Following are the merchandising transactions of Dollar Store. November 1 Dollar store purchases merehandise for 31,900 on terms of 2/5,n/30, Fon shipping point, involce dated Novenber 1. soveaber 5 Dollar store pays casb for the November 1 purchase. November ? pollar store dincovers and returnn $150 of defective merchandise purebased on November 1 , and paid for on Novenber 5 , for a canh refund. Novenber 10 Dollar store pays $95 cash for transpertation cobes for the November 1 purehase. Kovember 13 pollar store nells merchandise for $2, 052 with termo n/30. The cont of the merehandise is $1,026. Hovember 16 Merchandise io returned to the Dollar store from the Novenber i3 transaction. The returned items are priced at $200 and cost $1001 the itemo wore not damaged and were roturned to inventory. Joumalize the above merchandising transactions for the Dollar Store assuming it uses a perpetual inventory system and the gross method Journal entry worksheet 2345676 Dollar Store purchases merchandise for $1,900 on terms of 2/5,n/30,FOB shipping point, inveice dated November 1. poote I Inter dotnits toefure crecti. Following are the merchandising transactions of Doliar Store. Novenber 1 Dollar store purchases merehandise for $1,900 on terms of 2/5, n/30, roe ahipping point, involce dated Wiovenber 1 is Novenber 5 Dollar store pay eakh for the Novenber 1 purchase. Movember 7 Dollar titote diacovere and returni $150 of detective merchandiae parehased on Novenber 1 , and paid for on Woveaber 5 , for a cash refund. Movenber 10 bollar litore pays 595 cash for transportation costa for che Novenber 1 purehase. Noverber 12 Dollar store selin nerchandise for $2,052 with terna n/30, The cost of the nerchandiae la $1, 026. Hovenbet 16 Mercbandiae in returned to the Dollar 3 tore fros the Movenber 13 trasaaction. The returned itens are priced ot 5200 and cost $100f the itees vere not daeaged and were returned to inventory, Journalize the above merchandising transactions for the Dollar Store assuming it uses a perpetual inventory system and the gross method