Green Valley Company prepared the following tral balance at the end of ins first year of operations endang December 31. To simpify. the case, the amounts given are in thousands of dollars. Other data not yet recorded at December 3t include a. insurance expired during the current year, 513 . b. Wages payable, $16 c. Depreciation expense for the current yeac 518 d. Income taxerpense, $10 Required: 1. Prepare the acjusting entries for the current year 2. Complete the tial balance Adjustments and Adjusted columns. The 'Reference' column is for the reference letter of the adjusting entiy effect Complete this question by entering your enwers in the tatrs below. Prepare the adjusting enthies for the curremt year. Wotes if mo antiry is required for a transacheryevent. velect "No juenat entry requiked" in the first accoubt flela. Eniet veut anvers in Drousandi: Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Prepare the adjusting entries for the current year. Note: If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No journal entry required" in the first ac thousands. Journal entry worksheet Record the insurance expired in current year but not recorded, $13. Nate: Enter debits before creditsi. Journal entry worksheet 1 4 Record the wages payable not recorded, $16. Nc Journal entry worksheet 4 Record the depreciation, $18. Note: Enter debits before credits. Prepare the adjusting entries for the current year. Note: If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No joumal e thousands. Journal entry worksheet Record the unrecorded income tax expense, $10. Meles Enter debits belsin crodits. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Complete the trial balance Adjustments and Adjusted columns. The "Reference" column is for the reference letter of the adjusting entry effect. Note: For revenues and expenses enter the total amount of adjustments in the adjusted column. Enter your answers in thousands