Guess What the Court Said! dates, and sex. He made lewd comments about theif What are your opinions about the following three cases? bodies and became nasty when his advances were Results of the court decisions are in the HRM Workshop rejected. Company sexual harassment policy required at the end of the chapter. employees to complain to a supervisor, but the har- - Female workers at a Fred Meyer's store in Oregon felt asser was their supervisor. When they complained to they were harassed by a male customer who visited the EEOC and were told to take sick leave while theit store daily, making lewd comments to customers and claims were investigated. The supervisor was put on employees for several years. Was this sexual haras- administrative leave and eventually demoted. The ment? Was Fred Meyer liable to the female employees? women returned to work, but their sick leave was - A female bank employee in Omaha told her employer never reinstated and their personnel files contained that a male coworker talked to her about sexual activi. notes about their excessive use of sick leave. Were ties and touched her in an offensive manner. It took Avco's actions adequate? Did Avco retaliate against 4 days for the bank to investigate the complaint. The the female employees illegally? male employee was reprimanded. Did the bank act quickly enough? Was the action taken against the Looking Ahead male employee appropriate? How would you have handled these situations if you were - Two female employees of Avco Corp. in Nashville the victims? If you were the employer or supervisor? Do complained that their supervisor repeatedly bom- youbelieve these are unusual or very common situations? barded them with unwelcome invitations for drinks