3.16 LAB: Port Scan (Modules) nority, it is imorano understand cane Hit Crework and there are compos and they contain some sort of way Toport you first to five how Once you fedchod discover a lot of ideas for those of a can be formed to get information abouton pornice ning on those porte. A porto do packets to thoscorts and learning that can be you gun 10 that host or to cover our work Some common ports are Port 20 File Transfer Protocolo FTP Part 22-Secure Shell ortocol or SSH Port 23 Telnet protocol for un encrypted transfer Port 80 HyperText Transfer Protocol or HTTP Port 443 - MyperText Transfer Protocol Secure or HTTPS The Wit Knowni Ports are those from through 1023 We are going to simulate a portscan by filling a list with 100 random port numbers. The value will be wond as the wina dictionary where the values will be randomly generated integers 0/1 The O will be a closed port and a will be an open port You fiest Todo is to create a function called 'create_hot_Psytrat randomly generates a list of 10 IP addresses with random octets values concatenating the values into a string and opening it to a host list. The function returns the generated hoist The random values can be mited to a range of 10 to 200 Ec IP address should look like this: Your next TODO is to create another function called simulate scany that itentes through the host list received as ) and then creates a new list called oper.ports. The function should use a nested for loop that iterates through the host list, and then eates through the commandemedlete 3.16 LAB: Port Scan (Modules) nority, it is imorano understand cane Hit Crework and there are compos and they contain some sort of way Toport you first to five how Once you fedchod discover a lot of ideas for those of a can be formed to get information abouton pornice ning on those porte. A porto do packets to thoscorts and learning that can be you gun 10 that host or to cover our work Some common ports are Port 20 File Transfer Protocolo FTP Part 22-Secure Shell ortocol or SSH Port 23 Telnet protocol for un encrypted transfer Port 80 HyperText Transfer Protocol or HTTP Port 443 - MyperText Transfer Protocol Secure or HTTPS The Wit Knowni Ports are those from through 1023 We are going to simulate a portscan by filling a list with 100 random port numbers. The value will be wond as the wina dictionary where the values will be randomly generated integers 0/1 The O will be a closed port and a will be an open port You fiest Todo is to create a function called 'create_hot_Psytrat randomly generates a list of 10 IP addresses with random octets values concatenating the values into a string and opening it to a host list. The function returns the generated hoist The random values can be mited to a range of 10 to 200 Ec IP address should look like this: Your next TODO is to create another function called simulate scany that itentes through the host list received as ) and then creates a new list called oper.ports. The function should use a nested for loop that iterates through the host list, and then eates through the commandemedlete