Graham Coroany projects the following sales for the fest three months of the year 511.500 in January $11.300 in February, and 510,500 in March The company spacts 80% of the spesso he cash and the remainder on account Sales on account are collected 50% in the month of the sale and 50% in the flowing month. The Accounts Receivable account has a balance on January Round to cordo Read the regionen X Requirements at is the balance in Account Receive on March 31 and is not 1. Prepare a schedule of cash room for Graham for Januay, February, and March What is the balance in Accounts on March 31 2. Prepare a revod schedule of catheterostom sales on count are 60% in the month of the sale,35% in the month olowing the sale, and 13% in the second month following the sale What the back Acco Neobio on March 317 ch Total Ich Total Print Done on Fabra Requirement 1. Prepare a schedule of cash receipts for Graham for January February, and March What is the balance in Accounts Receivable on March 317 noteid soovinud empty. Do not enter a 2010.) Cash Receipts from Customers January February March Total Total January February March Total Cash Receipts from Customers Accounts Receivable bannon January 1 JanuaryCash sales Jay Credits, collection of January sale in Jarsary O January-Cradil sale colection of January sales in February Febru-Cash February-Creo slotion of Finbury in March Graham Company projects the following sales for the first three months of the year: $11,500 in January 11,300 in February, and $10.500 in March. The compe s CE Accounts Receivable balance, January 1 January-Cash sales January Credit sales, collection of January sales in January January Credit sales, collection of January sales in February Fobinuary...Cachas February-Credit sales, collection of February sales in February Fobruary--Credit salos, collection of February sales in March MarchCash sales March-Credit sales, collection of March sales in March Total cash receipts from customers Question Accounts Receivable balance, March 31: March-Credit sales, collection of March sales in Apni