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Gender (Qualitative) Decision on dress code (Qualitative) Height (centimetres) Weight (pounds) Female Against 199 92 Male Against 199 156 Male Against 199 99 Female Against

Gender (Qualitative) Decision on dress code (Qualitative) Height (centimetres) Weight (pounds)
Female Against 199 92
Male Against 199 156
Male Against 199 99
Female Against 198 145
Female Against 198 50
Male Against 198 50
Male In favor 198 136
Male In favor 198 109
Female Against 197 154
Male Against 197 119
Male Against 197 88
Female In favor 197 114
Female In favor 197 72
Male In favor 197 149
Male In favor 197 125
Female Against 196 159
Female Against 196 50
Male Against 196 116
Male Against 196 69
Female In favor 196 131
Female In favor 196 122
Female Against 195 147
Female Against 195 104
Female Against 195 65
Male Against 195 153
Male Against 195 126
Male Against 195 69
Female In favor 195 104
Female In favor 195 61
Male In favor 195 98
Male In favor 195 81
Female Against 194 111
Male Against 194 115
Male Against 194 106
Female In favor 194 136
Male In favor 194 108
Female Against 193 61
Male Against 193 151
Male Against 193 130
Male In favor 193 65
Male In favor 193 54
Female Against 192 139
Female Against 192 101
Female Against 192 90
Male Against 192 101
Female In favor 192 140
Female In favor 192 108
Female Against 191 68
Male Against 191 146
Male Against 191 62
Male Against 191 62
Female In favor 191 54
Male In favor 191 96
Male In favor 191 79
Female Against 190 118
Female Against 190 105
Female Against 190 50
Male Against 190 95
Male Against 190 83
Male Against 190 80
Female In favor 190 156
Male In favor 190 135
Male In favor 190 50
Female Against 189 132
Female Against 189 125
Female Against 189 124
Male In favor 189 104
Male In favor 189 87
Female Against 188 115
Female Against 188 99
Female Against 188 90
Female Against 188 80
Male Against 188 123
Male Against 188 100
Male Against 188 99
Male Against 188 57
Male Against 188 54
Female In favor 188 128
Female In favor 188 122
Male In favor 188 141
Male In favor 188 114
Male In favor 188 81
Male In favor 188 65
Female Against 187 130
Female Against 187 121
Female Against 187 92
Female Against 187 89
Female Against 187 70
Male Against 187 138
Male Against 187 122
Male Against 187 96
Female In favor 187 102
Female In favor 187 94
Male In favor 187 140
Male In favor 187 136
Male In favor 187 80
Male In favor 187 62
Female Against 186 143
Female Against 186 140
Female Against 186 137
Female Against 186 128
Male Against 186 118
Female In favor 186 148
Female In favor 186 146
Female In favor 186 127
Male In favor 186 68
Female Against 185 119
Female Against 185 110
Female Against 185 94
Female Against 185 81
Female Against 185 52
Male Against 185 139
Male Against 185 76
Female In favor 185 140
Female In favor 185 102
Female In favor 185 100
Male In favor 185 60
Female Against 184 152
Female Against 184 147
Female Against 184 132
Female Against 184 106
Female Against 184 86
Male Against 184 157
Male Against 184 57
Female In favor 184 160
Female In favor 184 121
Female In favor 184 76
Male In favor 184 153
Male In favor 184 83
Female Against 183 96
Female Against 183 87
Female Against 183 79
Male Against 183 147
Male Against 183 138
Male Against 183 131
Female In favor 183 150
Female In favor 183 76
Female In favor 183 50
Male In favor 183 153
Male In favor 183 105
Female Against 182 149
Female Against 182 84
Female Against 182 84
Male Against 182 151
Male Against 182 108
Male Against 182 104
Male Against 182 70
Male Against 182 50
Female In favor 182 143
Female In favor 182 126
Male In favor 182 98
Male In favor 182 73
Female Against 181 106
Female Against 181 94
Female Against 181 80
Male Against 181 154
Male Against 181 111
Male Against 181 105
Male Against 181 78
Female In favor 181 111
Male In favor 181 141
Male In favor 181 139
Male In favor 181 51
Female Against 180 156
Female Against 180 70
Female Against 180 58
Male Against 180 75
Female In favor 180 60
Female In favor 180 59
Male In favor 180 149
Male In favor 180 73
Female Against 179 158
Female Against 179 150
Female Against 179 114
Male Against 179 152
Male Against 179 130
Male Against 179 110
Male Against 179 93
Male Against 179 83
Female In favor 179 103
Female In favor 179 67
Male In favor 179 127
Male In favor 179 123
Male In favor 179 56
Male In favor 179 56
Female Against 178 107
Female Against 178 79
Female Against 178 65
Male Against 178 160
Male Against 178 142
Male Against 178 138
Male Against 178 117
Male Against 178 85
Male Against 178 83
Female In favor 178 154
Male In favor 178 140
Male In favor 178 127
Male In favor 178 52
Female Against 177 155
Female Against 177 101
Female Against 177 81
Female Against 177 61
Male Against 177 61
Female In favor 177 117
Female In favor 177 96
Male In favor 177 117
Male In favor 177 117
Female Against 176 156
Female Against 176 122
Female Against 176 121
Male Against 176 109
Female In favor 176 54
Male In favor 176 87
Male In favor 176 77
Female Against 175 141
Female Against 175 120
Female Against 175 83
Male In favor 175 135
Female Against 174 65
Male Against 174 96
Male Against 174 95
Male Against 174 90
Male In favor 174 138
Male In favor 174 107
Male In favor 174 90
Male In favor 174 54
Male Against 173 139
Male Against 173 131
Female In favor 173 82
Male In favor 173 111
Female Against 172 116
Female Against 172 109
Female Against 172 90
Female Against 172 67
Female Against 172 62
Male Against 172 139
Male Against 172 105
Male Against 172 92
Female In favor 172 111
Female In favor 172 108
Female In favor 172 96
Male In favor 172 75
Female Against 171 155
Female Against 171 131
Female Against 171 120
Male Against 171 147
Female In favor 171 152
Female In favor 171 118
Male In favor 171 147
Male In favor 171 141
Female Against 170 53
Male Against 170 115
Male Against 170 95
Male Against 170 81
Female In favor 170 156
Female In favor 170 102
Female Against 169 145
Female Against 169 98
Female Against 169 97
Female Against 169 54
Male Against 169 141
Male Against 169 136
Female In favor 169 121
Female In favor 169 103
Female In favor 169 88
Male In favor 169 110
Female Against 168 143
Female Against 168 140
Female Against 168 115
Female Against 168 90
Female Against 168 87
Male Against 168 158
Male Against 168 148
Male Against 168 50
Female In favor 168 139
Female In favor 168 135
Female In favor 168 59
Male In favor 168 160
Male In favor 168 123
Female Against 167 153
Female Against 167 135
Female Against 167 110
Female Against 167 79
Female Against 167 58
Male Against 167 64
Female In favor 167 85
Female In favor 167 85
Male In favor 167 151
Female Against 166 153
Female Against 166 140
Female Against 166 126
Male Against 166 70
Male Against 166 61
Female In favor 166 144
Female In favor 166 133
Male In favor 166 160
Male In favor 166 107
Female Against 165 83
Female Against 165 57
Male Against 165 143
Male Against 165 104
Male Against 165 80
Male Against 165 62
Female In favor 165 95
Male In favor 165 155
Male In favor 165 105
Male In favor 165 68
Female Against 164 160
Female Against 164 82
Female Against 164 71
Female Against 164 59
Male Against 164 75
Female In favor 164 142
Female In favor 164 126
Female In favor 164 71
Female In favor 164 70
Female Against 163 159
Female Against 163 154
Female Against 163 63
Male Against 163 137
Male Against 163 131
Female In favor 163 57
Male In favor 163 123
Male In favor 163 110
Female Against 162 74
Female Against 162 64
Female Against 162 58
Male Against 162 130
Male Against 162 97
Male Against 162 58
Female In favor 162 159
Female In favor 162 68
Male In favor 162 157
Female Against 161 145
Female Against 161 134
Male Against 161 118
Male Against 161 103
Male Against 161 89
Female In favor 161 154
Male In favor 161 155
Male In favor 161 115
Male In favor 161 72
Female Against 160 131
Female Against 160 124
Female Against 160 83
Male Against 160 156
Female In favor 160 109
Female In favor 160 51
Male In favor 160 139
Female Against 159 104
Female Against 159 80
Male Against 159 154
Male Against 159 140
Male Against 159 120
Male Against 159 104
Male In favor 159 145
Male In favor 159 124
Male In favor 159 109
Female Against 158 153
Female Against 158 149
Male Against 158 96
Male In favor 158 127
Male In favor 158 95
Female Against 157 153
Female Against 157 103
Female Against 157 60
Female Against 157 56
Female Against 157 52
Male Against 157 56
Female In favor 157 110
Female In favor 157 66
Male In favor 157 110
Male In favor 157 74
Female Against 156 126
Female Against 156 106
Female Against 156 89
Female In favor 156 52
Male In favor 156 137
Male In favor 156 74
Female Against 155 144
Female Against 155 115
Male Against 155 51
Female In favor 155 111
Female In favor 155 71
Male In favor 155 57
Female Against 154 96
Male Against 154 145
Male Against 154 112
Male Against 154 100
Male Against 154 81
Male Against 154 54
Female In favor 154 132
Female In favor 154 92
Male In favor 154 111
Male In favor 154 105
Female Against 153 149
Female Against 153 107
Female Against 153 77
Male Against 153 121
Male Against 153 104
Male Against 153 70
Female In favor 153 146
Female In favor 153 133
Female In favor 153 78
Female In favor 153 51
Female Against 152 154
Female Against 152 114
Female Against 152 90
Male Against 152 146
Male Against 152 132
Male Against 152 98
Male In favor 152 141
Male In favor 152 103
Female Against 151 158
Female Against 151 55
Male Against 151 82
Male Against 151 62
Female In favor 151 67
Female In favor 151 64
Male In favor 151 154
Male In favor 151 114
Female Against 150 144
Female Against 150 119
Female Against 150 84
Female Against 150 60
Female Against 150 50
Male Against 150 95
Male Against 150 74
Female In favor 150 153
Female In favor 150 97
Female In favor 150 87
Female In favor 150 70
Female Against 149 108
Female Against 149 61
Male Against 149 100
Male In favor 149 66
Male In favor 149 61
Female Against 148 67
Female Against 148 54
Male Against 148 141
Male In favor 148 155
Male In favor 148 60
Female Against 147 126
Female Against 147 107
Female Against 147 94
Male Against 147 142
Female In favor 147 67
Male In favor 147 92
Male In favor 147 84
Female Against 146 157
Female Against 146 147
Female Against 146 110
Female Against 146 104
Male Against 146 85
Male Against 146 70
Female In favor 146 123
Female In favor 146 101
Male In favor 146 138
Female Against 145 141
Female Against 145 79
Male Against 145 160
Male Against 145 108
Male Against 145 99
Male In favor 145 142
Male In favor 145 130
Male In favor 145 117
Male In favor 145 78
Female Against 144 66
Male Against 144 88
Male Against 144 80
Male In favor 144 145
Male In favor 144 108
Male Against 143 149
Female In favor 143 118
Male In favor 143 88
Female Against 142 159
Female Against 142 86
Female Against 142 86
Male Against 142 135
Male Against 142 131
Male Against 142 91
Female In favor 142 137
Male In favor 142 71
Male In favor 142 69
Female Against 141 143
Female Against 141 126
Male Against 141 94
Male Against 141 86
Male Against 141 85
Female In favor 141 136
Male In favor 141 80
Male In favor 141 80
Male Against 140 152
Male Against 140 146
Male Against 140 129
Male Against 140 52
Female In favor 140 146
Female In favor 140 76
Male In favor 140 143
Male In favor 140 79

Read the following scenario on a survey that you have conducted on the citizens of Dhaka city for your final assignment. Then answer the following questions.

You have conducted a survey on 500 people (sample size) of Dhaka city for your final assignment. Your population is all the citizens of Dhaka city.

You have collected two types of data from the people

  1. Quantitative data: Height and Weight of the people; and
  2. Qualitative data: Gender and Opinion of the people on having fixed dress codes for the students in schools. (The above data contains the data set that you have collected from these 500 people)

Three years ago a Census was conducted on all the people living in Dhaka city which found the following information on the population,

  • Height: Average is 164 centimeters and Standard deviation is 12 centimeters.
  • Weight: Average is 120 pounds and Standard deviation is 25 pounds.

Questions to be answered:

  1. Calculate the conditional probability that a randomly selected person is a female given that she is in favor of having fixed dress codes for the people in schools. Draw the Tree diagram. (Hint: Chapter 4)
  2. If one person from the sample is selected at random, then what is the probability that this person is a female and in favor of the statement?(Hint: Chapter 4)
  3. What is the probability that a randomly selected person is a Male or in favor of the statement? (Hint: Chapter 4)
    1. Hypothesis testing questions:
  4. Using 5% significance level, can you conclude that the mean heightof all citizens living in Dhaka city has increased during the last three years?(use P-value approach) (Chapter 9)
  5. Using the 10% significance level, can you conclude that the mean weight of all citizens living in Dhaka city is different from 120 pounds? (use critical value approach)(Chapter 9)

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