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Hello this is my c# project, so if a want to build another form called cola type which when i click drink>>cola it shows types

Hello this is my c# project, so if a want to build another form called "cola type" which when i click drink>>cola it shows types of cola type button i wanted, now i can only do two layer of buttons and cant go futher more orwise i got error. i want three layers of buttons i want add a custom configuration Form that can click in and add items, such as toppings, can someone help me how to add another layer of button. following code is what i got so far.I can send you my database if you want

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace DynFormEx { // All non-fixed data for Forms are read from the DB // frmMain is instantiated for all forms public partial class frmMain : Form { public bool DEBUG = true; // DEBUG mode for testing public Button btnOper; // Button on Form to close or perform other Ops public Label lblTitle; // Title of Form public Button[] btnArray; // Button array for Form private FormConfigArr frmCfgArr;// Array of configs for all Forms in App public int frmCfgArrIdx; // Index of current Form public string frmType; // Type of Form public string frmImage; // Path of background image on Form

// Form constructor for a typFrmButton Form private frmMain(int instNum, string frmType, string frmImage, FormConfigArr frmCfgArr) { this.frmCfgArrIdx = instNum; this.frmType = frmType; this.frmImage = frmImage; this.frmCfgArr = frmCfgArr; InitializeComponent(); }

// Form constructor for a typFrmImage Form private frmMain(int instNum, string frmType, FormConfigArr frmCfgArr) { this.frmCfgArrIdx = instNum; this.frmType = frmType; this.frmCfgArr = frmCfgArr; InitializeComponent(); }

// Form constructor for first Form - called from Program.cs public frmMain(int instNum, string frmType) { this.frmCfgArrIdx = instNum; this.frmType = frmType; InitializeComponent(); }

// btnOper event handler public void btnOper_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btnOper.Text == "Exit") { // Dispose deletes Form this.Dispose(); // Close would keep instance of Form // This may lead to multiple unneeded copies in memory //this.Close(); } else if (btnOper.Text == "Settings") { // Dispose deletes Form this.Dispose(); // Close would keep instance of Form // This may lead to multiple unneeded copies in memory //this.Close(); } }

// Form close for typFrmImage Forms public void frmMain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Dispose deletes Form this.Dispose(); // Close would keep instance of Form // This may lead to multiple unneeded copies in memory //this.Close(); }

// btnArray[] event handler public void btnArray_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Cast sender as Button Button b = (Button)sender; // Cast Tag as ButtonConfig ButtonConfig bc = (ButtonConfig)b.Tag; // Declare reference to a frmMain Form frmMain nf = null; // Instantiate Form given type of Form if (bc.btnCfgTarget == "typFrmButton") nf = new frmMain(bc.frmOpenIdx, bc.btnCfgTarget, frmCfgArr); else if (bc.btnCfgTarget == "typFrmItem") nf = new frmMain(bc.frmOpenIdx, bc.btnCfgTarget, frmCfgArr); else if(bc.btnCfgTarget == "typFrmImage") nf = new frmMain(bc.frmOpenIdx, bc.btnCfgTarget, bc.btnCfgImage, frmCfgArr); // Show and transfer flow of contril to new Form nf.ShowDialog(); }

// Form load event handler - Set initial Form // and handle subsequent Forms private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // If initial Form if (frmCfgArrIdx == 0) { // Instantiate and fill frmCfgArr frmCfgArr = new FormConfigArr(); frmCfgArr.GetFormConfigs();

// Draw initial Form if(frmCfgArr != null && frmCfgArr.Count > 0 && frmCfgArr[0] != null) frmCfgArr[0].ConfigureButtonForm(this); } else // A subsequent Form { // If a Button Form if (frmType == "typFrmButton") { frmCfgArr[frmCfgArrIdx].ConfigureButtonForm(this); } // If a Image Form else if (frmType == "typFrmImage") { frmCfgArr[frmCfgArrIdx].ConfigureImageForm(this, frmImage); } } }

} }

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace DynFormEx { // The FormConfig class contains data and methods to draw a Form class FormConfig { // Form data read from DB public int frmIdx; // The unique ID for the Form in app abd DB private string frmTitle; // The title shown on the Form (none for none) private string frmImage; // The path of the image to be displayed for background public string frmType; // The type of Form (typFrmButton or TypeFrmImage fir this app) private string imgDir; // The directory (folder) that contains the app images

// Button data public ButtonConfig[] btnConfig; // Array fo Buttons for this Form public int numButtons; // Number of Butons on Form public int maxBtnRows = 3; // Max rows of Buttons on Form public int maxBtnCols = 4; // Max cols of Buttons on Form

// Calculated measurements private int frmWidth; // Maximized width of Form private int frmHeight; // Maximized height of Form private int btnWidth; // Calculated width of a Button wrt the Form private int btnHeight; // Calculated height of a Button wrt the Form private int btnStartPosX; // Starting X position on Form of first Button private int btnStartPosY; // Starting Y position on Form of first Button private int btnOffsetX; // Spacing X between Buttons private int btnOffsetY; // Spacing Y between Buttons

// Constructor for FormConfig public FormConfig(int frmIdx, string frmTitle, string frmImage, string frmType, string imgDir) { this.frmIdx = frmIdx; this.frmTitle = frmTitle; this.frmImage = frmImage; this.frmType = frmType; this.imgDir = imgDir; }

// Draw a Form to expand an image public void ConfigureImageForm(frmMain fm, string path) { // Set Form Properties // Maximize the Form fm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; // Remove the Form control box fm.ControlBox = false; // Remove border around Form fm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; // Read image from file Image image1 = Image.FromFile(path, true); // Set Image as background fm.BackgroundImage = image1; // Click event wiring fm.Click += new System.EventHandler(fm.frmMain_Click); // Stretch image to fit background size fm.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; // Get width and height of maximized Form frmWidth = fm.Size.Width; frmHeight = fm.Size.Height; }

public void ConfigureButtonForm(frmMain fm) {

// Instantiate Form Button and Label fm.btnOper = new Button(); fm.lblTitle = new Label();

// Set Form Properties - These are fixed // Maximize the Form fm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; // Remove the Form control box fm.ControlBox = false; // Remove border around Form fm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; string path = imgDir + frmImage; // Read image from file Image image1 = Image.FromFile(path, true); // Set Image as background fm.BackgroundImage = image1; // Stretch image to fit background size fm.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; // Get width and height of maximized Form frmWidth = fm.Size.Width; frmHeight = fm.Size.Height;

// Get sizes and offsets - These are calculated from Form width and height btnWidth = (int)(frmWidth / 6.5); btnOffsetX = (int)(btnWidth * 0.5); btnStartPosX = btnOffsetX; btnHeight = (int)(frmHeight / 7.0); btnOffsetY = (int)(btnHeight * 1.75); btnStartPosY = btnOffsetY;

// Create exit Button if in DEBUG mode if (fm.DEBUG) { // Set Text property fm.btnOper.Text = "Exit"; // Set location of Button on Form fm.btnOper.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(frmWidth - 80, frmHeight - 30); // Event handler wiring fm.btnOper.Click += new System.EventHandler(fm.btnOper_Click); // Add Button to Form fm.Controls.Add(fm.btnOper); } // Else put Admin Button on Form else { // Set Text property fm.btnOper.Text = "Settings"; // Set location of Button on Form fm.btnOper.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(frmWidth - 80, frmHeight - 30); // Event handler wiring fm.btnOper.Click += new System.EventHandler(fm.btnOper_Click); // Add Button to Form fm.Controls.Add(fm.btnOper); }

// Put title Label on Form // Set position of Label // Note that (0, 0) is the upper left of Form int thisLblPosX = frmWidth / 2 - 250; int thisLblPosY = 75; // Set Label Name fm.lblTitle.Name = "lblTitle"; // Set Label Text fm.lblTitle.Text = frmTitle; // Set Label Font color fm.lblTitle.ForeColor = Color.AntiqueWhite; // Set Label background color fm.lblTitle.BackColor = Color.Black; // Set Label size fm.lblTitle.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(500, 50); // Set position of text in Label fm.lblTitle.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; // St Font family, point and style fm.lblTitle.Font = new Font("Arial", 24, FontStyle.Bold); // Set Label location fm.lblTitle.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(thisLblPosX, thisLblPosY); // Add Label to Form fm.Controls.Add(fm.lblTitle);

// Put Buttons on form // Init Button count int btnCount = 0; // Position of current Button on Form int thisBtnPosX = btnStartPosX; int thisBtnPosY = btnStartPosY; // Instantiate the array of Buttons for this Form fm.btnArray = new Button[maxBtnRows * maxBtnCols]; // Loop through rows of Buttons for (int i = 0; i

// ToString to print Form data public override string ToString() { string s = frmIdx + " "; s += frmTitle + " "; s += frmImage + " "; s += frmType + " "; s += imgDir + " "; s += numButtons; return s; }

} // End class

} // End namespace

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Data.OleDb; //using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO;

namespace DynFormEx {

// Array of FormConfig for project class FormConfigArr : List {

private static string imgDir;

// Constructor for FormConfigArr public FormConfigArr() { // Get Image dir from DB GetImgDir(); }

// Get Image dir from DB public static void GetImgDir() { // DB objects OleDbConnection conn = null; OleDbCommand comm = null; string sqlStr; // Query image dir from DB try { conn = GetConnection(); conn.Open(); sqlStr = "SELECT fldImgDir " + "FROM tblApplication " + "WHERE fldID = 0"; comm = new OleDbCommand(sqlStr, conn); OleDbDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader( System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleRow); if (reader.Read()) { // Note that Access uses index of data given its // location in forst line of sqlStr imgDir = reader.GetString(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { //MessageBox.Show("Exception: " + ex.ToString()); } finally { if (conn != null) conn.Close(); } }

// Get Form config data from DB // This reads all the Form config data from DB public void GetFormConfigs() { // Number of Buttons on current Form int numButtons; // DB objects OleDbConnection conn = null; OleDbCommand comm = null; string sqlStr; // Read all Forms from DB try { conn = GetConnection(); conn.Open(); sqlStr = "SELECT fldID, fldFrmTitle, fldFrmImage, fldFrmType " + "FROM tblForms"; comm = new OleDbCommand(sqlStr, conn); OleDbDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader( System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleResult); while (reader.Read()) { // Use FormConfig constructor to instantiate Form FormConfig cf = new FormConfig(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetString(1), reader.GetString(2), reader.GetString(3), imgDir); // Add form to this List this.Add(cf); } } catch (Exception ex) { //MessageBox.Show("Exception: " + ex.ToString()); } finally { if (conn != null) conn.Close(); }

// Add Bottons to Forms for (int i = 0; i


// Get a connection to DB public static OleDbConnection GetConnection() { OleDbConnection conn = null; string connStr = File.ReadAllText(@"..\..\DBConnStr.txt", Encoding.UTF8); conn = new OleDbConnection(connStr); return conn; }

} }

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.IO;

namespace DynFormEx { class BikesDB {

public static OleDbConnection GetConnection() { OleDbConnection conn = null; string connStr = File.ReadAllText(@"..\..\DBConnStr.txt", Encoding.UTF8); conn = new OleDbConnection(connStr); return conn; }

public static string[] getFormData() { string[] sArr = null; return sArr; }

} }

image text in transcribedimage text in transcribed

image text in transcribed

image text in transcribed

All Access Obje Search... Tables EEE tblApplication EEE tblButtons EEE tblForms EE tbl Forms EE tblApplication tblButtons fldFrmTitle fldID 0 Huang's pizzahut 1 pizzas 2 sandiwich 3 drink 4 cola type fldFrmlmag fldFrmType Click to Add wallpaper. jpg typFrmButton wallpaper. jpg typFrmButton wallpaper. jpg typFrmButton wallpaper. jpg typFrmButton wallpaper jpg typFrmButton

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