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Gina manufacturing company has been asked to quote a price for a machine used to manufacture toy soldiers. The cost accountant has provided the following

Gina manufacturing company has been asked to quote a price for a machine used to manufacture toy soldiers. The cost accountant has provided the following data.

Direct materials;

Materials BBB 100kg @ gh40.00

Materials QX 6 litres @ gh25.00

Direct Labour;

Production Dept. 20 hours @ gh9.88

Assembly Dept 8 hours @ gh 20.00

Finishing Dept 4 hours @ gh 18.00

Additional information from the companys budgets shows the following;

Production dept; Variable overhead gh4,500

Hours to be worked 3,000

Assembly dept; Variable overhead gh 8,000

Hours to be worked 2,500

Finished dept; Variable overhead gh 28,000

Hours to be worked 2,000

Fixed overheads for the company is gh 15,000

You are required to prepare a job cost sheet.

Calculate the selling price of the machine if the company adds a margin of 20% on all jobs.

B. An extent of a standard cost card for one tone of a product called zella is as below:

Output produced in unit 100 units

Direct material purchased 300kg costing GH3,600.00

Direct material issued 250kg

A total of GH7,500.00 was incurred for 500 direct labour hours used in the month. The standard set for materials and labour for the month:

Direct materials 3kgs@GH9.00

Direct labour costs 6.5 hours@GH13.00

You are required to calculate the following Total Direct Material Cost, Direct Material Price, Direct Material Usage (Quantity), Total Direct Labour Cost, Direct Labour Rate, Direct Labour Efficiency.

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