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Good Afternoon, Has anyone completed BAM 547 Conflict Management Unit 1-4 in addition to the Final Exam. I have provided Unit 1-4 below. Text: Interpersonal

Good Afternoon,

Has anyone completed BAM 547 Conflict Management Unit 1-4 in addition to the Final Exam. I have provided Unit 1-4 below.

Text: Interpersonal ConflictEighth Edition, 2011

ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338513-6

Authors: William Wilmot and Joyce Hocker

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Unit 1 Exam

1. According to the text, conflict resolution is a(n) _________. a. set of skills that can be learned b. intuitive skill c. skill that will not be useful d. None of the above. 2. Chapter 1 states that step families conflicts are destructive _________% of the time. a. 30 b. 53 c. 76 d. 95 3. What two symbols make up the character for conflict in the Chinese language? a. trouble; frustration b. danger; opportunity c. struggle; hope d. hurt; healing 4. According to the text, the _________ is the lightning rod of recognition. a. expressed struggle b. intrapersonal conflict c. triggering event d. interpersonal perception 5. Unproductive interdependence turns into __________ conflicts according to Gottman (1999). a. gridlocked b. strategic c. static d. apocalyptic 6. _________ and _________ are often perceived as scarce resources in interpersonal conflict. a.Kindess; flexibility b. Time; communication c. Willingess; understanding d. Power; self-esteem Unit 1 Examination 36 BAM 547 Conflict Management 7. Dont get mad, get even is considered __________. a. the dance of intimacy b. retaliation c. a good form of anger reduction d. less confrontational 8. According to Gottmans 1994 study, conflict-avoiding couples can actually __________ their marriage. a. stabilize b. end c. increase happiness in d. Gottman does not mention conflict-avoiding couples. 9. Which of the following statements BEST describe an aggressive family? a.Snide comments are fine. b. If someone has a concern, dont respond to it. c. Strong feelings are seen as normal and are allowed. d. Have an audience present when you engage someone. 10. Which of the following statement is NOT a commonly-held negative view of conflict? a. Harmony is normal and conflict is abnormal. b. Conflict should never be escalated. c. If someone is rigid in conflicts, they may have too little power. d. Disagreements are the same thing as conflicts. 11. Most people would not describe conflict as __________. a. stressful b. exciting c. hostile d. frustrating 12. According to the text, if a conflict occurs __________ times then it probably isnt about the content. a. two b. three c. four d. five Unit 1 Examination 37 BAM 547 Conflict Management 13. That criticism is right on target, illustrates that conflict can be __________. a. warlike and violent b. bullying c. explosive d. a mess 14. According to the Lens Model of Conflict, the impact of someones actions depends on __________. a. the number of people involved b. the actual act because actions speak for themselves c. how those involved interpret them d. all of the above. 15. According to Tannens research, _________ are more likely to take control of the conversation to lead it in the direction they want. a. in-laws b. children c. women d. men 16. In Sheldons 1992 study, __________ expressions of self-interest are often meshed with an expression of communal interests. a. mens b. womens c. boys d. girls 17. Steve and Bonnie disagree on how to spend the money they receive from their tax refund. Steve wants to take the family on a trip to Seattle and Bonnie wants to save if for a rainy day. What type of goal does this conflict interaction represent? a. process b. topic c. identity d. relational Unit 1 Examination 38 BAM 547 Conflict Management 18. The goals one has for the outcome of a conflict prior to actively engaging in it are called _________ goals. a. relational b. transitive c. prospective d. retrospective 19. For most people, _________ goals are the easiest to identify and tell others about. a. topic b. relational c. identity d. process 20. We didnt do it, and we paid the plaintiff $15,000,000, is a good example of __________. a. an Alford Plea b. saving face c. All of the above. d. None of the above. 21. Decisions made by a subgroup, talking informally before making a decision, and voting are all examples of ________ goals. a. relational b. process c. topic d. overlap 22. The following statements characterize collaborative goals, except which one? a. Goals are behaviorally specific. b. Goals recognize interdependence. c. Short-, medium-, and long-range issues are addressed. d. Statements orient toward the past and present. 23. All of the following statements characterize the basic principles of relational interests and goals except which one? a. Relational interests are more important than topic interests. b. You always give relational messages. c. We each translate or interpret relational messages differently. d. Identity issues do not typically affect relationship messages. Unit 1 Examination 39 BAM 547 Conflict Management 24. Regarding goal clarity, which of the following statement is true? a. Clear goals can be altered more easily than vague goals. b. Both clear and vague goals can be shared. c. Clear goals often promote overreaction from the other party. d. None of the above. 25. Once a destructive conflict begins spiraling, our behavior becomes __________. a. proactive b. reactive c. more careless d. more independent

Unit 2 Exam

1. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways you might deny using power in a conflict? a. Deny that the other person communicated something. b. Deny that something was communicated. c. Deny that you communicated something to the other person. d. Deny that you communicated something. 2. _________ power focuses on power over or against the other party. a. Integrative b. Distributive c. Designated d. Offered 3. Ury, Brett, and Goldbergs (1988) distressed dispute system looks like a(n): a. circle, with the overriding emphasis on rights in the middle. b. square, with power, rights, and interests sharing equal parts. c. inverted triangle, with an overemphasis on power. d. triangle, with a heavy emphasis on interests. 4. The book uses the acronym __________ to help you recall power currencies. a. COIN b. RICE c. TIPS d. SLIM 5. The I in the power currencies acronym used in the textbook stands for ___________. a. independence b. interdependent desires c. interpersonal linkage d. inexperience 6. People have power in an organization when __________. a. they are in a position to deal with important problems b. are centrally connected in the work flow of the organization c. are not easily replaced d. All of the above. Unit 2 Examination 66 BAM 547 Conflict Management 7. The bases of power study was done by __________. a. Kipnis b. Raven and French c. Boulding d. Blau and May 8. Scheduling two things at once, forgetting appointments and agreements, and getting sick when youve promised to do something are all part of Bach and Goldbergs (1974) list of ___________ behaviors. a. passive aggressive b. irresponsible c. passive d. projecting 9. The authors of the text believe that competitive power can be useful when which of the following condition is in place? a. The high-power person is not abusing power in a way that takes away all possibility of influence by the lower-power person. b. Crucial needs of one party are at stakeneeds the person is not willing to compromise about unless no other option exists. c. The long-term gains are worth the expenditure of energy. d. One person is not lying, distorting, or suffering from a disorder or character. 10. In order to balance power, the basic form of conversation should involve which of the following? a. Speak with a neutral tone. b. Do not ask open-ended questions. c. Reflect feelings of the other person. d. Ask questions in a way that will really showcase your opinion. 11. Lerner suggests that people in low-power positions should __________. a. speak up but present only strengths b. state your values and beliefs but dont stress about keeping your actions aligned with them c. state differences, but dont allow others to do the same d. stay emotionally connected to significant others even when things get intense Unit 2 Examination 67 BAM 547 Conflict Management 12. A professor who is constantly tempted to use his institutional resources illegally for self-enrichment may have issues with __________. a. assertive communication b. aggressive behavior c. high power d. appropriate communication 13. Conflict __________ are patterned responses or clusters of behavior that people use in conflict. Conflict __________ are individual moves that people make to carry out their general approach. a. beliefs; styles b. assumptions; tactics c. values; options d. styles; tactics 14. You are more likely to compete than accommodate when you score high on which of the following? a. concern for self b. concern for other c. concern for relationship d. person-centered 15. The basic choice one must make about managing the conflict that comes up is whether to __________. a. compete or accommodate b. avoid it or engage it c. compromise or to stand firm for what you want d. be assertive or cooperative 16. According to the text, most conflict management trainers and researchers are currently using the __________-style approach. a. two b. three c. four d. five 17. According to a study conducted by Barnlund (1989), Japanese students avoided potentially conflictual relationships __________ percent of the time. a. 60 b. 70 c. 80 d. 90 Unit 2 Examination 68 BAM 547 Conflict Management 18. I dont want to talk about that, is an example of this type of avoidance tactic. a. topic avoidance b. an evasive remark c. direct denial d. a procedural remark 19. You arent speaking loudly enough, is an example of this type of avoidance tactic. a. topic avoidance b. topic shift c. direct denial d. a procedural remark 20. An example of this type of destructive competitive tactic would be to say, youre exaggerating. a. rejection b. personal criticism c. presumptive remark d. denial of responsibility 21. An example of this type of destructive competitive tactic would be to say, youre purposely making yourself miserable. a. personal criticism b. presumptive remark c. denial of responsibility d. rejection 22. Which of the following illustrates the accommodation tactic known as disengagement? a. Have it your way. b. Its ok. I can stay late and do it. c. I wont be here anyway. It doesnt matter. d. Its forgotten. Dont worry about it. 23. Which of the following illustrates the collaborative tactic known as acceptance of responsibility? a. I think weve both contributed to the problem. b. I can see why you would be upset. c. I think I could work on that more. d. Communication is mainly a problem when were tired. Unit 2 Examination 69 BAM 547 Conflict Management 24. Based on a study of 5,000 American, college-age couples, verbal aggression was used ___________. a. more by men. b. more by women. c. in equal amounts by both men and women d. only 10% of the time 25. Which of the following is not a part of the STAR approach to prevent bullying? a. stop b. think c. acquire d. review

Unit 3 Exam

1. Feelings are __________. a. destructive during conflicts b. neither right nor wrong, they simply exist c. simple to regulate d. irrational 2. Self-protective emotions are associated with __________. a. the right hemisphere of the brain b. the left hemisphere of the brain c. physical triggers d. destructive individuals 3. Prosocial emotions are associated with __________. a. the soft part of the brain b. the right hemisphere of the brain c. the left hemisphere of the brain d. competition 4. The left side brain specializeds in __________. a. raw conflict, competition and fighting b. creativeness c. preserving interpersonal relationships d. none of the above 5. The ___________ brain regulates raw conflict, competition, and fighting. a. middle brain b. anterior brain c. left hemisphere of the brain d. right hemisphere of the brain 6. Which of the following is a common misconception about emotion in conflict? a. Emotions are rational. b. Emotions cant be controlled and will escalate if expressed or released. c. Emotions are not just for the powerless. d. Emotions should not be saved for later. Unit 3 Examination 107 BAM 547 Conflict Management 7. According to the text, __________ is the key emotion in anxiety. a. impatience b. joy c. sadness d. fear 8. Averill (1968) suggests that in the course of evolution, __________ increased the probability of surviving because of the ways that enduring bonds are formed. a. grief b. friendship c. kindness d. forgiveness 9. When people feel __________, they are more likely to think creatively. Which is the best answer according to the text? a. depressed b. hopeful c. indifferent d. confused 10. When you laugh at me for wanting to become an actor, it makes me feel sad and angry, is a good example of the __________ formula for clarity. a. A-B-C b. L-M-N c. Q-R-S d. X-Y-Z 11. All of the following are key concepts to Systems Theory except: a. wholeness b. organization c. individualism d. patterning 12. Caitlin ran to her mother to tell on her brother, Sam. Caitlin said that Sam hurt her hand when they passed each other on the stairwell. Understanding conflict, Caitlins mom decided to sit down with both of the children and ask them what happened, starting from when they saw each other on the stairs. She found out that Caitlin, in fact, hurt her hand when she hit Sam. Sam did nothing in return! Which principle of the system theory is Caitlins mom recognize? a. Conflict in systems occurs in chain reactions. b. Each member gets labeled, or programmed, into a specific role in the system. c. System members must cooperate in order to keep conflicts going. d. Systems develop rules for conflict that are followed even if they work poorly. Unit 3 Examination 108 BAM 547 Conflict Management 13. When you declare the other party at fault in a conflict, this blame process is known as ____________. a. villainization b. the pot calling the kettle black c. putting the black hat on the villain d. scape-goating 14. All are system theory analyses noted by Papp, Silverstein and Carter (1973) EXCEPT: a. attention is focused on connections and relationships b. conflicts always occur in a vacuum type c. whole is considered to be greater than the sum of its parts d. a change in any one part will affect every other part 15. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding Cuber and Haroffs (1955) description of marriages? a. A devitalized marriage is when the relationship is a hollow shell of what originally was vibrant and living. b Total marriages characterized by not sharing virtually every aspect of life. c. Vital relationships involve intense mutual sharing of important life events. d. Conflict-habituated relationships occur when the fighters dont get anywhere. 16. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which couples react to conflict, according to David Maces observation of conflict patterns in marital systems? a. Argue aggressively until things are settled. b. Avoid conflict altogether. c. Tolerate conflict. d. Process conflict by listening and telling the emotional as well as factual truth. 17. According to your text, there are four stages of conflict. What does Stage III consist of? a. Criticism increases, but still there is little power polarization or overt struggle for control. b. At this stage, a couple is headed toward disengagement and divorce. c. This level of conflict causes no distress for the system. d. Their power struggle is now serious and there is a life-or-death quality to much of their communication. Unit 3 Examination 109 BAM 547 Conflict Management 18. Which question would fall under the Identity Conversation story, according to authors of the book, Difficult Conversations (1999)? a. How has what happened affected the others sense of influence over the situation? b. What does the other person need to feel differently in the future? c. What were my intentions? d. What was the impact on me? 19. In a conflict spectrum, negotiation is between which of the following two poles? a. Conflict and Resolution b. Accommodation and Collaboration c. Avoidance and Domination d. Bargaining and Goal-attainment 20. Which of the following are potentially constructive ways to balance power in a negotiation? a. Hire a mediator to help you. b. Begin to avoid people who we perceive to have higher power. c. Use your skills in manipulation. d. Feign ignorance. 21. Negotiation presumes all of the following except: a. participants engage in the conflict rather than avoiding. b. parties use power-over tactics. c. parties use persuasive communication tactics in a variety of styles. d. parties have reached an active, problem-solving phase in which specific proposals are traded. 22. Which of the following characteristics describe an effective negotiator? a. intelligence, cunning, quick b. intelligence, character, determination c. character, goodwill, intelligence d. determination, intelligence, cunning 23. In ___________ negotiation, each party has a bargaining range beyond which he or she will not go. a. collaborative b. nonspecific c. principled d. competitive Unit 3 Examination 110 BAM 547 Conflict Management 24. Which of the following is not true about the competitive bargainer? a. uses forceful speaking but is calm and non-confrontational b. makes high opening demands and concedes slowly c. exaggerates the value of concessions that are offered d. tries to maximize tangible resource gains, within the limits of the current dispute 25. ___________ invents new options to meet the other sides needs. a. Tradeoffs b. Cost cutting c. Bridging d. All of the above.

Unit 4 Exam

1. In which of the following situations is third-party intervention appropriate? a. A couple is having problems agreeing on custody of their child, yet dont want a judge to have the final say. b. Members of two different fraternities are being destructive to one anothers property. c. Two girls are fighting over a doll and, unexpectedly, the doll is ripped in half. d. All of the above. 2. Which type of formal intervention allows the conciliator to serve as a __________ to parties who make their own decisions? a. conciliator b. mediator c. arbitrator d. facilitator 3. Which of the following is considered a form of formal intervention? a. A mom tries to calm her two bickering kids. b. Joe tries to settle the tension between two coworkers. c. Jack and Jill try to settle their dispute through arbitration. d. Jane is providing Mary a shoulder to cry on because her boyfriend just broke up with her. 4. Which of the following intervention method allows for the conflicting parties to come to their own solution rather than having a third party decide? a. mediation b. arbitration c. adjudication d. None of the above. 5. This type of dispute resolution option requires a systems level of thinking and should be integrated with other approaches; it is designed to empower individuals to handle conflict. a. arbitration b. counseling c. mediation d. coaching Unit 4 Examination 137 BAM 547 Conflict Management 6. Which of the following is not an advantage to mediation? a. Its cheaper than arbitration and adjudication. b. Mediation is appropriate for all types of relationships. c. It promotes a mutual stake in resolution. d. Solutions are more likely to be integrative and creative. 7. According to the text, the success rates for mediating community disputes range form __________ to _________ percent. a. 43; 58 b. 60; 70 c. 62; 84 d. 75; 95 8. Victim-Offender Restitution (VOR) is a specialized form of __________. a.counseling b. adjudication c. mediation d. coaching 9. Groups of attorneys called in to mediate cases that are backlogged usually use the process of ___________. a. shuttle diplomacy b. pendulum courtesy c. siding d. trade-off 10. What is the second stage in the mediation process? a. entry b. negotiation c. diagnosis d. agreements 11. The mediator should establish a common ground, which is a part of the __________ stage. a. negotiation b. entry c. agreements d. follow-up Unit 4 Examination 138 BAM 547 Conflict Management 12. This is a part of the Agreements Stage in mediation. a. explores consequences of not proceeding b. generate different ways to meet interests c. gather data with interviews and observations d. notify other stakeholders of actions 13. When Lisa says to her husband, Youd make a lousy father, she is communicating which type of hurtful message? a. accusation b. advice c. evaluation d. threat 14. If you think you are going to walk out on me, Ill make sure your parents know everything you did when we were living with them is an example of what type of hurtful message? a. desire b. threat c. advice d. evaluation 15. The textbook provides various definitions of forgiveness. Which is the one offered up by Morton Deutsch? a. Forgiveness is giving up the idea of a better past. b. Interpersonal forgiveness can be seen as the decision to reduce negative thoughts, affect, and behavior, such as blame and anger, toward an offender or hurtful situation, and to begin to gain better understanding of the offense and the offender. c. Forgiveness is the hearts capacity to release its grasp on the pains of the past and free itself to go on. d. forgiveness is giving up rage, the desire for vengeance, and a grudge toward those who have inflicted grievous harm on you, your loved ones, or groups with whom you identify 16. __________ percent of women killed each year will be killed by a spouse or lover. a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 50 Unit 4 Examination 139 BAM 547 Conflict Management 17. What does the textbook say about forgiveness and reconciliation? a. They do not mean the same thing. b. They are basically synonyms. c. Forgiveness always leads to reconciliation. d. Reconciliation always leads to forgiveness. 18. ___________ is absolutely essential to the forgiveness process. a. Reconciliation b. Forgetting c. Time d. Memory 19. According to Molly Laytons three-step model of forgiveness, which of the following question would be asked in the Obsession stage? a. Will s/he ever be held accountable? b. Am I no longer safe in the world? c. What will this experience mean to me in the future? d. None of the above. 20. Which of the following is not a phase in the Guideposts along the Forgiveness Journey? a. Uncovering Phase b. Transcendence Phase c. Decisions Phase d. Work Phase 21. Which of the following is a part of the Outcome Phase in the Guideposts along the Forgiveness Journey? a. Face anger so as to release it. b. Gain insight about how this injury/transgression has changed your world view. c. Realize a new purpose. d. Reframe the picture of the other person. 22. Three forms of suspect apologies are mentioned. Which of the following is not one of the three mentioned? a. Public apology b. Delayed apology c. Compelled apology d. Expedient apology Unit 4 Examination 140 BAM 547 Conflict Management 23. The goal of this type of apology is to avoid rather than engage. a. Public b. Delayed c. Compelled d. Expedient 24. Accepting forgiveness from the person you have wronged can be challenging in the following ways, except which statement below? a. You must wait for the gift of forgiveness to come from the other person. b. Your attention shifts from fear of retribution and guilt over what youve done to the prospect of freedom from this fear. c. Your definition of yourself becomes simpler because of the prospect of becoming responsible for new choices. d. During the waiting interval, you should reflect on the actual harm you have caused. 25. Shrivers metaphor of the cable spanning the chasm that divides conflicting parties includes the strand in the cable that crosses the canyon of alienation called ________. a. forbearance b. empathy c. commitment to remain interdependent d. truth


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