For each of the following, create a static method with the appropriate inputs and outputs. Call each of them in the main method. 1.1 Uniqueness Write a method called unique() which takes in a List and returns true if all the items in the List are unique. All the items are unique if none of them are the same.2 Return false otherwise. 1.2 List Sum Write a method called sum() which given a List, returns the sum of all the integers in the list. 1.3 All Multiples Write a method named allMultiples() which takes in a List of integers and an int. The method returns a new List of integers which contains all of the numbers from the input list which are multiples of the given int. For example, if the List is [1; 25; 2; 5; 30; 19; 57; 2; 25] and 5 was provided, the new list should contain [25; 5; 30; 25]. 1.4 All Strings of Size Write a method named allStringsOfSize() which takes in a List and an int length. The method returns a new List which con- tains all the Strings from the original list that are length characters long. For example, if the inputs are ["I", "like", "to", "eat", "eat", "eat", "apples", "and", "bananas"] and 3, the new list is ["eat", "eat", "eat", "and"]. 1.5 String To List of Words Write a method called stringToListOfWords() which takes in a String con- verts it into a list of words. We assumes that each word in the input string is separated by whitespace.3 If our input String is "Hello, world!", then the output should be ["Hello,", "world!"]. For extra credit, sanitize the String, cleaning it up so that we re- move the punctuation and other extraneous characters such that the output in the above example would become ["Hello", "world"] This method returns List. 1.6 Remove All Instances Write a method called removeAllInstances() which takes in a List and item4. The method then proceeds to remove each item in the list that matches the given item. For example, if the method is passed the List [1, 4, 5, 6, 5, 5, 2] and the Integer 5, the method removes all 5's from the List. The List then becomes [1, 4, 6, 2]. It should return nothing, since the changes the List it was provided.
Please give help for this one using JAVA by following the instructions and with explaination for each step if possible.