Functional Requirements Design and develop a Javalx based Application for a movie database providing appropriate UI controls for the following data -Movie Name ISBN13 Number (optional) Release Date Location (Canadian OR Intenational) Genre (Action, Biography, Comedy. Drama, Educational, History, Horror, Musical, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi. Thriller OR Westen) Rating (1 to 5 stars) - Duration (in minutes) . Price Support loading and saving of the data for multiple movies to a file Display a list of movies to the user and allow the user to select a movie from this list of movies and have the appropriate move controls updated with the selected movie's information. . Allow movie records to be added, modified and deleted .Allow the user to search for a particular movie e.g. search by name and have the appropriate movie controls updated to reflect the corresponding movie's information. Additional Requirements Use label to display your name on the UI ( bottom center or left right) .Provide full data validation for user data entry . Proside a professional and organized user interface with tooltips,eror messages, indication of mandatory fields, etc Take the folloving screenshots of the User Interface of your program during execution and include them with your submission: o Immediately after startup o After loading the movie records from the text file o After searching for and finding a movie record by name Submit your assignment as per the submission guidelines Functional Requirements Design and develop a Javalx based Application for a movie database providing appropriate UI controls for the following data -Movie Name ISBN13 Number (optional) Release Date Location (Canadian OR Intenational) Genre (Action, Biography, Comedy. Drama, Educational, History, Horror, Musical, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi. Thriller OR Westen) Rating (1 to 5 stars) - Duration (in minutes) . Price Support loading and saving of the data for multiple movies to a file Display a list of movies to the user and allow the user to select a movie from this list of movies and have the appropriate move controls updated with the selected movie's information. . Allow movie records to be added, modified and deleted .Allow the user to search for a particular movie e.g. search by name and have the appropriate movie controls updated to reflect the corresponding movie's information. Additional Requirements Use label to display your name on the UI ( bottom center or left right) .Provide full data validation for user data entry . Proside a professional and organized user interface with tooltips,eror messages, indication of mandatory fields, etc Take the folloving screenshots of the User Interface of your program during execution and include them with your submission: o Immediately after startup o After loading the movie records from the text file o After searching for and finding a movie record by name Submit your assignment as per the submission guidelines