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51312020 Cengageuowvz | Online leaching and learning resource from Cengage Learning Instructions 'ayroll Register and Payroll Journal Entry 1. Prepare a payroll register for Mary's Luxury Travel for the week ended March 22, 20. (In the Taxable Earnings/Unemployment Compensation column, enter the same amounts as in the Social Security olumn.) Total the amount columns. Round your answers to the nearest cent. . Assuming that the wages for the week ended March 22 were paid on March 24, prepare the journal entry for the payment of the payroll. When required, enter amounts in doilars and cents. If an mount box does not require an entry, leave it blank. . ary Losch operates a travel agency called Mary's Luxury Travel. She has five employees, all of whom are paid on a weekly basis. The travei agency uses a payroll register, individual employee earnings ecords, and a general journal. ary's Luxury Travel uses a weekly federal income tax withholding table. Refer to Figure 8-4 in the text. The payroll data for each employee for the week ended March 22, 20, are given below. Employees .re paid 1'/z times the regular rate for working over 40 hours a week. No. of Marital Total Hours Tolal Earnings Name Allowances Status Worked Mar. 16-22 Rate Jan. 1-Mar. 15 Bacon, Andrea 4 45 $12 $5,480 Cole, Andrew 40 12 5,760 Hicks, Melvin 44 10.50 4,960 1 3 Leung, Cara 1 36 11 5,125.50 2 Melling, Melissa M 40 10.50 4,720.50 Social Security tax is withheld from the first $118,500 of earnings at the rate of 6.2%. Medicare tax is withheld at the rate of1.45%, and city earnings tax at the rate of 1%, both applied to gross pay. i-acon and Leung have $15 withheld and Cole and Hicks have $5 withheld for hea!th insurance. Bacon and Leung have $20 withheld to be invested in the travel agency's credit union. Cole has $38.75 ithheid and Hicks has $18.75 withheld under a savings bond purchase plan. Mary's Luxury Travel's payroll is met by drawing checks on its regular bank account. The checks were issued in sequence, beginning with Check No. 423. Payroll Register and Payroll Entry 1. Prepare a payroll register for Mary's Luxury Travel for the week ended March 22, 20". (In the Taxable Earnings/Unemployment Compensation column, enter the same amounts as in the Social Security column.) Total the amount columns. Round your answers to the nearest cent. Payroll Register for Period Ended March 22 Deduolions hllps:lI\\/2.cengagmow.oolnIlmllakeAssignmenlllakeAss'gnmenlMain.do?inprogressdrue 113 51312020 Cengagenowvz |Onlinelead1ing and leaming resource from Cengage Learning No. Merit. Cumulative Unemploy. Social Federal Social Medicare Health Other Net Pay Ck. Name Allow. Status Regular Overtime Total Total Comp. Security Income Tax Security Tax City Insurance Total No. Tax Tax Credit J X X 6,110 Union '1 20.00 85.31 484.70 X Bonds X X X 6,260 V, 38.50 120.02 359.98 X Bonds X X X 5,563 V/ 19.00 66.78 416.22 X Credit \\/ X X 5,470.50 396 Union 'I 20.00 93.25 302.75 X J X X 5,160.00 420 40.33 379.67 427 J X J J X J X X 2,196.00 153.00 2,349.00 28,563.50 2,349 23.49 34 97.50 405.69 1,943.31 Feedback cheek MyWork Federal Income Tax: To calculate me amount of federal income tax withheld, refer to Figure 8-4 in the text. Be sure to use the correct marital status table and the correct column and row. General Journal 2. Assuming that the wages for the week ended March 22 were paid on March 24, prepare the journal entry for the payment of the payroll. When required, enter amounts in dollars and cents. If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank. Page: 1 DOC. POST. DATE ACCOUNTTITLE NO. REF. DBIT CREDIT 1. 20-- Mar. 24 1 hllps:lI\\/2.cengagmow.oomIImIlakeAssignmenlllakeAss'gnmenlMaindonprogressdlue 213 5/3/2020 CengageNOWW2 | Online teaching and learning resource from Cengage Learning DATE ACCOUNT TITLE DOC. POST. NO. DEBIT CREDIT 3 W 4 UT V Co 10 Payroll for week ended March 22 10 Feedback Check My Work Incorrect Feedback Check My Work Partially correct 3 more Check My Work uses remaining. https://v2.cengagenow.com/ilrn/takeAssignment/takeAssignmentMain.do?inprogress=true 3/3