global cell cell - Actor( 'gridbox.png', anchor-("left', 'top')) cell.x - BLOCK_SIZE cell.y = 0 . BLOCK_SIZE = "cell" def draw(): screen.clear() spaceship.draw() screen.draw.text("Score: %s" % spaceship.score, topleft-(8,4), fontsize-40). displays score screen.draw.text("Lives: %s" $ spaceship.lives, topleft-(530, 4), fontsize-40) alien.draw() alien2.draw() if displayGrid - 13 for column_cell in range(WORLD_SIZE) for row_cell in range(WORLD_SIZE): cell.xrow_cell BLOCK SIZE cell y column_cell BLOCK_SIZE = "cell" cell.draw() init() Pozrun.gol) I Answer the following questions here: 7. How many function definitions do we have, and what are they? We have five function definitions. They a. def init() b. def intSpaceship() C. def initaliens() d. def initGrid() e. def draw() I 8. How many function calls do we have, and what are they? Actors' behavior are not counted here. ble have one function call and it is: e. init() 32 24 B5 ... global cell cell - Actor( 'gridbox.png', anchor-("left', 'top')) cell.x - BLOCK_SIZE cell.y = 0 . BLOCK_SIZE = "cell" def draw(): screen.clear() spaceship.draw() screen.draw.text("Score: %s" % spaceship.score, topleft-(8,4), fontsize-40). displays score screen.draw.text("Lives: %s" $ spaceship.lives, topleft-(530, 4), fontsize-40) alien.draw() alien2.draw() if displayGrid - 13 for column_cell in range(WORLD_SIZE) for row_cell in range(WORLD_SIZE): cell.xrow_cell BLOCK SIZE cell y column_cell BLOCK_SIZE = "cell" cell.draw() init() Pozrun.gol) I Answer the following questions here: 7. How many function definitions do we have, and what are they? We have five function definitions. They a. def init() b. def intSpaceship() C. def initaliens() d. def initGrid() e. def draw() I 8. How many function calls do we have, and what are they? Actors' behavior are not counted here. ble have one function call and it is: e. init() 32 24 B5