Hello, I have an Economics/Math based question, and I have provided the question via image. All the images are part of the same question.
3. Interpreting a simplified balance sheet Consider this table, which shows hypothetical balanceofpayments data for the United States. Select the correct value for each of the boxes. Simplified Balance of Payments (Billions of Dollars) Account Net Balance Merchandise V Services +10 Income 2 Unilateral Transfers 2 Current Account 25 Financial Account L Statistical Discrepancy 4 Trade Balance 0 an Argentine logging company purchases American-made chain saws. This would be entered as a V item under the V section of the U.S. current account. The net value of the merchandise and services accounts combined gives the value of V within the national income accounting equation GDP = C + I + G + X. If you rewrite the equation as X = GDP (C + I + G), you can see that the current V U.S. value of X implies that V . This means that the United States is producing V than it is consuming, making it a V . Any surplus or deficit in one account must be offset by deficits or surpluses in other balanceofpayments accounts. Because the current account is in V , the excess of U.S. currency held by foreigners must either be loaned to Americans, or used to buy American stocks or bonds. All of these transactions are then recorded in the V account. Since any imbalance in one account automatically leads to an equal, but opposite, imbalance in the other, the balance of payments is always Y . Select the correct value for each of the boxes. Simplified Balance of Payments (Billions of Dollars) Account Net Balance Merchandise V Services Income Unilateral Transfers Current Account Financial Account Statistical Discrepancy Trade Balance an Argentine logging company purchases Americanmade chain saws. This would be entered as a V item under the V section of the U.S. current account. The net value of the merchandise and services accounts combined gives the value of V within the national income accounting equation GDP = C + I + G + X. If you rewrite the equation as X = GDP (C + I + G), you can see that the current V U.S. value of X implies that V . This means that the United States is producing V than it is consuming, making it a V . Any surplus or deficit in one account must be offset by deficits or surpluses in other balance-of-payments accounts. Because the current account is in V , the excess of U.S. currency held by foreigners must either be loaned to Americans, or used to buy American stocks or bonds. All of these transactions are then recorded in the V account. Since any imbalance in one account automatically leads to an equal, but opposite, imbalance in the other, the balance of payments is always V . Select the correct value for each of the boxes. Simplified Balance of Payments (Billions of Dollars) Account Net Balance Merchandise Y Services + 10 Income 2 Unilateral Transfers 2 Current Account 25 Financial Account l Statistical Discrepancy Trade Balance an Argentine logging company purchases Am ade chain saws. This would be entered as a V item under the V secti- U.S. current account. The net value of the merchandise and service ts combined gives the value of V within the national income accounting equation GDP = C + I + G + X. If you rewrite the equation as X = + I + G), you can see that the current V U.S. value of X implies that V .This means that the United States is producing V than it is consuming, making it a V . Any surplus or deficit in one account must be offset by deficits or surpluses in other balanceofpayments accounts. Because the current account is in v , the excess of U.S. currency held by foreigners must either be loaned to Americans, or used to buy American stocks or bonds. All of these transactions are then recorded in the V account. Since any imbalance in one account automatically leads to an equal, but opposite, imbalance in the other, the balance of payments is always V . Select the correct value for each of the boxes. Simplified Balance of Payments (Billions of Dollars) Account Net Balance Merchandise 7 Services +10 Income 2 Unilateral Transfers 2 Current Account 25 Financial Account _V Statistical Discrepancy 4 Trade Balance 0 an Argentine logging company purchases Americanmade chain saws. This would be entered as a V item under the V section of the U.S. current account. The net value of the merchandise and services accounts combined gives the value of V within t al income accounting equation GDP = C + I + G + X. If you rewrite the equation as X = GDP (C + I + G), you can see that the current U.S. value of X implies that v .Thls means that the United States is producing V than it is consuming, making it a V . Any surplus or deficit in one account must be offset by deficits or surpluses in other balanceofpayments accounts. Because the current account is in V , the excess of U.S. currency held by foreigners must either be loaned to Americans, or used to buy American stocks or bonds. All of these transactions are then recorded in the V account. Since any imbalance in one account automatically leads to an equal, but opposite, imbalance in the other, the balance of payments is always V . an Argentine logging company purchases Americanmade chain saws. This would be entered as a V item under the V section of the U.S. current account. net unllateral transfers abroad and services accounts combined gives the value of V within the national income accounting equation GDP = C + U.S. merchandise exports tion as X 2 GDP (C + I + G), you can see that the current V U.S. value of X implies that ns that the United States is producing V than it is consuming, making it a V . U.S.. merchandise imports Any surplus or decit in one account must be offset by deficits or surpluses in other balanceof-payments accounts. Because the current account is in V , the excess of U.S. currency held by foreigners must either be loaned to Americans, or used to buy American stocks or bonds. All of these transactions are then recorded in the V account. Since any imbalance in one account automatically leads to an equal, but opposite, imbalance in the other, the balance of payments is always V