For this milestone: HASH FUNCTIONS is my chosen cipher
- Select a cipher (HASH FUNCTIONS) and attack to study. Use the course text to choose a cipher from those described in Chapters 3 through 5.
- Identify two reference sources (in addition to the text) that you intend to use for preparing your paper.
- Provide a sketch outlining your approach to develop the paper.
Overview 'liou will submit a one-Page project proposal delineating which modern cryptos'fstem you would like to analyze for your nal project. This will include the following: 1. Selection of a cipher and attack to Study. Use the course textto choose a cipher from those described in Chapters 3 through 5. 2. Identification oftwo reference sources [in addition to the text} that you intend to use for preparing your paper. 3. Provision ofa sketch outlining your approach to develop the paper. Format: Written components of project must followI these formatting guidelines when applicable: a MS Word document with double spacing. 12point Times New Roman font, oneinch margins, and disci pl inea ppropriate citations. This milestone should he one page, plus a separate title page. Two references are- required with the submission. Critical Elements Exampla ry- {100963 Procient {85%) Needs Impromnent (55%| Not Evident [0%] Value Selection of a Summarizes the fundamental Summarizes the fundamental Does not suiciently summarize Does not include a su mmarv of 30 Modern nature of the identied nature of the identied the fundamental nature of the the selected modem Cryptographic algorithm using clear and algorithm identified algorithm cryptographic System System relevant examples Proposed Approach Davelops an accurate proposal Develops an accurate proposal Does not suiciently develop a Does not include the proposed 30 for Assessing to identify a weakness and a to identify a weakness and a proposal to identify a weakness approach Cryptographic potential corresponding attack potential corresponding attack and a potential corrponding Attack of the identied algorithm usi ng of the identified algorithm attack of the identified clear and relevant examples algorithm Clarity at Clear, concise writing Clear, concise writing Clear, concise writing Presentation is not clear 20 Presentation demonstrating mastery and demonstrating mastery and demonstrating mastery and comprehension of the algorithm comprehension of the algorithm comprehension of algorithm, with relevant details but th ere are some extra neo us details or comments that deter from the clarity Adheres to the conventions of Adheres to the conventions of Adheres to the oonventions of Adheres to the conventions of 20 Control at syntax and Meetanics grammar, punttuation, spelling, mechani, and usage with no errors grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage with few errors grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage with some errors gram ma r, pun ctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage with many errors