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Hello, my question is I have this line of code me and a friend worked on and we are suppose to be able to go

Hello, my question is I have this line of code me and a friend worked on and we are suppose to be able to go back in and add more to the code but our professor looked over what we had and said it would be hard to go back in and change and add to the code next week when we add to the game more features and buttons and such. it is a treasure hunt game the game turns out to look like this

i posted the url for the pic because for some odd reason chegg wont let me upload the picture

My professor specifically said this

"Can you avoid using instanceof? for instance by looking at what is on the button? like displayText or other? It's considered a bad practice because next week you might implement another button of a different type and then this structure will not work correctly.

You could also place ActionListeners in the constructors of the button classes for disabling and changing look when the button are clicked."

can you please help by altering the code below to his preference and pointing out what was changed in the code so i can understand and learn from what you change up.

i assume what we did is pretty much we made the code in like a wrong way that we cant go back and change stuff so the question pretty much is if you can fix that for me so i can see how it was suppose to be or what my professor wants us to do and show me what was changed just to explain a bit more if i was being confusing with what i am asking for


The code is below and is a new class at each .java comment



import java.awt.Dimension;

import javax.swing.JButton;

import javax.swing.SwingConstants;

public class BoardButton extends JButton {

// Instance variables

private String displayText; //the displayText variable is used to hold the strings text


* Default Constructor


public BoardButton() {




* Parameterized Constructor


public BoardButton(String text) {


// Set text

this.displayText = text;

// Set text alignment


// Set size

setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 40));



* @return the text


public String getDisplayText() {

return displayText;




public class TreasureButton extends BoardButton { /** * Constructor */ public TreasureButton() { super("$$$");




import java.awt.GridLayout;

import java.util.Random;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class TreasureBoardPanel extends JPanel {

private static final int WIDTH = 10;

private static final int HEIGHT = 10;

// Instance variables

private BoardButton[] button; //variable used to add buttons to the panel

private TreasureGame game; //used to make the constructor for the TreasureBoardPanel


* Constructor


public TreasureBoardPanel(TreasureGame game) {

super(); = game;

// Set layout

setLayout(new GridLayout(WIDTH, HEIGHT));

// Add buttons




* Creates and adds buttons to the panel


private void addButtons() {

this.button = new BoardButton[WIDTH * HEIGHT];

// Create random treasure buttons

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < TreasureGame.NUM_TREASURES; i++) {

int index = r.nextInt(this.button.length);

// Check if index is already a button

while (this.button[index] != null)

index = r.nextInt(this.button.length);

this.button[index] = new TreasureButton();


// For all the buttons which are not TreasureButton i.e. null buttons

// create BoardButton

for (int i = 0; i < this.button.length; i++) {

if (this.button[i] == null)

this.button[i] = new BoardButton();


// Add all buttons to the panel and add action listener

for (int i = 0; i < this.button.length; i++) {

this.button[i].addActionListener(new ButtonListener(game));





* Displays text on all treasure buttons


public void displayAllTreasures() {

for (int i = 0; i < this.button.length; i++) {

if (this.button[i] instanceof TreasureButton)






import java.awt.Dimension;

import javax.swing.Box;

import javax.swing.BoxLayout;

import javax.swing.JLabel;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class StatsPanel extends JPanel {

private static final String treasuresLeftStr = "Treasures left: %d";

private static final String treasuresFoundStr = "Treasures found: %d";

private static final String triesLeftStr = "Tries left: %d";

// Instance variables

//used to hold the variable of how much treasure is left private int treasuresLeft; //holds how much treasure is found by the user when playing private int treasuresFound; //holds how many tries left

private int triesLeft;

private JLabel treasuresLeftLbl;

private JLabel treasuresFoundLbl;

private JLabel triesLeftLbl;


* Constructor


public StatsPanel() {


// Set size

setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 100));

// Set layout

setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

// Set defaults

treasuresLeft = TreasureGame.NUM_TREASURES;

treasuresFound = 0;

triesLeft = TreasureGame.NUM_TRIES;

// Create labels

treasuresLeftLbl = new JLabel(

String.format(treasuresLeftStr, treasuresLeft));

treasuresFoundLbl = new JLabel(

String.format(treasuresFoundStr, treasuresFound));

triesLeftLbl = new JLabel(String.format(triesLeftStr, triesLeft));

// Add labels








* Increases/Decreases treasure found by 1 based on treasureFound


public void updateTreasureFound(boolean treasureFound) {

if (treasureFound) {

treasuresFound += 1;


.setText(String.format(treasuresFoundStr, treasuresFound));

treasuresLeft -= 1;


.setText(String.format(treasuresLeftStr, treasuresLeft));


// Update tries




* Decreases tries left by 1


private void updateTriesLeft() {

triesLeft -= 1;

triesLeftLbl.setText(String.format(triesLeftStr, triesLeft));



* @return the treasuresLeft


public int getTreasuresLeft() {

return treasuresLeft;



* @return the triesLeft


public int getTriesLeft() {

return triesLeft;




import java.awt.BorderLayout;

import java.awt.Dimension;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import javax.swing.JLabel;

import javax.swing.SwingConstants;

public class TreasureGame extends JFrame {

// Number of tries

protected static final int NUM_TRIES = 50;

// Number of treasures

protected static final int NUM_TREASURES = 20;

// Last move

private static final String lastMove = "Last move: %s";

// Instance variables

private JLabel lastMoveLbl;

private StatsPanel statsPanel;

private TreasureBoardPanel boardPanel;

private boolean gameOver;


* Constructor


public TreasureGame() {

super("Treasure Hunt Game");

// Set layout

setLayout(new BorderLayout());

// Set default close operation


// Show frame




* Starts the game


public void play() {

gameOver = false;

// Add components


// Resize frame to the components




* Adds all the required panels to the frame


private void addComponents() {

// Create game header label

JLabel headerLbl = new JLabel("Treasure Hunt");

headerLbl.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 40));


// Add label

add(headerLbl, BorderLayout.NORTH);

// Add stats panel

statsPanel = new StatsPanel();

add(statsPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);

// Add board panel

boardPanel = new TreasureBoardPanel(this);

add(boardPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

// Add last move label

lastMoveLbl = new JLabel(String.format(lastMove, ""));

lastMoveLbl.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 40));


add(lastMoveLbl, BorderLayout.SOUTH);



* Updates UI based on the move


public void updateTreasureFound(boolean treasureFound) {

// Update stats panel


// Update last move

String move = "";

if (statsPanel.getTreasuresLeft() == 0) {

move = String.format(lastMove, "Game over - You win");

gameOver = true;

} else if (statsPanel.getTriesLeft() == 0) {

move = String.format(lastMove, "Game over - You lose");

gameOver = true;

} else {

if (treasureFound)

move = String.format(lastMove, "Treasure");


move = String.format(lastMove, "Miss");


// Set last move label


// If game is over show all button text

if (gameOver && statsPanel.getTreasuresLeft() != 0)




* @return the gameOver


public boolean isGameOver() {

return gameOver;



class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {

// Instance variables

private TreasureGame game;


* Constructor


public ButtonListener(TreasureGame game) { = game;



* Handles the button click event



public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {

// Check if game is not over

if (!game.isGameOver()) {

// Get source

BoardButton btn = (BoardButton) ae.getSource();

// Set text


// Check if btn is a treasure button

if (btn instanceof TreasureButton)




// Set disabled






public class TreasureGameGUI { public static void main(String[] args) //main class used to play the game { new TreasureGame().play(); } }

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