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Grizzle Products ships many of its products from a Fort Worth DC at zipcode 76103 and stores them in a warehouse in New Orleans near

Grizzle Products ships many of its products from a Fort Worth DC at zipcode 76103 and stores them in a warehouse in New Orleans near zipcode 70116. A key customer is located nearby. They will hire "U Ship 'em, we break 'em" trucking for all their shipping needs on this lane. Refer to the below rate table from "U Ship 'em, we break 'em" Trucking to find applicable charges for the following shipments: (You can also access this rate table, "U Ship 'em, we break 'em", from D2L.) Find applicable freight costs for a 500 pound shipment of cheese "puffs" in packages with a density of 13 lbs/cf. The following rate table is from "U Ship 'em, we break 'em" trucking: Origin is Denton, TX, zipcode 76203 Destination is Houston, zipcode 77002. MC = 400.00 Class LSC SC 1M 2M SM 10M >20M 50 34.30 28.32 24.25 23.04 17.58 15.74 10.47 55 36.94 30.50 26.12 24.82 18.93 17.41 11.58 60 39.59 32.69 27.99 26.60 20.29 19.08 12.68 65 41.94 3464 29.66 28.18 21.49 20.27 13.48 70 44.64 36.86 31.56 29.99 22.88 21.94 1459 775 48.10 39.72 34.01 32.32 24.65 23.85 15.86 100 228 51.90 42.86 36.70 34.87 26.60 26.24 17.45 92.5 55,89 46.15 39.52 37.56 28.64 28.38 18.67 60.27 49.77 4261 40.50 30.89 30.77 20,46 Grizzle Products ships many of its products from a Fort Worth DC at zipcode 76103 and stores them in a warehouse in New Orleans near zipcode 70116. A key customer is located nearby. They will hire "U Ship 'em, we break 'em" trucking for all their shipping needs on this lane. Refer to the below rate table from "U Ship 'em, we break 'em" Trucking to find applicable charges for the following shipments: (You can also access this rate table, "U Ship 'em, we break 'em", from D2L.) Find applicable freight costs for a 1,850 pound shipment of baked cupcakes in boxes with a density of 11.5 lbs/cf. The following rate table is from "U Ship 'em, we break 'em" trucking: Origin is Denton, TX, zipcode 76203 Destination is Houston, zipcode 77002. MC = 400.00 Class LSC SC 1M 2M 5M 10M >20M 50 34.30 28.32 24.25 23.04 17.58 15.74 10.47 55 36.94 30.50 26.12 24.82 18.93 1741 11.58 60 39.59 32.69 27.99 26.60 20.29 19.05 12.69 65 41.94 34.64 29.66 28.18 21.49 20.27 13.48 70 44.64 36.86 31.56 29.99 22.88 21.94 14.59 77.5 48.10 39.72 34.01 32.32 24.65 23.85 15.86 85 51.90 42.86 36.70 34.87 26.60 26.24 17.45 92.5 55.89 46.15 39.52 37.56 28.64 28.38 18.87 100 60.27 49.77 42.61 40.50 30.89 30.37 20.46 Grizzle Products ships many of its products from a Fort Worth DC at zipcode 76103 and stores them in a warehouse in New Orleans near zipcode 70116. A key customer is located nearby. They will hire "U Ship 'em, we break 'em" trucking for all their shipping needs on this lane. Refer to the below rate table from "U Ship 'em, we break 'em" Trucking to find applicable charges for the following shipments: (You can also access this rate table, "U Ship 'em, we break 'em", from D2L.) Find applicable freight costs for a 4,750 pound shipment of pens, wood, livestock, in crates. The following rate table is from "U Ship 'em, we break 'em" trucking: Origin is Denton, TX, zipcode 76203 Destination is Houston, zipcode 77002. MC 400.00 Class LSC SC 1M 2M SM 10M >20M 50 34.30 28.32 24.25 23.04 17.58 15.74 10.47 55 36.94 30.50 26.12 24.82 18.93 17.41 1158 60 39.59 32.69 27.99 26.60 20.29 19.08 12.69 65 41.94 34,64 29.66 28.18 21.49 20.27 13.48) 70 44.64 36.86 31.56 29.99 22.88 21.94 14,59 77.5 48.10 39.72 34.01 32.32 24.65 23.85 15.86 85 51.90 42.86 36.70 34.87 26.60 26.24 17.45 92.5 55.89 46.15 39.52 37.56 28.64 28.38 18.87 100 60.27 49.77 42.61 40.50 30.89 30.77 20.46 Grizzle Products has three shipments of class 77.5 product to be transported from Jersey City, NJ to Foster City, CA on "Freight R Us" Trucking (see appropriate rate table). The following rate table is for "Freight R Us Trucking. Rates are in dollars per CWT MC = 145.00 07304 Jersey City, N1-94404 Foster City, CA Class Rating 175 150 125 110 LSC MSC M1M M2M M5M M10M M20M 500 684.61 554.60 472.28 397.12 345.33 283.06 248.51 400 547.69 443.68 377.82 317.69 276.27 226.45 198.81 300 410.77 332.76 283.37 238.27 207.20 169.84 149.10 250 342.31 277.30 236.14 198.56 172.67 141.53 124.25 200 273.85 221.84 188.91 158.85 138.13 113.22 239.62 194.11 165.30 205.38 166.38 141.68 171.16 138.65 118.07 150.61 122.01 103.90 138.99 120.87 119.14 103.60 99.28 86.34 87.37 75.97 100 136.92 110.92 94.46 79.42 99.40 99.07 86.98 84.92 74.55 70.77 62.13 62.27 54.67 69.07 56.61 49.70 92 128.02 103.71 88.32 74.26 64.58 52.93 46.47 85 118.77 96.21 81.93 68.89 59.91 49.11 43.11 77.5 108.98 88.28 75.18 63.21 54.97 45.06 39.56 70 65 60 55 50 101.28 82.04 69.86 58.75 41.87 95.26 77.17 65.71 55.25 48.05 39.38 34.58 90.28 73.14 62.28 52.37 45.54 37.33 32.77 85.31 69.11 58.85 49.48 43.03 35.27 80.25 65.01 55.36 46.55 40.48 33.18 51.09 36.76 30.97 29.13 The shipments weigh 100 lbs, 1,950 lbs, and 2,400 lbs respectively. Grizzle Products can ship each quantity individually or consolidate them as a multiple stop shipment. Each shipment is to be delivered to a different location although very close to the final destination in California. The carrier, "Freight R Us," charges $250 for each stop- off (stop-off charges do not include the final destination). Refer to "Freight R Us" rate table and evaluate the costs of shipping individually. Grizzle Products has three shipments of class 77.5 product to be transported from Jersey City, NJ to Foster City, CA on "Freight R Us" Trucking (see appropriate rate table). The following rate table is for "Freight R Us" Trucking. Rates are in dollars per CWT MC 145.00 07304 Jersey City, NJ-94404 Foster City, CA Class Rating 500 400 LSC MSC M1M M2M M5M MIOM | M20M 684.61 554,60 472.28 397.12 345.33 283.06 248.51 547.69 443.68 377.82 317.69 276.27 226.45 198.81 300 410.77 332.76 283.37 238.27 207.20 169.84 149.10 250 342.31 277.30 236.14 198.56 172.67 141.53 200 273.85 221.84 188.91 158.85 138.13 113.22 175 239.62 194.11 165.30 138.99 120.87 150 205.38 166.38 141.68 119.14 103.60 124.25 99.40 99.07 86.98 84.92 74.55 125 171.16 138.65 118.07 99.28 86.34 70.77 62.13 110 150.61 122.01 103.90 87.37 75.97 62.27 54.67 100 136.92 110.92 94.46 79.42 69.07 56.61 49.70 92 128.02 103.71 88.32 74.26 64.58 52.93 46.47 85 118.77 96.21 81.93 68.89 59.91 49.11 43.11 77.5 108.90 88.28 75.18 63.21 54.97 45.06 39.56 70 101.28 82.04 69.86 58.75 51.09 41.87 36.76 65 95.26 77.17 65.71 55.25 48.05 39.38 34.58 60 73.14 55 50 90.28 62.28 52.37 45.54 37.33 32.77 85.31 69.11 58.85 49.48 43.03 30.97 35.27 80.25 65.01 55.36 46.55 40.48 33.18 29.13 The shipments weigh 100 lbs, 1,950 lbs, and 2,400 lbs respectively. Grizzle Products can ship each quantity individually or consolidate them as a multiple stop shipment. Each shipment is to be delivered to a different location although very close to the final destination in California. The carrier, "Freight R Us," charges $250 for each stop- off (stop-off charges do not include the final destination). Refer to "Freight R Us" rate table and evaluate the costs of shipping consolidation Grizzle Products has three shipments of class 77.5 product to be transported from Jersey City, NJ to Foster City, CA on "Freight R Us" Trucking (see appropriate rate table). The following rate table is for "Freight R Us Trucking Rates are in dollars per CWT MC-145.00 07304 Jersey City, NJ-94404 Foster City, CA Class Rating 500 400 110 100 150.61 122.01 136.92 110.92 94.46 92 128.02 103.71 88.32 85 118.77 96.21 77.5 108.98 70 101.28 65 95.26 60 55 50 LSC MSC M1M M2M M5M MIOM | M20M 684.61 554.60 472.28 397.12 345.33 283.06 248.51 547.69 443.68 377.82 317.69 276.27 226.45 198.81 300 410.77 332.76 283,37 238.27 207.20 169.84 149.10 250 342.31 277.30 236.14 198.56 172.67 141.53 124.25 200 273.85 221.84 188.91 158.85 138.13 113.22 99.40 175 239.62 194.11 165.30 138.99 120.87 99.07 86.98 150 205.38 166.38 141.68 119.14 103.60 84.92 74.55 125 171.16 138.65 118.07 99.28 86.34 70.77 62.13 103.90 87.37 75.97 62.27 54.67 79.42 69.07 56.61 49.70 74.26 64.58 52.93 46.47 81.93 58.89 59.91 49.11 43.11 88.28 75.18 63.21 54.97 45.06 39.56 82.04 69.86 58.75 51.09 41.87 36.76 77.17 65.71 55.25 48.05 90.28 73.14 62.28 52.37 85.31 69.11 58.85 49.48 80.25 65.01 55.36 46.55 39.38 34.58 45.54 43.03 35.27 30.97 40.48 33.18 29.13 37.33 32.77 The shipments weigh 100 lbs, 1,950 lbs, and 2,400 lbs respectively. Grizzle Products can ship each quantity individually or consolidate them as a multiple stop shipment. Each shipment is to be delivered to a different location although very close to the final destination in California. The carrier, "Freight R Us," charges $250 for each stop- off (stop-off charges do not include the final destination)

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