Grand Chocolate Inc. is a peoducer of premium chocolate based in Palo Allo. (Click the ieen ls view sodsenul information.) For 2020the irucking fleet had a practical capocity of 55r cund-trips between the Pale Alto plant and the tho suppliers. It reobrded the following information: (Cick the ioon is view the budget and actual data) Grand Chocolate inc, decides to examine the etflect of using the dust-rate method for alocating truck costs to each round-trip. (Click the ican to view the cost information for 2020 .) Reat the Requirement 1. Using the auslrate method, what are the costs alscated to the fak chocolate divisien and the mikc chocelave division when (a) variabie costs are alocated using the budgeted rate per round trip and actual round trips used by each sivisicn and when (b) fixed costs are alocated based on t budgeted rate per round-1tip and round-tries budgeted lor each divisition? More info The company has a separate division for each of is two trobucts: dark chocolate and milk chooolate. Grand Chocolate purchases ingredients from Wisconsin for if: dark checolnte division and frem Leutitins for its mik chocolate divisien. Beth locations are the savne distance from Grand Chocolaters Palo Aho slant. Grand Chocolate inc. operales a feet of trucks an a eost center that charges the depreciation, insurance, and registration fees) of operating the fleet. Esch divition is evauated on the basis of its operating income. Grand Chocolate inc, is a producer of pramium chocolvte based in Palo Abo. (Cick the ioot to verw asdional infornation. For zoeche trucking fleet had a practical capacity of 55 round-ivips between the Palo Allo plant and the two surpliers. it recardet the followitg infsermaton: (Oick the icon to verw the budget and actual data.) Grand Chscolato inc. decidos to examine the effect of uning the duabrate method for allacating truck oosts to tasch tound trip. IClich the icon to view the cent intemation for 2020 ? Read the Requirement 1. Using the dval-rahe method, what are the costs alocated to the dark chocolate division and the malk chocolale division when (a) variabis budgeted rate per round-trip and round-tips budgeled for each division? Data table Grand Chocolate inc. is a producer of pterrium chocolale based in Palo Noto (Click the won to view asdienal kitermation.) For 2020phe trucking fleet had a practical capactiy of 55 round trips between the Palo Alte plast and the two supplers. It recoeded the folowing infermation: (Click, the icon to vew Re budget and actural data) Grand Checciebe inc. decibes to examine the effect of using the suat rate method fer allocating truck cetats to nach round-trip. (Click the iccon to view the ceat indormatoon for 2020 ) Read the requirtents. Requirement 1. Using the dial-rate method, what are the conts alocated to the dark chocclabe division and the mik chocolate division when (a) variable budgeted rate pet round-trip and round-Arps budgeted for eoch division? Oratd Chocelate ire. is a prooucer of premiun chocelate bated in Pats Afte te Pale Alo plant and the fwo suppliars. It reconded ite tellowing information: Crand Chocolate lnt. decides to exarnine the difoct of using Resad the budgeted rabe per reund-tip atd roundrips budpelted fis each division? Data table