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Task 2: Introduce Linked Lists In this part you will replace the CustomerArray and VehicleArray classes with new linked list classes. You will create new linked list classes called CustomerList and VehicleList which will hold the collection of customers and the collection of vehicles as a linked list, respectively. You will store the customer objects in alphabetical order based on their last name and you will store the vehicle object based on the year of the vehicle in descending order (ie. newest first) in their respective linked lists. The CustomerList and VehicleList classes should: hold a pointer to the head of the list, but no pointer to the tail of the list provide an add function that takes a Customer or Vehicle pointer and adds the object in its correct place in the CustomerList or VehicleList class, respectively provide a getSize function that returns the size of the list. This value should not be stored, it should be calculated each time this function is called provide a get function in the CustomerList that takes an integer parameter (id) and returns a pointer to the Customer object in the list with that id. If no such object exists, return null manage its memory to avoid memory leaks Notes: DO NOT use dummy nodes! Every node in each list must correspond to an object. You will modify your program to use a CustomerList and VehicleList objects instead of a CustomerArray and VehicleArray object to hold the objects. All classes will continue to interact with the CustomerList and VehicleList classes the same way they did with the CustomerArray and VehicleArray classes. Both lists will no longer have a maximum size. This means that the add functions in both list classes will no longer need to return an int as they should return void. You will have to change your add functions in the Customer and Vehicle classes to reflect this change. The changes to the rest of the classes should be minimal. The order in which your datafill is added to the list must test all cases: adding to the front, back, middle, etc. Your list must be stored in proper order of at all times You will have to update your Makefile to compile your new program. Task 3: Modify the Print Customer Database feature Printing out the linked lists poses a new challenge in maintaining our existing design, specifically the separation of the UI and collection classes. We are not permitted to print out data from inside the collection class, since a collection class should not know how to interact with the outside world. We also cannot allow the UI class to traverse the product collection in order to print it to the screen, since that would require knowledge by the UI class of the internal configuration of the list, including the Node class, which would also violate encapsulation rules. Our solution here will be to implement a formatting function in the CustomerList and VehicleList classes. These functions will have the prototype: void toString(string& outStr) where the outStr parameter is the result of the function concatenating all the objects data formatted into one long string. This long string will contain all data found by traversing the linked list. The UI class will invoke the formatting function on the List objects, and then output the resulting formatted string to the screen. Take a look at the current printing code in the View as a hint on how to implement these functions. Your output does not have to be in the exact same format as before, just ensure that all of the same information is there in a readable way. Note: DO NOT have your UI class traverse the linked list! DO NOT print to the screen from the list class! Task 4: Add some options to the menu We will now add two new options to our user interface menu. 1. Option 2 on the list should now be Add Customer . When the user chooses this option, the program will prompt the use for all of the relevant information, create a customer object and add it to the Customer list. Write the appropriate functions in the view, controller, and shop classes (maintaining the overall proper design of the program) to do so. 2. Option 3 on the list will now be Add Vehicle . When the user chooses this option the program will prompt the user for a customer id. If it is invalid, tell the user (hint: use the getCustomer function in the shop class mentioned at the very top of the assignment). If not, prompt the user for all of the relevant information, create a vehicle object and add it to the customers vehicle list. In both of these cases you need to think about which classes should do the interaction with the user, which should be creating objects, etc. You need to maintain the overall design of the program including the separation of the view, controller and entity classes. Take a look at how the print customer database option works and trace the code through the various classes to understand how these functions should be implemented. Constraints your program must not have any memory leaks (dont worry if valgrind reports that some memory on the heap is still reachable) do not use any global variables your program must reuse functions everywhere possible your program must be thoroughly commented

View.h #ifndef VIEW_H #define VIEW_H #include "CustomerArray.h" class View { public: void mainMenu(int&); void printCustomers(CustomerArray&); void pause(); private: int readInt(); }; #endif #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "View.h" #include "CustomerArray.h" #include "Customer.h" #include "VehicleArray.h" #include "Vehicle.h"

void View::mainMenu(int& choice) { string str; choice = -1; cout<< " **** Toby's Auto Mechanic Information Management System **** "; cout<< " MAIN MENU "; cout<< " 1. Print Customer Database "; cout<< " 0. Exit "; while (choice < 0 || choice > 1) { cout << "Enter your selection: "; choice = readInt(); } if (choice == 0) { cout << endl; } }

void View::printCustomers(CustomerArray& arr) { cout << endl << "CUSTOMERS: " << endl << endl; for (int i = 0; i < arr.getSize(); i++) { Customer* cust = arr.get(i); ostringstream name; name << cust->getFname() << " " << cust->getLname(); cout << "Customer ID " << cust->getId() << endl << endl << " Name: " << setw(40) << name.str() << endl << " Address: " << setw(37) << cust->getAddress() << endl << " Phone Number: " << setw(32) << cust->getPhoneNumber() << endl; if (cust->getNumVehicles() > 0) { cout << endl << " " << cust->getNumVehicles() << " vehicle(s): " << endl << endl; } VehicleArray& varr = cust->getVehicles(); for (int j = 0; j < varr.getSize(); j++) { Vehicle* v = varr.get(j); ostringstream make_model; make_model << v->getMake() << " " << v->getModel(); cout << "\t" << j+1 << ") " << setw(7) << v->getColour() << " " << v->getYear() << " " << setw(17) << make_model.str() << " (" << v->getMilage() << "km)" << endl; } cout << endl << endl; } } void View::pause() { string str; cout << "Press enter to continue..."; getline(cin, str); } int View::readInt() { string str; int num; getline(cin, str); stringstream ss(str); ss >> num; return num; }

VehichleArray.h #ifndef VEHICLEARRAY_H #define VEHICLEARRAY_H #include "defs.h" #include "Vehicle.h" class VehicleArray { public: VehicleArray(); ~VehicleArray(); int add(Vehicle*); Vehicle* get(int); int getSize(); private: Vehicle* elements[MAX_VEHICLES]; int size; }; #endif #include "VehicleArray.h" #include "Vehicle.h" #include "defs.h" VehicleArray::VehicleArray() { size = 0; } VehicleArray::~VehicleArray() { for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { delete elements[i]; } } int VehicleArray::getSize() { return size; } int VehicleArray::add(Vehicle* v) { if (size == MAX_VEHICLES) { return C_NOK; } elements[size] = v; size++; return C_OK; } Vehicle* VehicleArray::get(int i) { if ((i >= size) || (i < 0)) { return 0; } return elements[i]; }

Vehichle.h #ifndef VEHICLE_H #define VEHICLE_H #include using namespace std; class Vehicle { public: Vehicle(string, string, string, int, int); string getMake(); string getModel(); string getColour(); int getYear(); int getMilage(); private: string make; string model; string colour; int year; int mileage; }; #endif #include "Vehicle.h" Vehicle::Vehicle(string ma, string mo, string col, int y, int m) { make = ma; model = mo; colour = col; year = y; mileage = m; } string Vehicle::getMake() { return make; } string Vehicle::getModel() { return model; } string Vehicle::getColour() { return colour; } int Vehicle::getYear() { return year; } int Vehicle::getMilage() { return mileage; }

shopController.h #ifndef SHOPCONTROLLER_H #define SHOPCONTROLLER_H #include "View.h" #include "Shop.h" class ShopController { public: ShopController(); void launch(); private: Shop mechanicShop; View view; void initCustomers(); }; #endif #include "ShopController.h" ShopController::ShopController() { initCustomers(); } void ShopController::launch() { int choice; while (1) { choice = -1; view.mainMenu(choice); if (choice == 1) { view.printCustomers(mechanicShop.getCustomers()); view.pause(); } /*else if (choice == 2) { } else if (choice == 3) { } else if (choice == 4) { } ... */ else { break; } } }

void ShopController::initCustomers() { Customer* newCustomer; Vehicle* newVehicle; newCustomer = new Customer("Maurice", "Mooney", "2600 Colonel By Dr.", "(613)728-9568"); newVehicle = new Vehicle("Ford", "Fiesta", "Red", 2007, 100000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); mechanicShop.addCustomer(newCustomer); newCustomer = new Customer("Abigail", "Atwood", "43 Carling Dr.", "(613)345-6743"); newVehicle = new Vehicle("Subaru", "Forester", "Green", 2016, 40000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); mechanicShop.addCustomer(newCustomer);

newCustomer = new Customer("Brook", "Banding", "1 Bayshore Dr.", "(613)123-7456"); newVehicle = new Vehicle("Honda", "Accord", "White", 2018, 5000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); newVehicle = new Vehicle("Volkswagon", "Beetle", "White", 1972, 5000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); mechanicShop.addCustomer(newCustomer);

newCustomer = new Customer("Ethan", "Esser", "245 Rideau St.", "(613)234-9677"); newVehicle = new Vehicle("Toyota", "Camery", "Black", 2010, 50000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); mechanicShop.addCustomer(newCustomer); newCustomer = new Customer("Eve", "Engram", "75 Bronson Ave.", "(613)456-2345"); newVehicle = new Vehicle("Toyota", "Corolla", "Green", 2013, 80000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); newVehicle = new Vehicle("Toyota", "Rav4", "Gold", 2015, 20000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); newVehicle = new Vehicle("Toyota", "Prius", "Blue", 2017, 10000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); mechanicShop.addCustomer(newCustomer); newCustomer = new Customer("Victor", "Vanvalkenburg", "425 O'Connor St.", "(613)432-7622"); newVehicle = new Vehicle("GM", "Envoy", "Purple", 2012, 60000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); newVehicle = new Vehicle("GM", "Escalade", "Black", 2016, 40000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); newVehicle = new Vehicle("GM", "Malibu", "Red", 2015, 20000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); newVehicle = new Vehicle("GM", "Trailblazer", "Orange", 2012, 90000); newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); //newVehicle = new Vehicle("GM", "Vue", "Blue", 2015, 20000); //newCustomer->addVehicle(newVehicle); mechanicShop.addCustomer(newCustomer); }

shop.h #ifndef SHOP_H #define SHOP_H #include "Customer.h" #include "CustomerArray.h" class Shop{ public: int addCustomer(Customer*); Customer* getCustomer(int); CustomerArray& getCustomers(); private: CustomerArray customers; }; #endif #include "Shop.h" #include "defs.h" int Shop::addCustomer(Customer* c) { return customers.add(c); } Customer* Shop::getCustomer(int i) { return (customers.get(i)); } CustomerArray& Shop::getCustomers() { return customers; } #include "ShopController.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ShopController control; control.launch(); return 0; }

defs.h #ifndef DEFS_H #define DEFS_H #define MAX_VEHICLES 4 #define MAX_CUSTOMERS 6 #define C_OK 0 #define C_NOK -1 #endif

costumerArray.h #ifndef CUSTOMERARRAY_H #define CUSTOMERARRAY_H #include "Customer.h" class CustomerArray { public: CustomerArray(); ~CustomerArray(); int add(Customer*); Customer* get(int); int getSize(); private: Customer* elements[MAX_CUSTOMERS]; int size; }; #endif #include "CustomerArray.h" #include "Customer.h" #include "defs.h" CustomerArray::CustomerArray() { size = 0; } CustomerArray::~CustomerArray() { for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { delete elements[i]; } } int CustomerArray::getSize() { return size; } int CustomerArray::add(Customer* c) { if (size == MAX_CUSTOMERS) { return C_NOK; } elements[size] = c; size++; return C_OK; } Customer* CustomerArray::get(int i) { if ((i >= size) || (i < 0)) { return 0; } return elements[i]; }

customer.h #ifndef CUSTOMER_H #define CUSTOMER_H #include #include "Vehicle.h" #include "VehicleArray.h" using namespace std; class Customer { public: Customer(string="", string="", string="", string=""); int getId(); string getFname(); string getLname(); string getAddress(); string getPhoneNumber(); int getNumVehicles(); VehicleArray& getVehicles(); int addVehicle(Vehicle*); private: static int nextId; int id; string firstName; string lastName; string address; string phoneNumber; VehicleArray vehicles; }; #endif #include using namespace std; #include "Customer.h"

int Customer::nextId = 1000; Customer::Customer(string fname, string lname, string add, string pnum) { id = nextId++; firstName = fname; lastName = lname; address = add; phoneNumber = pnum; } int Customer::getId() { return id; } string Customer::getFname() { return firstName; } string Customer::getLname() { return lastName; } string Customer::getAddress() { return address; } string Customer::getPhoneNumber() { return phoneNumber; } int Customer::getNumVehicles() { return vehicles.getSize(); } VehicleArray& Customer::getVehicles() { return vehicles; } int Customer::addVehicle(Vehicle* v) { return vehicles.add(v); }

MAKE FILE OBJ = main.o ShopController.o View.o Shop.o CustomerArray.o VehicleArray.o Customer.o Vehicle.o

mechanicshop: $(OBJ) g++ -o mechanicshop $(OBJ)

main.o: g++ -c

ShopController.o: ShopController.h Shop.h View.h g++ -c

View.o: View.h g++ -c

Shop.o: Shop.h CustomerArray.h g++ -c

CustomerArray.o: CustomerArray.h Customer.h defs.h g++ -c

VehicleArray.o: VehicleArray.h Vehicle.h defs.h g++ -c

Customer.o: Customer.h g++ -c

Vehicle.o: Vehicle.h g++ -c

clean: rm -f $(OBJ) mechanicshop

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