Given the state chart description below. write the Python code to implement it. Pressing a push-button transition the machine from state Moto MI. . While at M1, temperature and humidity are monitored. If the temperature is low and humidity is town to the and humidity is low, go to state M3. If the temperature is low and humidity is high go to state M. ir both are high go to MS . In states M2-MS, stay for 10 seconds before going to M6. While at M6, monitor faces with a camera and go back to Mo it more than 3 facts are detected. While in state: MO turn a LED on. The LED is off in all other states, M1 make a servo motor assume angle 90. The angle is 180 in all other states M2,3 make a DC motor rotate forward and 75 speed, The DC is off in MO, M1, and M. M4,5 make the same DC motor rotate backward at 100% speed. The DC is off in MO, M. and MG In M6, run the script "" TTTA Given the state chart description below. write the Python code to implement it. Pressing a push-button transition the machine from state Moto MI. . While at M1, temperature and humidity are monitored. If the temperature is low and humidity is town to the and humidity is low, go to state M3. If the temperature is low and humidity is high go to state M. ir both are high go to MS . In states M2-MS, stay for 10 seconds before going to M6. While at M6, monitor faces with a camera and go back to Mo it more than 3 facts are detected. While in state: MO turn a LED on. The LED is off in all other states, M1 make a servo motor assume angle 90. The angle is 180 in all other states M2,3 make a DC motor rotate forward and 75 speed, The DC is off in MO, M1, and M. M4,5 make the same DC motor rotate backward at 100% speed. The DC is off in MO, M. and MG In M6, run the script "" TTTA