 13.48 16.69 | 40 45 17.65 18.98 24.03 15.14 16.28 20.43 45 14.01 15.45 19.65 12.09 12.69 16.77 50 2245 24.14 30.65 19.09 20.53 25.39 50 17.61 19.17 24.45 15.09 16.05 21.33 55 28.67 30.82 39.00 24.ll 25.92 30.97 55 22.41 24.57 31.41 18.93 20.25 26.97 60 36.06 38.77 49.39 29.75 31.99 37.25 60 28.77 34.53 43.65 23.97 28.29 37.53 PREF prefered NT p0n-tobacco: T= tobacco usage